My name is Courtney, and I love you.

@taylor-dibbles-and-mipsy /

| Taylor Swift follows me, so I have to up my game from shit posts, to quality shit posts |
| she/he/they |

Earlier today, a friend remarked: “I don’t understand. The way you are reacting, it’s almost like you knew someone in the club.”

Here’s the thing you need to understand about every LGBT person in your family, your work, and your circle of friends:

We’ve spent most of our lives being aware that we are at risk.

When you hear interviewers talking to LGBT folks and they say “It could have been here. It could have been me,” they aren’t exaggerating. I don’t care how long you’ve been out, how far down your road to self acceptance and love you’ve traveled, we are always aware that we are at some level of risk.

I’m about as “don’t give a shit what ANYONE thinks” as anyone you’ll ever meet… and when I reach to hold Matt’s hand in the car? I still do the mental calculation of “ok, that car is just slightly behind us so they can’t see, but that truck to my left can see right inside the car”. If I kiss Matt in public, like he leaned in for on the bike trail the other day, I’m never fully in the moment. I’m always parsing who is around us and paying attention to us. There’s a tension that comes with that… a literal tensing of the muscles as you brace for potential danger. For a lot of us, it’s become such an automatic reaction that we don’t even think about it directly any more. We just do it.

And then… over the last few years, it started to fade a little. It started to feel like maybe things were getting better. A string of Supreme Court decisions. Public opinion shifting to the side of LGBT rights. Life was getting better. You could breathe a little bit.

What happened with this event was one of two things that are pretty dramatically demonstrated by how Matt and I are reacting to this. Matt came out fairly late, during the golden glow of the changing tide. He’s never dealt with something like this. It’s literally turned him inside out emotionally because all that stuff he read about that was just “then” became very much “NOW”. For me, I’ve had some time to adjust to the idea that people hate us enough to kill us. Matthew Shepherd was my first real lesson in that. So this weekend was a sudden slap in the face, a reminder that I should never have let my guard down, should never have gotten complacent… because it could have been US.

Every LGBT person you know knows what I’m talking about. Those tiny little mental calculations we do over the course of our life add up… and we just got hit with a stark reminder that those simmering concerns, those fears… they probably won’t ever go away. We’ll never be free of them. Additionally, now we just got a lesson that expressing our love could result in the deaths of *others* completely unrelated to us. It’s easy to take risks when it’s just you and you’ve made that choice. Now there’s this subtext that you could set off someone who kills other people who weren’t even involved. And that’s just a lot.

That’s why I’m personally a bit off balance even though (or because, depending on how you look at it) I live in Texas and was not personally effected by this tragedy. Don’t get me wrong: nothing will change. I will still hold my husband’s hand in public. I will still kiss him in public. We’ll still go out and attend functions and hold our heads high.

But we will be doing those mental calculations for the rest of our lives. Those little PDAs you take for granted with your spouse. They come with huge baggage for us. Every single one is an act of defiance, with all that entails.

So do me a favor. Reach out to that LGBT person in your life. Friend, co-worker, or family. Just let them know you are thinking of them and you love them. That will mean the world to them right now. I promise you.

Because I can’t express myself like he does. Share with anyone who doesn’t understand.


This. Please don’t let this die. Cause we are going to.


Satisfied by Alysha on August 9, 2016. Lexi Lawson as Eliza, Javier Muñoz as Hamilton, Thayne Jasperson as Laurens/Phillip, Sasha Hutchings as Peggy/Maria Reynolds, Andrew Chappelle as Lafayette/Jefferson


Per request, Say No To This from August 9, 2016

 Sasha Hutchings as u/s Peggy/Maria. Javier Muñoz as Hamilton, Austin Smith as Burr, Sydney James Harcourt as James Reynolds.


Another request: The Schuyler Sisters from August 9, 2016

Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Angelica), Lexi Lawson as Eliza, Sasha Hutchings as Peggy/Maria, and Austin Smith as Burr


It’s Quiet Uptown from August 9, 2016

Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Angelica), Javier Muñoz as Hamilton, and Lexi Lawson as Eliza


Dear everyone who says “Oh it doesn’t matter who I vote for, Trump will never win”… it does matter. It absolutely does matter.

Britain gave in to the racist and xenophobic rhetoric. And the consequences to the EU - and to the world at large - will be catastrophic.

I don’t care if you hate Hillary. I don’t care if you think Hillary killed your cat and stole your yogurt. I don’t care. You have to vote for her. You HAVE to vote for her. You cannot allow a megalomaniac racist piece of shit like Donald Trump become the President of the United States of America.

Do not give in to fear and hatred. Do not allow xenophobia and bigotry to run this nation. Do not. Do not. Do not.

I never thought I’d see the day where a nation like Great Britain allowed hatred and fear to rule. Don’t let that happen here.

