
Join me on a eclectic journey.

@lenmana-flutegirl / lenmana-flutegirl.tumblr.com

Taurean. Nature and Culture Lover. Musician. Hair, Fashion and Beauty Obsessed. Geek and Nerd.

Im basically fist fighting vegans right now. This shit seriously infuriates me! How can you call yourself compassionate but then completely shame someone who says they ate tuna bc they were severely depressed and how they felt HORRIBLE about it and was looking for advice so that wouldn’t happen again. No fucking wonder people think of us the way they do! Im so angry right now!

I know i said it before but i feel the need to say it again my blog is a JUDGMENT FREE ZONE.

For meat/dairy eaters, I will NEVER push my lifestyle choices on you and I will always show you true compassion, love, and respect. I completely understand that the vegan lifestyle is not for every person due to health reasons, living arrangements, financial reasons, etc.

For my fellow vegans, we are not perfect. You do not have to be perfect. Some of us will go off the diet, we’re fuckin human and its okay! Dont let any asshole elitist vegan bully you into thinking you’re a shitty person that doesn’t really care about animals. Those people just like to jack themselves off thinking how much better they are then everyone else. Fuck them. You’re wonderful, you’re doing great, just keep going taking it one day at a time!

For anyone who is interested in the vegan lifestyle or maybe is struggling with it, i am always here to answer questions, to listen, or just chat with. Like i said i will never judge you or push anything on you.

Sorry for my rant, I just needed it to calm down because I was ready to ask Persephone to throw down in a min. And believe me she was standing there just WAITING for me to tag her in! Lol! Love you guys! Hope you’re having a less infuriating day!

Here’s where your argument is seriously flawed: where you said “going off the diet” in context with veganism. Veganism is NOT a diet. It is an ethical position opposing the exploitation and abuse of animals. You’re painting vegans that fight to move the cause forward as “shoving our views in people’s faces”, and doing our own movement a disservice in the process. Any discussion about the rights of animals that we bring up is seen as “shoving our views in people’s faces”. We aren’t even allowed to talk about it without people getting pissed off, and people NEED to hear about it, so stop kissing carnists’ asses.

I understand that it can be hard sometimes. I understand that sometimes, you’re going to cave in to cravings and eat something you shouldn’t. But as long as it only happens every now and then and you amend your behavior to not do it again, it’s fine. Keeping on doing it, however, and making up excuses for it is not okay.

Before anyone comes after me for being ableist or whatever, I suffer from depression and anxiety too, so I get in those moods where I don’t want to do anything and I just want to lay in bed and die. But guess what? If I need a snack to stress-eat, I grab some vegan junk food. It’s as simple as that.

You should probably rethink your “I’m totally chill with people eating meat :) :) :)” attitude and how you’re calling veganism a diet before you call yourself vegan… you sound like a plant-based dieter more than anything.

I think its adorable you wrote all that out as if I cared enough about what you think of me and my life to read the whole thing.  But its okay because i’m sure I already know the gist of it. Vegans like you say the same shit over and over again, so once you read one you read them all pretty much. 

Though I will admit I did read the last part and had  VERY good laugh so thank you for that. I still stand behind my post and I’m still going to call myself a Vegan. Nice try though xD

I love how you somehow know what I said even though you admitted that you didn’t even read it.

Lmao thinking you’re cute with your little Sailor Moon gif, fuck you. If you take no issue with people eating animals, you’re not a fucking vegan. Don’t you have some yoga to go do or something, plant-based dieter?

I AM cute with my Sailor Moon gif! Thank you! You’re cute too thinking that you are some authority on all vegans and the community. Like you could ever be that important.

@opinionatedvegan You are the reason Vegans get a bad rep and people don't want to be Vegan. The Definition of Vegan in the Dictionary is someone who does not consume animal products. That's fucking it. A Vegan does not have to preach it to others. I can be Vegan for my own reason and not school everyone else and look down on people for not being Vegan. The Vegan Lifestyle is a compassionate movement. And there is no Compassion in being an extreme bully. Does attacking people turn you on?? Make you feel important?


