

@jezmm / jezmm.tumblr.com

They/Them (NB) Comics & Pin-Up Artist This here is my personal blog for non-art stuff - reblogs, thoughts, memes, all the hot goss. If you're after my art blog, go to: JezMMArt For my weekly comic, go to: Chamomile Comic I don't cater this blog to an audience other myself, expect occasional personal updates but otherwise 90% reblogs - a mixture of fandom, comedy, social justice and awareness, queer and sex positivity, art and comics of all kinds. I use the tag "crappy stuff" for things that may be upsetting to read if you want to keep things light, and alongside tumblr's own filters and "nsfw" tag on (occasional!) inarguable stuff, I use the tag "slightly nsfw" for mild things you might be very embarrassed to be caught looking at unexpectedly. I'm generally quite spoiler-conscious regarding reblogging stuff at all recently after media has launched and using tags fittingly beyond that. Additional (Mostly Neglected) Blogs: The Endless Entertainment of Left 4 Dead Ragdolls (L4D Humour Blog) Beatroot's Bloop Bloopin' Blog (Phantasy Star Online Blog) JezMM Food (Food Blog) Phantasm Dyad (My previous, currently on-hold indefinitely comic project) JezMM Premium (???) (This profile box used to be pretty hefty on detail, a backup of all the stuff that used to be in it, including links to some of my odd tags for very specific stuff I like can be viewed here.)

Please go watch Sex Explained on Netflix. Not only is it a great resource for the basic sex education that is sorely lacking in the U.S., but some of ya’ll need to take a deep breath and remember the difference between fantasy vs reality. This purity culture thing that we’re going through right now is directly harmful to responsible, healthy sexual expression. BTW this woman, Lisa Diamond, is a noted psychologist and has been pushing for greater understanding of womens sexuality as a whole.



more fucking petitions because this clown car country cannot stop with the bigotry for 30 seconds

uk people it takes 5 seconds and you checking your email to verify

everyone else: rebloge please

As of Sunday 12th May, this petition is at 1,897 signatures.

“At 10,000 signatures...

At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament”


running into a trans girl while you're out and about makes the entire miserable errand worth it, whatever it was. like glancing upward at just the right time to see a shooting star. I spot a trans flag and it sincerely ceases to matter that the bus is crowded and it rained unexpectedly and my shoes are soaked through and my headphones are dead. I am happy to be on that specific bus on that specific day, because you're there too.


Saw a tweet of someone going like "there's a cis guy in our discord (the only cis guy in our discord) who only hangs out with mostly trans people....well at least he's cis for now 👀" and it's like....can we not?

"Oh, so you're he/they? So you're like, cis+, in that you're cis, but you don't feel like your gender identity assigned at birth is a crucial and necessary part of you? Huh, well it may be interesting for you to know that I was like that as well before I transitioned dot dot dot...."

I appreciate you sharing your story, random person who I have never talked to, but I'm expressing my identity because I feel confident in who I am, so while I understand that reflecting on your own gender is an important experience, I understand that because I've done it. And doubting my conclusions is kinda really shitty in the same way that misgendering trans people is.

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