
The Nowess

@nowess / nowess.tumblr.com

"Dreams" -Anonymous

One of the best stories humanity ever produced was a draft of a rewrite of the Epic of Gilgamesh written by a Ecuadorian poet in 1935. It was tossed into a fireplace by an angry boy and lost forever. Another of humanity's best was told 65,000 years ago and was overheard by a small tribe of embarked Neanderthals boating down a river in what is now northern Georgia. A short woman at the bank scrubbed a wooden idol in the water and sang an ancient tale in an unknown language. These two are eclipsed by everything produced by two brothers at the coast of what is now Cameroon between 503 BC and 490 BC, which they shared with some family and friends, and were beloved by everyone except a sour uncle.


Coño don limpio

mr clean off the shits

am fascinated by the implication that this person thinks that a backflip clean out of his pants and onto a swing would be easier


The Group of Czech-Slovak Surrealists, The Fortune Teller’s Surrealist Cards, 1999

Talent, The Decisive Encounter, Health The Messenger from the East, The Sacred Cow, The Predator Death, Grief, Bad Advice The Ideal, Crematorium, Bath Lovers, The Lover, Moderation


Cocaine was a stimulant used by a priestly caste of the middle period United States called businessmen in order to commune with The Market. [1]


Melanie Martinez wishes she was Grimes. Grimes wishes she was Bjork. Bjork wishes she was 2 inches tall so she could go inside the computer and have a big adventure


no other anime woman can compare to hana. it was love at first sight for me...

hana you have to keep going. you care too much. your kindness is too overwhelming. your cheerfulness is too upbeat. they need you


we have a right to BE safe not to FEEL safe

Like, since when did we decide that feminism was about making every woman feel safe? You’ve gotta go to some pretty heavy extremes to make that happen. For starters, you’ve gotta pick which women you’re gonna make feel safe. And then you’ve gotta exterminate every woman who your darlings get the willies about.

I mean, I get how it happened. Patriarchy was all, “When women say they feel unsafe they’re just lying, they’re fine.” So feminists were all, “Nuh-uh!! We’re gonna believe women who say they feel unsafe because they probably are unsafe!”

But that only works when you assume that women are only ever in situations where what we say is really how it is. Sure that’s true when white men are threatening white women. If a white woman says she’s unsafe in that situation I’m gonna believe her.

But fucksake we KNOW that we women can pull bullshit down race, class and trans/cis lines, among others. There’s some women on a hairtrigger for “you made me feel unsafe!!” when a Black woman comes along and calls them out, or when they see someone in a bathroom they don’t like.

It still almost works on me. When cis women go on about wanting to feel safe in bathrooms part of me says, “Well, y'know, we’ve got to believe women. That’s what feminists do? Right?” WRONG. Feminists (should) fight the power. That needs a bit more than “believe everyone”. It needs an analysis of power structures.

We have a right - that is, we’re fighting for the right - to BE safe. Fuck this “feeling safe”. Some women aren’t even allowed to “feel”. I see a lot of folks acting like some women don’t even have feelings, can’t ever feel unsafe, because we’re big strong tough matriarchal ballbusters basically men.

Maybe the biggest joke is when a woman gets to the point where a lot of the time she IS safe. She’s got enough power gathered round her that there are some situations in which she’s safe. Where, if someone attacks her, others will back her up. And then she goes calling that down on people with less power than her.

She looked at me mean! She said “die in a fire” and ohhhh she’s going to burn me alive! Oh, sisters, oh sisters, save me! Save me!

Come on. This bullshit is how men say we should act. If we internalise it we’re just eating shit. We have a right to BE safe. We don’t have a right to use our feelings as weapons against those with less power than us. We don’t have a right to retreat into the kind of bad faith where we half-convince ourselves that we’re right to use it this way.

We have a right to BE safe not to FEEL safe. Part of that means doing the work to be honest about our real situation, and those of our sisters, and examine when WE might be the threat. It also means not enabling those who try to twist sisterhood around to harm those it should help.

In her book The Right To Sex, Amia Srinivasan observes that feminism is a coalition movement, it necessarily requires that people of different identities and social classes draw together to fight for a more equal world, and one of the best things she says about this (although she may be quoting another feminist, I can’t recall) is that a coalition can’t be a “home”. Political coalitions are uncomfortable, and difficult, and require constant renegotiation and communication. They aren’t a safe, comfy, soft space for people to escape into. Feminism is a liberation movement not a blanket fort

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