
Cookie's Corner

@troid-ar-son-mo-shaol / troid-ar-son-mo-shaol.tumblr.com

My name is Cookie, Little, 18, USA. Feel free to message me!

As a masochist and a perfectionist, I always tell myself after a scene that I could’ve taken more, that I didn’t push myself far enough. Pain is a funny thing, and it’s so easy to forget how bad something hurt in the moment. When I’m in the middle of a beating, I hate it, it hurts like hell, and the logical part of my brain is wondering why I do this to myself.

The thing is though, it’s not really about the pain. Being strung up and punched, caned, flogged, paddled, and violently throw around puts me in a headspace where it’s impossible to think about anything else. It takes all those other thoughts running laps in my head and stores them somewhere where I have no access to them. Pain is the only thing that makes my mind quiet.

It’s the strangest feeling, standing up there naked and helpless, crying your heart out, with the acknowledgement that you asked for it. You asked to be degraded. You asked to be hurt. It’s not pretty. It’s not like the depictions you read about in books. There are no graceful tears; no beautiful screams. I ugly cry, and I shake, and I debate with myself in my head about whether or not I can do it. It’s not easy, even when you’re with someone that knows exactly where your limits are.

It makes you lose your sense of reality, and that’s what pain is about for me. Not only do the incessant thoughts chattering in my head quiet down, but I get an emotional release that is unparalleled by anything else. When you’re up there being beaten like that, you can’t really help the noises you make, and you don’t particularly care, either.

The only way it gets any easier is for you to let go, which is something I still struggle with. Fighting against the pain and trying to hold back the tears and the screams makes it so much worse. The second those walls come down, nothing else in the world matters but you, him, and the feeling of each of those horrifying implements. Time becomes incomprehensible, and your surroundings become irrelevant. The pain becomes calm.

And then it’s over. It’s over but the tears keep coming, your body keeps shaking, and there’s not much else you can think about. His demeanor changes, he takes off the rope that held me captive, and lays me down. That’s when the rest of my emotional blockades crumble. Talking is impossible, and he lets me lay there on his chest and cry until there’s nothing left. They’re tears of sadness, happiness, stress, anxiety, anger, and the feeling of being overwhelmed. It all comes out, and there’s no way to stop it.

I may always think that I could have taken more, but in reality, I get what I need out of it, I try my best to hold on, and that’s what really matters. I stood up there and trusted him enough to hurt me, I pushed myself past my breaking point, and there’s nothing more cathatic than crying your whole heart out with someone you trust so inexplicably. In the end, all I really need to hear him say is, “you made me proud”.

Anonymous asked:

What do angels actually look like per the bible?

Well, according to Ezekiel 1 they might look something like this…

According to Daniel 10 something like this…

According to Isaiah 6…

In Ezekiel 10… 

Again in Ezekiel 10…


Basically, when the people writing Scripture tried to describe what they saw when they saw an angel… they run into the end of their imagination… they can never quite seem to fully explain it because they had trouble even comprehending what they saw, let alone being able to describe it to someone else. 


Yeah, that’s usually how people responded to seeing them in the Bible…

There’s a good reason why angels’ standard greeting is ‘Do not be afraid’.

I used to listen to this radio show and one thing I remember because it was so funny was a Christmas special where an angel showed up to tell the shepherds about the birth of Christ.  The conversations went:

Angel: “FEAR NOT.”

Shepherds: *screaming*


Shepherds: *screaming LOUDER*


So demons are fallen angels but they don’t look scary because they’re fallen, that’s just what all angels look like…

Maybe that’s why so many Christians see visions of Saints or the Virgin Mary instead…like Jesus is all…no, no see being human made me realize sending Angels might not be the best idea. I don’t know if humans can handle this. So I’m gonna just send mom



God: The humans are scared.

Mary: Fine. I’m on it.

Jesus: It’s either Mom or the thousand eyed flaming wheel, Dad, do you really think the humans are gonna be chill with that when they’re terrified of spiders already?

God: Hey now, some of those spiders eat birds.

Jesus: …Dad…

God: …To be fair, Australian wildlife was my dark creation phase.

Australian wildlife was my dark creation phase


This is my new favorite post


i dont understand this at all and america scares the fuck out of me

This is the america they don’t want you to see

i love america

This is what you call Waffle House at 2 am when the bars close and everyone is drunk and hungry



Waffle House Aesthetic

this is making me so homesick


Stop the assumption that polyamory is synonymous with kinkster.

Stop the assumption that polyamory is synonymous with polygamy.

Stop the assumption that it’s okay to go up to any poly person and suggest a three-some, orgy, ect.

Stop the assumption that poly people should be up to having sex with anyone, any way, at any time.

Stop the assumption that poly people are sex machines who are dtf 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Stop the assumption that poly people are broken, or have been (emotionally, physically, mentally, or sexually) abused.

Stop the assumption that being poly is “just a phase” until “that special one” comes along.

Stop the assumption that poly people can’t commit.

Stop the assumption that poly people in monogamous relationships, or who are single “aren’t really poly”.

Stop the assumption that poly people all have the same background, race, religion, gender, and/or sexuality.

Stop the assumption that there is only one way to do polyamory.


since it’s a scary time to be trans: refuge restrooms is an app which maps gender-neutral/single-stall restrooms. it’s community-mapped, so it’s possible you might be the first person to log the restroom locations, but hopefully it’ll help some people.

please reblog this post if you’ve got trans followers. stay safe.

All Waffle House restaurants are suppose to have single stall restrooms if that helps any.


When he pisses you off so you wait until he's at work in sweatpants to send your nudes!


if i ever get a DUI, i’d like it to go like this 

do yourself a favor and watch this. seriously. but plz don’t drink and drive.

nature is amazing

DONT DRINK AND DRIVE, but yes please watch this it’s Fuckn GREAT


with this guys plethora of skills I honestly believed for a minute that he was just really weird and not at all drunk 



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