The repercussions of the referendum are going to be felt worldwide. Trump elected into power during such a time of worldwide turmoil is even more horrifying than it was before. I’m so nervous about the future of the world.

tbh we just cant go from Obama to Trump


don’t 👏 call 👏 yourself 👏 a 👏 taylor 👏 swift 👏 fan 👏 unless 👏 you 👏 still 👏 keep👏 a 👏 picture 👏 of 👏 this 👏 candid 👏 in 👏 your 👏 fridge 👏 so 👏 that 👏 they’ll 👏 always 👏 be 👏 dancing 👏 around 👏 the 👏 kitchen 👏 in 👏 the 👏 refrigerator 👏 light


I’m not a fan of fake ass bitches who make up fake ass stories about fake ass relationships.

I’m 👏 not 👏 a 👏 fan 👏 of 👏 dumb 👏 ass 👏 bitches 👏 who 👏 spread 👏 fake 👏 shit 👏 about 👏 other 👏 more 👏 successful 👏 women 👏 because 👏 they’re 👏 sheep 👏 and 👏 can’t 👏 form 👏 opinions 👏 of 👏 their 👏 own 👏

Yeah. I would respond to that ignorance, but me and Taylor have something in common. We don’t give two fucks about you or her stupid ass fans. Keep making her rich, plz. She loves it! 😘

the 👏 funny 👏 thing 👏 is 👏 we 👏 love 👏 making 👏 her 👏 rich 👏 that’s 👏 why 👏 she’s 👏 more 👏 successful 👏 than 👏 whoever 👏 you 👏 Stan 👏 now 👏 get 👏 the 👏 fuck 👏 off 👏 my 👏 blog 👏 so 👏 I 👏 can 👏 go 👏 watch 👏 the 👏 1000 👏 YouTube 👏 videos 👏 that 👏 prove 👏 she 👏 loves 👏 the 👏 shit 👏 out 👏 of 👏 us

What kind of drag…lol you guys made your fave the most successful recording artist and highest paid celeb on the planet. How lame.

even 👏 if 👏 she 👏 told 👏 me 👏 she 👏 hated 👏 me 👏 to 👏 my 👏 face 👏 I’d 👏 still 👏buy 👏 her 👏 album 👏 and 👏 be 👏 happy 👏 that 👏 she 👏 was 👏 rich 👏 and 👏 successful 👏 AF 👏 because 👏 at 👏 least 👏 she 👏 does 👏 shit 👏 with 👏 her 👏 money



also when i say sirius black is a drama queen what i actually mean is that sirius black had an abusive childhood with awful, bigoted parents, lived through and fought in the first wizarding war, lost two of his closest friends was betrayed by a third and seperated from the fourth, spent 12 years in a cell being forced to relive all of his worst memories, before escaping prison only find himself in the midst of another war and being forced into his abusive childhood home whilst suffering from depression/ptsd and generally he brushed everything off and acted like he didn’t give a damn (maybe he broke down once/twice in front of james bc it was james so he could) but generally he internalized shit and did not make a big deal out of things he would be perfectly entitled to make a big deal out of…. but at the same time he would wax poetic for two hours about the bitter sting of betrayal after remus stole his eggs at breakfast

*Slams fist on table* I’ve been on this website for three and a half years and I’ve never seen such a perfect post about Sirius Black.



We are only missing 9 of the surprise songs, and you guys did wonderfully on getting us the missing surprise guests, so we decided to see if you could help us out again!

We are missing full videos for:  

  1. Fifteen - St. Paul Night 1 (Sept. 11) 
  2. You Belong With Me - St. Paul Night 3 (Sept. 13) 
  3. You Belong With Me - Kansas City Night 1 (Sept. 21) 
  4. You Belong With Me - Nashville Night 1 (Sept. 25)
  5. Fifteen - St. Louis Night 2 (Sept. 29)*
  6. Fearless - Omaha Night 2 (Oct. 10) 
  7. Fifteen - Fargo (Oct. 12) 
  8. Fifteen - Lexington (Oct. 20) 
  9. Fifteen - Miami (Oct. 27) 

What if someone got bitten by a vampire, but didn’t realize it. So then they go around and keep misidentifying all the symptoms, like

“Dude, you haven’t gone outside in a while.” “Yeah, last time I went out I got this wicked sunburn.”

“Are you still up?” “Yeah, I started bing watching this show on Netflix.”

“Dude, I’m seriously craving something right now.” “Like what?” “I dunno. Pizza rolls?”

“Why is it that you never come into my house unless I invite you?” “Um, it’s called ‘being polite’…?”


“I tried cooking with garlic the other night and got this serious burn on my hand. I think I’m allergic, but all I’m getting on Google is vampire bullshit.”

“Dude can a mirror like… stop working or something?”


“Dude, why do you keep posting pictures of the floor?” “…Those are meant to be selfies, I guess my camera must be broken.”

“Dude, I am all for you expressing your religious beliefs, but could you not wear your crucifix when I’m around? It really bugs me for some reason.”

“Have you ever noticed how cute bats are? like really noticed? sweet lil balls of fluff with wings man.”

“I want to sleep in a coffin…ya kno, for like… aesthetic”

“What’s with your thing about necks lately?”



Going through old pictures today, because Selena Gomez just turned 24! I can’t imagine my life without you, Selena. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

“Using the word ’wonderstruck’ [in the lyrics] was done on purpose, because that’s a word which that person used one time in an e-mail, so I purposely wrote it in the song, so he would know.”
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