

an Allan post popped up on my main and I was hit with nostalgia so... here I am?

what’s the craic folks? anyone who followed me still active? in any case I don’t know whether to restart or remake or what I’m going to do so any input is welcome if anyone’s still about . c:

Alright so as you’ve all probably guessed by this point, I don’t really have a muse for Allan anymore. I just don’t feel motivated to get on here and write about him, and that’s ok. I’ve had a fab two and a half years and met awesome people through this account and loved writing with everyone!
So, this is a post to say the blog is going on an indefinite hiatus. I don’t want to delete it because who knows, I might feel like coming back in the future. And besides, I contact a lot of people through this account! So I’ll still check messages occasionally. Otherwise, mutuals are free to ask for my Skype, or one of my other blogs if they want to contact me.
See you on the other side.

“If I’m being truthful, I don’t know what it’ll do. The person to ask about that is Djaq.” Danielle wasn’t afraid to give him a pointed look in response. “I know it probably won’t taste nice but it’s meant to do a job and unfortunately, that isn’t to taste nice.”


     “I don’t see why it can’t do both,” Allan replied with a petulant look in his face - but still that almost constant glint in his eye that suggested he was enjoying the conversation more than he let on. “I mean, if she can conjure up something to fix this-” he raised his injured arm gingerly. “-then it must be an easy job to do something as simple as make it taste nice!” Allan insisted.


Snow blushed scarlet and averted her eyes upon hearing his question. She knew she had only herself to blame, but she shook her head, then finally managed to look at his face again after a minute or so had passed. “No, I have not. I am not sure when I would have had such an opportunity.”, she remarked, trying for humor but likely just showing her embarrassment. 


     “I don’t know either... but, yeah,” Allan looked away, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He took a deep breath, and resolved to simply jump into it. “Well, men have something down there that, um, well, when we’re little boys we called it a willy. And... during the bedding the man, well, puts it into the woman and-” he rushed to finish. “-spurts out this stuff that sometimes gets a woman with child. Good. Any questions?” Allan’s cheeks were now decidedly pink.


The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ). Aside from that, please REPOST instead of reblogging.

1. Sansa Stark (ASOIAF)

2.  Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games) 

3. Anne Boleyn (The Tudors/Historical)

4. Gwen Cooper (Torchwood)

5. Martha Jones (Doctor Who)

6. Ramsey Bolton (ASOIAF)

7. Bruce Banner (MCU)

8. Princess Kidagakash Nedakh (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

9. Peter Petrelli (Heroes)

10. Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)

Tagging: uh well because my activity’s been shitty lately I only really write with a couple of people. So @craftycraftsman and @fiierylocks!

It took Merida a moment to register that he had indeed said what she had thought he had. All she could do for a moment was stare at him, perplexed and yet happy that he had made such a statement. Thus far, he had proven to be her most challenging - if not entertaining - student she had ever had to tutor. Now that he was in the mood to study, she was not going to pass up the opportunity to get something, no matter how small at this point, finished.   Ignoring the creaking of the bed, she bent over the edge and recollected her book and pen from the floor. Eventually, she felt as though she would get so used to hearing the noise that it would not bother her at all. The thick text book was placed on her lap and opened to the first of the pages he had been assigned to study before Monday. It was a short time away, but she was determined to make it work. Her mouth opened, about to give him instructions as to how to approach the work, but another idea came to mind. He was completely focused on getting out his own supplies, giving her the opportunity to surprise him in return. She ducked her head quickly and pressed a kiss to his lips, it was chaste but it lingered there a moment longer than she felt was normal, hinting at her desire to continue to kiss him but knowing they had work to do.  Perhaps later…
She sat back up and smiled widely. “So… let’s get started.”

     It wasn’t a natural part of Allan’s mind, to focus on something that he found no interest in, but he could see the distant benefits of actually making use of Merida’s tutoring side. After all, the better he did in school, the better chance he had to make money in life. Or so he had been told. And he’d also, maybe, please the woman herself a little if he tried hard with his schoolwork. So Allan wrote the date on his paper in his untidy handwriting, and primed his pen at the top of the page. He had been about to look up and flash Merida a smile to tell her she was ready, but as he raised his head he suddenly saw her face extremely close to his, and felt the gentle and entirely unexpected brush of her lips against his.

     Allan was so taken aback at this sudden show of affection - or desire, he honestly had no idea - from Merida that he couldn’t react before she moved back again. He kept his eyes wide and his lips slightly parted in surprise, even as she looked at him with an entirely innocent expression, as though she started every study session in that way. Allan swallowed thickly. “Uh...” he stammered, and cleared his throat quietly. 