When you have been gone from Tumblr for over a year and you look at your blog and realize it’s a complete mess because you had no Idea what you were doing before. You have random stuff everywhere and no good tag system.

Time to redo everything. More exciting info to come. A food/nutrition my personal story blog and a spiritual one to come.

Thanks to @seafoambeauty for inspiring me to do whatever it is that I am passionate about. Love you.

I am soooo excited to see where you go with everything! And you know i’ll be your biggest cheerleader supporting you the whole way bc I know you can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want to do! You’re so amazing!! I’m so lucky to have you as my bestie! Love you right back!!


When you have been gone from Tumblr for over a year and you look at your blog and realize it's a complete mess because you had no Idea what you were doing before. You have random stuff everywhere and no good tag system. Time to redo everything. More exciting info to come. A food/nutrition my personal story blog and a spiritual one to come. Thanks to @seafoambeauty for inspiring me to do whatever it is that I am passionate about. Love you.


Just a Head’s Up

This week I’m starting my reviews….OMFG SO EXCITED! 

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, I thought I’d give you a rundown how this is gonna work. 

I’m reviewing on a scale of 1-5 shelves. Get it? Shelves? Cause this blog is called the Endless Shelf? Clever, amiright? 

I’ll do at least two reviews a week - Something I’m currently reading and something I’ve read previously. Just because you didn’t read something the moment it was released does not mean you can’t go back to it now. I was embarrassingly late to the John Green train - I still haven’t read Paper Towns. Oops.  And I’m so old I’m basically made of mothballs, so there are some books from when I was actually a teen you guys must go back to. 

There’ll be other stuff thrown up on here, but I’m not great to keeping a schedule. Unless it involves food, then I’m always on time. Oh look, it’s pizza-o-clock! 

That’s all I’ve got. Questions and concerns can be left in the suggestion box located not anywhere I can read them. 

Happy Reading!

- Christine 

Hey everyone my fellow bookseller and friend is starting a book blog. Go follow her!! You won’t regret it.


i’ve been seeing a LOT of people who don’t know about this and i feel i may as well make a post about it to 1) help people get that $$$ in neko atsume and 2) to End Tubbs Hate

when tubbs eats ur food, do not refill the bowl until he leaves!! if you refill the bowl and force him to leave early, he will leave some single digit number of silver fish. if you wait until tubbs leaves of his own accord and then refill the bowl when he’s gone, he will give u anywhere from 25-60 silver fish or a small number of gold fish.

if you dont rush tubbs, let him take his time, treat him well, he will reward u!!


Here are a few more images from Tokyo Disneyland’s Stitch Encounter.  Since the attraction is in Japan, we made sure to include plenty of shots featuring distinct references to Japan’s culture and landscape (as well as references to Tokyo Disneyland itself of course).  So here are some of my favorite images of Stitch’s experiences in Asia!

i love these so freaking much

Another reason to go to Japan @seafoambeauty


Earlier this year, I had the awesome opportunity to work on Tokyo Disneyland’s Stitch Encounter.  I got to storyboard many of the shots used in the preshow, contributing a lot of my own ideas as well as fleshing out others’ suggestions.  Then I got to do the vast majority of the final character art while fellow Imagineer (and BYU graduate) Liz Richards painted the backgrounds.  

The story is that as you enter the attraction, you are coming in to a “Stitch Monitoring Station.”  The Galactic Federation has sent out a horde of these little red robots called PHOOG’s (Prototype Hovering Orbital Observation Gatherer) to follow Stitch as he travels and explores the world, keeping track of his “badness levels.”  So these shots (which are shown above the queue, as you can see in the top image) are pictures which the PHOOG’s have sent back, documenting Stitch’s antics around the world.  You then pass from this monitoring room into a theater where you get to talk to Stitch live.  You can see the whole experience on Youtube here.

Over the next few days, I’ll be posting some of my favorite images I got to do for the show.  So for today, here are Stitch’s adventures from Africa and Australia!  

OMG this is the most fantastic thing ever!!!! And look at Stitch he’s actually drawn ON MODEL!!! I am DYING! 

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