

@maimusx-blog / maimusx-blog.tumblr.com

to manipulate. [ indie drr!! rp blog ]
          {//ಥ_ಥ ignorethegif Almost 4 months and almost 800 I’m silently sobbing over here because all the time I’ve spent on here is so precious and all of you mean so much to me! Honestly speaking, when I made this blog I never thought I’m going to reach this far with it. Ever since I’ve rejoined the role play community everyone’s been nice and welcoming (´∇`) There are so many of you I’ve interacted with yet so many others I really want to plot with but imreallyshy sorry.
          Anyways enough with the rambling; Thank you for prettying up my dash with your beautifully writing <3 And people with a ○ next to their urls have a small message! I apologize beforehand if I forgot anyone! ;A; /paps}
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I am who I am and there is nothing wrong with that. The days continue like they always have, bringing neither excessive desire nor despair, nothing’s changed. Yet I’m overwhelmed by this sense of fulfillment. I’m over here, you’re over there. If I’m your savior, then you’re mine.


◇◇◇◇◇ ;n; sorry I have yet to reply I'm working on it

send me a △ if you ever wanted to rp with me or a ◇ if like rp’ing with me; and a ▽ if you’d like a starter.

dont even worry about it ahaha!! i havent been here in awhile myself and im just catching up~~ take all the time you need! thank you tho, this means a lot. i enjoy rping with you as well!


Ten Things Shizuo and Izaya Have In Common That Has Nothing To Do With Fandom or Shizaya.

  1. They both have reputations that precede them.
  2. They both have a very narrow circle of friends or acquaintances because of who they are and they both have difficulties forming any sort of meaningful connections with other people.
  3. They’ve both turned out odd despite normal upbringings.
  4. They both have dysfunctional siblings that have played a part in who they are now and vice versa.
  5. They’re both on the fringes of society, by default or design.
  6. Each is a barometer of ‘normal’ for the other; Shizuo delineates monsters/humans for Izaya, and Izaya defines the pinnacle of annoyance for Shizuo.
  7. They both have issues with control; Izaya lives by it, and Shizuo thinks his world would be better if he had more of it.
  8. They both have issues with protecting; Izaya’s all about self-protection and self-preservation and Shizuo’s all about protecting other people from himself.
  9. They both have issues with esteem and an equally warped perception of it; Izaya has an inflated sense of self and Shizuo has a lower-than-dirt sense of self, and neither are accurate, and as a result…:
  10. They both have trust issues; Izaya doesn’t trust anyone else, and Shizuo doesn’t trust himself.
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