
To The Barricade!

@permets-tu-not-permettez-vous / permets-tu-not-permettez-vous.tumblr.com

Greetings citizens, I am Rebecca and this is my Les Mis sideblog that kind of turned into my main blog. She/her or they/them pronouns, nonbinary, ENFP, pansexual, history buff, Greek mythology nerd, and bookworm. Once a tumblr users mom said my hair was cute and it was the proudest moment of my life.

btw my courf rlly likes fashion design and its a hobby that has dominated an entire room in his apartment. frequent models/victims include ever-patient ferre, immediately accessible marius as his roommate and enjolras until he gets poked one too many times by the needle and storms out to make rage coffee with courf's fabrics still hanging off of him. his fav model tho is jehan who thoroughly enjoys the entire process and likes to help courf come up with ideas


Grantaire is actually a Québécois who moved to Paris as a teenager to study art. He learned Parisian French/Slang as a student though artist’s studios and bars.

So, not only are his ramblings long as hell, they are also in this bizarre amalgamation of french dialects and unintelligible.


pls I’m so lazy can someone write a fic for me where Grantaire is a stand-up comedian doing crowd work and he finds Enjolras in the crowd, who is there with Courfeyrac and Combeferre, and just bullies tf outta him


off topic but grantaire would post this (un)ironically and receive 20 missed phone calls, 5 voicemails, and 57 texts within the hour


There’s something about how Victor Hugo assures us that Monseigneur Bienvenue died peacefully by telling us his older sister stayed by his side until the very end. That, even after he went completely blind, she spent every night sleeping in the bedroom next to his, and spent every day taking care of him. And under his sister’s care, the blind bishop was more happy than he’d ever been in his entire life because “to be blind and to be loved is one of the most strangely exquisite forms of happiness . . . the supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves— say rather, loved in spite of ourselves— this conviction the blind have. In their calamity, to be served is to be caressed . . . light is not lost where love enters . . . the soul gropes in search of a soul, and finds it.”

And then when first describing Grantaire, Hugo writes that the only thing the skeptic had ever dared to love was Enjolras, because “[n]o one loves the light like the blind man.”

And then Grantaire spends his final moments by Enjolras’ side, just like the bishop died by his sister’s side.

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