     “Right. Let’s start. So... Right. I have to write a mock business plan. What are your... tips? Advice? I suppose a tutor won’t just write it for me,” Allan stuttered out, gaining a little confidence as he spoke. But there was a clear tinge of pink in his lips, a show of emotion most unlike him, and his blue eyes still looked carefully at her, as though Merida would reveal her true intentions at any moment.


Danielle tried to avoid his gaze a little. “Yeah, yeah. I just didn’t quite expect you to think I’d be a good stand-in girlfriend to make your ex jealous, that’s all. I’m not even sure if I’d be good at it really.” Her shoulders shrugged a little. “I’ll give it a go though.”


     “Aw...” Allan spun around on his heel, swinging his arms out, and the groan sounded loud in the room that was suddenly filled with tension he could barely stand. “Come on! Don’t make me feel guilty about the whole thing,” he said, his expression pained. “So never mind. I’ll find someone else. I don’t want you to only be half into it, because then it won’t be convincing, will it?” he said, raising his eyebrows.


“No, she said it would help any infection if you have any, she’s just making up some bandages for you.” Danielle pointed over to where Djaq was busy preparing things. “So you want to make things better or worse?” She gestured to the tonic in her hand.


     “Well, better, of course,” Allan replied, shooting a pointed glance at her. “But... well, will it hurt? It’s sore already, and I don’t want some bandages shoved on roughly that’ll just make it feel worse. And I’ll only take the tonic if it tastes nice. I don’t see the point anyway - if I hate it, how will it make me better?” he said, and his face took on a childish pout.


I'm in Love With A Stripper

She laughed, toying with his fingers as she did so. “I mean, they made me smile, but not like you do. For example, not a one of them would have bent me back against the table at a fancy restaurant and kissed me like you did earlier tonight.” Merida kept hold of his hand as she stepped around the couch. Carefully, she laid down on top of him, their chests pressed against one another, noses brushing with their closeness. She beamed a grin and placed her hands gently on wither side of his neck. “I can’t stop smiling with you.” The words were whispered before she pressed a short, sweet kiss to his lips. Merida felt such an affection grow in her chest when she did so. She loved being with him, loved how frustrating he was and how he made her happy… and it was hard denying that she was beginning to fall in love with him. It was far too early to even think about love, she knew that and her common sense tried to beat her up for so much as thinking of the word, yet it had popped up anyway. Shaking herself out of it, Merida shifted sightly in order to rest her head on his shoulder, to enjoy their contact and the sound of his heartbeat. “You should definitely make some of that beer,” she commented. “I don’t know anyone else who would take the time to make their own when they could just go to the store.”

     His hands wrapped comfortably around her waist as she stretched herself atop him, and he met her smile with a wide grin of his own as his fingers wandered up and down her back, tracing random patterns across the fabric of her top. “Yeah, I have that effect on people. Part of the job, you know,” Allan murmured in reply, his smile audible in his soft voice. In return for the light peck of her lips, he pressed a brief kiss to the tip of her nose and let out a short giggle. It felt pleasant, comforting even, the weight of her atop him. It didn’t feel sexual or anything else that their relationship had so far been based on. There was something else, hovering just beyond the peripheral of his mind, and it caused an odd, full feeling in his chest. Allan wasn’t familiar with it. But so long as she made him happy - and he was certain that he did - he wasn’t about to try and get rid of that feeling.

     “Well, it’s just cheaper to make it yourself, you know. And why shouldn’t I get drink for less money? They don’t let us accept drinks from clients at the club, you know. I have to take shortcuts where I can,” Allan explained, his tone half-teasing. His eyes wandered briefly from her face and he spied the luminous dial of the clock on his side table: he started at the late hour. 

     “Bloody hell, is that the time?!” he said with surprise, his eyebrows raised. “Are you... well, do you reckon you’ll stay the night? I have to be at work by lunchtime tomorrow, mind - some of the boys want to rehearse the new group routine, and they’ll kill me if I miss it,” he told her, starting to sit up and moving her gently off his body as he did so.


She smiled, relieved when he agreed to tell her. “Well, I suppose I’m mostly just generally curious. What happens? How does one become with child? Does it happen every time or just sometimes or just eventually?”, she asked, knowing some couples who want children might not be blessed with them for years. 


     The easiest question was the first he answered, relieved that she had even asked an easy one. “No, it doesn’t happen every time. It’s a bit... random,” Allan told her. He shifted uncomfortably as he went on. “And how it happens... well, you’ve obviously seen yourself naked. Have you ever seen a man without his clothes?”

Anonymous asked:

4, 12, 20 and 30?

