
Athena Cykes

@drathenacykes / drathenacykes.tumblr.com

Independant Athena Cykes Roleplay Blog.
   Patches tried to take a deep breath. It was shaky and burned his throat. He could feel Eoleo trying to make himself vanish and Kisegawa just barely keeping him in place. You need to hear the rest, she said. Please. Please don’t disconnect. Not if you’re going to forget all over again.
   “Geiru…s-said she thought we were involved with Shisho’s p-plans. Like w-we were out to g-get her or s-s-something,” Patches croaked. “She said– She s-said she wanted to des-stroy everything. That no-othing meant anyth-thing anymore. It’s like– It’s l-like– we n-never existed. O-Or we’re suddenly a different p-person to her.”
    He tried to wipe at his face but the tears just kept coming back. It hurt. It hurt, it hurt– “We loved her…s-so much…She was everyth-thing to us. Was it– Was it all one-s-sided? W-Was Owen the o-only one she c-cared about? Why him? W-Why couldn’t she love us, t-too?”
   She’d hurt them. She’d discarded them. She made it look so easy.
   “Are we…A-Are we really s-so worthless…?”

No way! You are not worthless, none of you are! S-she can’t have meant that!” Right?? Not if they were real friends. And even though she didn’t know them very well....she didn’t think Uendo, any part of Uendo, was an idiot either. No way they got so close if it was just about Owen...she had to believe that. 


Sometimes, when people are angry, or scared...they say things they don’t mean. And Geiru was both of those things, from what I heard during that trial. She thought she was worthless, that everything she’d worked for meant nothing. And I guess she thought, you were trying to take that away from her. I proved that wasn’t the case, but I couldn’t take those feelings away from her. When she left the courtroom that day, there was still so much sadness in her heart....


But that doesn’t mean she meant what she said! I’m sure of it!


🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 from Trucy LOLOLOLOL


Trucy why–”  But that’s all she got out. Now she’s buried under a mountain of confetti. 



Send “🎉” to attack my muse with an obscene amount of confetti


[ I T ‘ S   T I M E   T O   S T O P ! ]

//Damn Sly, back at it again with rising from the dead.
Yo! I’m back in action with reviving everyone’s FAVORITE ambiguously furry son. Since I’ve been gone for a while, could you please give this post a LIKE OR REBLOG if you’re up to interacting with an Independent WOCKY KITAKI from the ACE ATTORNEY franchise? I’d appreciate it, thank you!
   They fell silent.
   Patches was the one in the driver’s seat, eyes down, carefully rubbing the scraped knuckle Kisegawa had used. The courtesan was practically vibrating, livid with rage, but so, so close to breaking to pieces.
   And in the backseat was Eoleo, curled up and watching with a rapidly, nauseatingly growing sense of dread.
   …What are you two hiding from me? he whispered.
   Patches swallowed thickly, turning to look up at Athena. Don’t do this. It’s all going to break, Kisegawa said faintly. She was probably right. Eoleo just barely remembered that they’d gone to visit her, and they’d convinced him that nothing particular had happened and the body has just passed out for “medical reasons we didn’t get checked at a hospital, probably”. He didn’t remember the shock. The hurt. It’d been too much for him to stay.
   Revealing the truth could make the memories come back and open all the wounds again.
   It was terrifying.
   Patch? K-Kise? What’s going on? I’m– W-What’s all this about?
   He’d said to trust Athena. He couldn’t shy away from this. She’d helped them in court. She could help them again. He had to trust her. He had to.

   He had to.

   “She said…She said that she didn’t deserve to live,” Patches croaked. “She said she didn’t deserve to live, and that– and that–” and he felt his eyes burn and the tears roll down and his voice die out into something hoarse, barely above a whisper– 
   “If it hadn’t been Owen, she would’ve killed us too.”

Well on the plus side, the level of discord in Uendo’s voice certainly dropped. She’d been right – some of the personalities were hiding things from the others. And now she knew exactly why. It was a bittersweet victory, to be sure.

I...I’m so sorry I...” She – no, he now, this was Patches now, wasn’t it? He was crying. She felt frozen in place....this wasn’t what she wanted. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go! Why would Geiru say something like that?? Hadn’t they been close? Hadn’t they been...?

Athena paused, and took a slow, deep breath.

If Uendo was falling apart, she couldn’t afford to do that too. They needed her, now more than ever. She had to think about this rationally, she had to get to the bottom of this. The discord might have lowered, but it was still there, and that meant there was more to this story still. But more than that, there was something really off about this, something fishy about Geiru’s claim. 

Why would Geiru have wanted to kill Uendo?

Maybe that was it; this felt like the oddly dramatic sort of ‘confession’ Simon might have made to protect her, if he thought it somehow could. She wasn’t sure if Geiru had anyone to protect, but she could think of a few reasons why she might want to push her former friends away from her. But she couldn’t jump to any conclusions, not yet. She needed evidence.

P-Patches....” she continued at last, trying her best to sounds more confident than she felt. “Did she say...why?


Some cute Valentine’s Day pictures (I assume) from the Ace Attorney Official Visual Book. I think they might be fanart? If anyone has the translations I’d love to know! They’re adorable so I thought I’d share them. Happy Valentine’s Day :)

Anonymous asked:

Thena! Have you got any plans for Widget besides courtroom therapy?


Well, I don’t know about plans, but I defintely use Widget for other stuff! He helps me in my research for some things too!

[ A L L L L   K I N D S   O F  T H I N G S ]


Stop making it sound weird….

Kisegawa pressed her lips. Let herself be sad? When was there even time for her to do that? She couldn’t, she needed to keep everyone together, and so she always piled anger and more anger to cover the sadness of having to think about the people who’d hurt her. Hurt all of them.
So instead of feeling sad she just piled anger, and piled and piled and piled and–
And drove her fist into the nearest non-human surface with a loud snarl. Somewhere in the back of her head she heard Patches yelp.
Kissy, t-that’s enough! You’re just hurting yourself! Let me take over! Please! he insisted, trying to claim the driver’s seat. She just tried to shake him off. They both had their hands on the wheel and it was hard for one or the other to stay at the front.
Athena jumped when Kisegawa’s fist mad contact with the nearest hard surface, not really expecting her to get violent. Or well, violent in principle, she supposed? Either way the, emotions she heard in the words that followed were overwhelming. Her heart broke for the woman – for all of them. But if she was going to help, she had to focus on her current task. She had to review what she knew for sure. 

When emotions overwhelmed people like this, she usually tried to pinpoint the specific cause of it. But this time, that was obvious....right? It was Geiru, Geiru's betrayal. And obviously she or someone else in there (one of the other identities maybe?) was feeling overwhelmed with sadness. 

So where was the discord? What was the inconsistency here? Maybe Geiru herself wasn’t the key to unlocking that...so much as something she did. Maybe that one part just now was about more than just framing Owen. Maybe the discord was between the personalities themselves, how they were dealing with the same event.


K-Kisegawe, please try and take a deep breath. I know this is hard, but I need to know more about that second statement. What did you mean by um...'she didn't just stab us in the back, she had to go and ram the knife in through the front, too'?

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