
What's superliminal?

@whatssuperliminal / whatssuperliminal.tumblr.com

Currently re-addicted to the X-Files. Shipping since my first fandom. Been clicking "yes" on smut since I was 13. Now 32. Also known as BananAg.

Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein is not the monster.

Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein is the monster.

I said many ignorant people nowadays thought ‘Frankenstein’ was the name of the monster, and not of the scientist who created him. Mary Shelley said, ‘That’s not so ignorant after all. There are two monsters in my story, not one. And one of them, the scientist, is indeed named Frankenstein.’ 

(Kurt Vonnegut)

It makes you want to give Mary Shelley a high five. I’m glad she knew how brilliant she was all along. 

Proof once again that women know where shit is at. People argue nature versus nurture and she was already saying it doesn’t mean shit in 1818. You are your choices; ‘cool motive still murder’ at it’s finest.


nem sirok csak 65ezren belementek a szemembe

A crowd of 65,000 sings ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ perfectly while waiting for a Green Day concert



1. how the fuck did Green Day follow that

2. you know, we have fun here, with the word “meme,” but according to meme theory, which is an actual thing pioneered by reptilian human impersonator Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, most of what we call memes are very unsuccessful memes. A meme, in the scientific sense - if one is generously disposed to consider memetics a science on any particular day - is an idea that acts like a gene. That is, it seeks to replicate itself, as many times as possible, and as faithfully as possible.

That second part is important. A gene which is not faithful in its replication mutates, sometimes rapidly, sometimes wildly. The result might be cancer or a virus or (very very very rarely) a viable evolutionary step forward, but whatever the case, it is no longer the original gene. That gene no longer exists. It could not successfully reproduce itself.

The memes we pass around on the internet are, in general, very short lived and rapidly mutating. It’s rare for any meme to survive for more than a year: in almost all cases, they appear, spread rapidly, spawn a thousand short-lived variations, and then are swiftly forgotten. They’re not funny anymore, or interesting anymore. They no longer serve any function, and so they’re left behind, a mental evolutionary dead end.

This rendition of Freddie Mercury’s immortal opera Bohemian Rhapsody is about the most goddamned amazing demonstration of a successful meme I’ve ever seen. This song is 42 years old, as of 2017. FORTY TWO YEARS OLD. And it has spread SO far, and replicated itself across the minds of millions of people SO faithfully, that a gathering of 65,000 more or less random people, with nothing in common except that they all really like it when Billie Joe Armstrong does the thing with the guitar, can reproduce it perfectly. IN PERFECT TIME. THEY KNOW THE EXACT LENGTH OF EVERY BRIDGE. THEY EVEN GET THE NONSENSE WORDS RIGHT. THEY DIVIDE THEMSELVES UP IN ORDER TO SING THE COUNTER-CHORUS. 

“Yeah, Pyrrhic, lots of people know this song.”

Listen, you glassy-eyed ninny: our species’ ability to coherently pass along not just genetic information, but memetic information as well, is the reason we’re the dominant species on this planet. Language is a meme. Civilization is a collection of memes. Lots of animals can learn, but we may be the only animal that latches onto ephemera - information that doesn’t reflect any concrete reality, information with little to no immediate practical application - and then joyfully, willfully, unrelentingly repeats it and teaches it to others. Look at how wild this crowd is, because they’re singing the same song! It doesn’t DO anything. It’s not even why they showed up here today! If you sent out a letter to those same 65,000 people that said, “Please show up in this field on this day in order to sing Bohemian Rhapsody,” very few of them would have showed up. But I would be surprised to meet a single person in that crowd who joined in the singing who doesn’t remember this moment as the most amazing part of a concert they paid hundreds of dollars to see.

And they’re just sharing an idea. It’s stunning and ridiculous. Something about how our brains work make us go, “Hey!! Hey everybody!! I found this idea! It’s good! I like it! I’m going to repeat it! Do you know it too?? Repeat it with me! Let’s get EVERYBODY to know it and repeat it and then we can all have it together at the same time! It’s a good idea! I’m so excited to repeat it exactly the way I heard it, as loudly as I can, as often as possible!!”

This is how culture happens! This is how countries happen! Sometimes a persistent, infectious idea - a meme - can be dangerous or dark. But our human delight at clutching up good memes like magpies and flapping back to our flock to yell about them to everyone we know is why we as a species bothered to start doing things like “telling stories” and “writing stuff down.”

“That’s a lot of spilled ink for a Queen song, Pyrrhic.”

Man I just fucking love people.

Posted this before but man i love this


reblog for noises

That sounds fake but okay

Tell my cat that while he tries to locate the crying kitten in my room…

so my roommate’s cat just started BANGING ON MY DOOR and yelling bc of the kitten. i’m imagining – “why is there a baby?! TIO WHY DO YOU HAVE A BABY. GIVE ME BABY. YOU ARE NOT EQUIPPED TO HANDLE. TIO. TIO LISTEN TO ME.”


My dog started freaking out. She thinks she hears a cat.

Lol that woke the Spoop Monster

The Gi was minorly concerned, but quickly lost interest.  

My sweet little Maeve was very concerned about the baby cat.


Rupert Graves on Sport Relief with ‘Swimming for men’.

Rupert is the only one in blue flip-flops & the only one with a wrist band (not sure if watch or fitbit) on, if you’re having trouble spotting him… or just look out for how gorgeous he looks in that suit!! Please donate to sport relief if you can, the rest of the video to follow.

Sorry about the low quality - blame Tumblr limit. Posted with fair use as it’s a small part of a huge programme & for discussion on how fit Rupert (still) is! If you’re official & want this deleted please message me.

Thanks for posting for those who couldn’t see it! (If you can convice the BBC you’re in the UK then you can watch it here from about the 1:33 mark.)

I think that’s just the usual string bracelet type thing we quite often see Rupert with - you could see it more clearly in the studio segment:


Wonder if the outfit was making him a little self-conscious?!


Destroy the idea that in gay couples one has to be masculine and one has to be feminine to imitate heterosexuality

But also destroy the idea that if one is masculine and one is feminine, then they are trying to imitate heterosexuality.

destroy everything




She’s back! Since she was such a hit last year, here’s Little Miss’ first snow day of 2017.


I love her

not to be dramatic but i’d fucking die for Little Miss

NOoooo just come and cuddle her. She is a soft and sensitive floof and she will love you.

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