
You're gonna be bothered by how cool I am.

@elphabacee / elphabacee.tumblr.com

My general Tumblr, for squeeing about various fandoms (Hannibal, The West Wing, Harry Potter, LOTR, and others). I also have two West Wing themed Tumblers - westwingranked and westwingcharactersranked.

there is no medical component to a trans kid transitioning

if a little trans boy comes out to his parents & is like 4 all youd do for his transition is cut his hair, buy a new wardrobe, & switch pronouns & possibly change names

no one is gonna put a little 4 year old on testosterone OR puberty blockers until theyre actually about to start puberty & then they give them a few years to really decide if they want to start hormones

a trans kid existing isnt “child abuse.” child abuse is refusing to let your kid live their lives as they truly are & forcing them to present as a gender they arent

radfems who interact with this post will be blocked & your argument will not be read or even considered. i do not care about the opinion of a transphobe & my original post still stands.

a few years ago a kid in my preschool class transitioned socially and the only consequence was that as soon as her best friend discovered that changing your name is allowed she wanted to change hers to Detective


All hills are silent if you think about it

Not the ones alive with the sound of fuckin music, bitch


social anxiety will really have you doin dumbass things like looking at something like free donuts at work and thinking "they probably don't include me in the group of people who are allowed to take from this"


i can’t believe I had to read this sentence in a buzzfeed thing about BtVS with my own goddamn eyes how is it possible this has slipped from the mind of the collective conscious, people died in this conflict, know your fandom history jeeze


I have aged 700 years from this post alone idjksf

I’m having war flahbacks…


I sure hope that doesn’t mean the election will turn out like 1936 when the challenger, Kansas Governor Alf Landon, lost to President Franklin D. Roosevelt by an Electoral College landslide of 523-8.


Okay, but THIS.

My therapist only recently understood that when I said, “I don’t know how to make this phone call or make this appointment.” I very literally meant I didn’t know what to do. I can dial the phone, but what do I say EXACTLY? What questions are going to be asked? What do I need to have on hand? What if they ask me something I don’t know the answer to?

I’m one of those people that needs very specific and detailed instructions if I’m doing something for the first time.

Be patient with people. We all have our struggles. Sometimes it can make all the difference in the world knowing someone can spare a few minutes to care about you and walk you through something that’s hard for you.



From an adult who has been doing this for about a decade now: 

Remember that about 10% of any office’s weekly call volume is from people just like you who have never done this in their life. 

The mass majority of people who run dentist offices, insurance claim call centers, whatever - remember what it’s like to be completely new, and are generally happy to explain the steps and re-phrase themselves if you let them know what you’re having trouble with, and are kind and patient with them. 
You’re not inconveniencing them. You’re not burdening them. Call center folks are 1000x happier to speak with someone who is earnestly trying and needs some basic help on super simple things, instead of a pissy long-time customer who demands free shit. 
You are a bright spot in their day. A chance to actually help

So! Here’s the steps: 

I can’t tell you how much I needed this.

I had to ring my car insurance yesterday, which I’ve never had to do before. It was terrifying. BUT when I explained to the call center person, including calling myself a useless adult who can’t adult, and they were very kind. It’s always worth saying “I’ve never done this before” because they’re usually a kind human (apart from P.B in my office, who I won’t name, but you get her on the phone and good lord, you’ll want to throw yourself out a window. I think she wants you to throw yourself out the window too) who will assist you however they can.


Here’s the Subway Reddit thread they were referencing.


here's a carrd to send pre written emails to ask for justice for several of the victims of police brutality and racism


Heads up, everyone should be writing their letters, it’s easy to set up a filter and send pre-written emails directly to the trash bin or a spam folder, and it’s even more likely to happen with a hostile force like the police.

Better worded by twitter user jackcalifano

This is critical!!!


welp. i was THISCLOSE to posting an adolescent “i hate everything” post… and then i saw this.


Literally just let this play 8 times in a row and my smile never faltered even once 😁

This healed me….

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