30 Uncommon Character Development Questions
4. Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?

Allan tends to ramble if he feels like he’s not being believed, going on to embellish his words more and more in an effort to convince people.

12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.

- He’s uncomfortable sleeping in an enclosed room.

- Loves the smell of wood smoke.

- Almost always puts his own needs before those of others.

- (outlaw verse) Can’t read or write, but can do some basic counting.

- Would rather fake it and claim he knows something than make a fool of himself and reveal that he doesn’t know something.

20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?

Probably Gisborne - in that it would make him appeal to Robin and possibly open up an avenue for him to advance in life.

30. Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?

Wild raspberries!

I’m sorry for not being around much lately - my motivation for this blog has kind of dropped and I’ve just started a new job so that’s taking up a lot of time. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back into it soon.

30 Uncommon Character Development Questions ( send me a number )

  1. What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this – optional.
  2. Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc.
  3. Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?
  4. Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
  5. What are their chief tension areas? 
  6. If you were to pick one song – and only one song – to describe your character, what would it be and why?
  7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
  8. Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts?
  9. Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
  10. If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
  11. What do they think of creation? Do they believe in evolution or do they believe in God? What is their religion like?
  12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
  13. Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something? 
  14. Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo?
  15. Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time?
  16. What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each.
  17. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? How do they handle big crowds of people?
  18. Are they a leader, do they prefer to follow, or would they rather just stay on the sidelines altogether?
  19. If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight?
  20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
  21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
  22. Does your character trust people right off the bat or does it take them some time to warm up to someone?
  23. Do they prefer romance or affection? What is the quickest way to your character’s heart?
  24. Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why?
  25. Do they have any weird bedroom habits? Any unusual kinks?
  26. How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble?
  27. If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be?
  28. Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets?
  29. Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why?
  30. Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?

Little Lies

Keep reading

     Suddenly it was all happening too quickly - the touch of Merida’s fingers on his member changed to the sensation of her wet slit against the tip, and before Allan knew it he could feel the warmth inside her, and he groaned in surprise and pleasure at the feeling. He wanted to push inside her more urgently, to thrust his hips forward desperately and hold her so tightly to his body that there wasn’t the slightest distance between them. But he held back. At least, at first: it took him a shaky breath and a few seconds of him closing his eyes and relaxing before he could move into Merida again, and his whole body went with him.

     As he entered her further, Allan leant forward until their chests touched. He moved his hands around her back and gripped tightly, almost crushing their bodies together and he felt as though he could even feel her heartbeat against his skin - but it was no doubt his own pulse, thudding intensely in his ears. He paused for only a second to meet her gaze. Then he began to buck his hips slowly, his member sliding almost all the way out of her smoothly before pushing back in, so Allan could feel her along his entire length.


I'm in Love With A Stripper

“Yes. Fear The Notebook. I’ve never liked it anyway,” she said as she pushed herself from the door frame. Instead of joining him, though, Merida leaned over the back of the couch and peered down to him. Her hand slipped into his, fingers entwining and holding gently. “Too corny, if ya ask me.” She opened her mouth to tell him not to tell one of the girls, but then remembered he had yet to meet her friends. Being as they had only made their relationship official tonight, there was not anything wrong with having delayed it, but she did wonder what her friends would think. He was right, there was a distinct difference between him and the guys she had dated in the past - a lawyer, teacher, and a convenience store manager, even one of her father’s co-worker’s sons. But there was nothing wrong with that. “I like that you’re different, Allan,” she said, running her free hand up and down his arm slowly, absentmindedly. “You’re fun and make me smile, something not all of the other guys could say they ever did.”  A kiss was pressed to his knuckles before she nuzzled her cheek against the back of his hand. “Maybe that means something good for us, eh?”

     He smirked. “Is that the horror-style sequel? Fear the Notebook? Sounds like a film I can get way more into, if you ask me,” Allan told her. Her fingers twisted into his and for a moment he was struck with the spontaneous thought to pull her over the back of the couch and into his lap, but the man thought better of it. He didn’t really want to injure her in that kind of way, and so soon after they had officially become an item. And beside - it might hurt him just as much, or at least leave unsightly bruises. Hardly the type of thing he wanted to show off at work.

     “Your other boyfriends couldn’t even make you smile?” Allan repeated, his voice incredulous and his eyebrows raised. He tilted his head backwards so he could meet her eyes, and her vivid hair fell down like curtains from her head and went either side of his face. The scent of her shampoo made him smile. “Jesus. That’s the least of my talents, you know. Making you smile. You wait until you try my homemade beer, that’s another talent of mine. But yeah,” Allan paused, and flashed her a bright smile. “I reckon it does mean something good for us. Wouldn’t mean much if I couldn’t make you smile.”

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