


b. 1987

Pools Scented Bubbles | Burbujas perfumadas


en ‘Balancing a blade on diamond grass (Balancing a diamond on a blade of grass)’ @ El Lobi


HUMANE TREATMENT | PERSONAL ATTENTION An energy therapy session. This particular therapy was developed as part of an investigation into alternative forms of healing, proposing art as a methodology that could ideally replace religious thought. Transforming the exhibition into a space that pretends to exist between a clinic and a church. Instructions -Approach therapist and sit on the chair provided -You may close your eyes during the session -Try to relax and enjoy the therapy -Breath

A performance by Chaveli Sifre featuring therapist Ramina Ra


Personal Attention, turning the gallery space into a healing center existing between a clinic and a church. It examined healing or relaxation therapies, more directly Reiki and ASMR and where these meet or collide, what they have in common. I invited my mother and aunt for an in-site Reiki performance to take place over a wave-like sitting sculpture, developed an ASMR video with a german actress/curator, presented my mother's magical crystal collection and printed the colors of my aura on silk as a self-portrait that was set to semi float over the wall. 


Mineralia, Recharge Station, a display of my mother’s personal healing crystals collection. My mother had been collecting healing minerals for years. Personal Attention is a homage to her obsession.

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