
gud bespare danmark

@useless-denmarkfacts / useless-denmarkfacts.tumblr.com

The smallest country with the biggest superiority complex I'm the Admiral and my personal blog is @ace-the-history-fangirl Also run by mod Bang and mod Tycho (Tycho is Faroese, not Danish fyi)

I remember discovering the fire of Notre Dame on tumblr, so I'm very sorry to inform everyone that the Danish Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, completed in 1625, is burning. Its unique spire has fallen, and as the building is, to a larger degree than Notre Dame, made of wood, mortar, and stucco, there may be very real structural damage. As you can see from the image, they were in the process of restoring it, just as it was the case with the church. Very real reconsideration should be done to how we restore very old buildings if we keep setting them on fire during the work.

People off the street have been seen running into the building and bringing out historical art pieces, primarily paintings. If you are close by, DO NOT do this! I know it appears the heroic thing to do, but no human life is worth the risk to save a painting, no matter how significant.

Before all this:


The fire is now under control, and the firefighters are dealing with the embers. It has been possible to save the superstructure, that is to say the outer walls, foundational supports, and main inner supports, but about half of the interior is completely burnt out.

The people who were seen running into the building were misreported as people off the street - they were, thankfully, employees and specialists who knew what was where, and who were let in by the firefighters while it was deemed safe. Hundreds of artworks and pieces of cultural importance have been removed under police escort to the National Museum and its storage and restoration facility in the nearby town of Brede, where they'll be indexed and carefully looked after by the best experts in the country.

Danish Business, who has their headquarters in the Stock Exchange, has sworn that no matter what the damage, they will rebuild. This has happened once before with a Christian 4th building, namely Frederiksborg Castle, where Carlsberg ended up buying and restoring the building when it burnt to a similar state in the late 19th century. One can only hope that this time the result will be as historically aware and beautiful, and that no one lets Bjarke Ingels close to the site...

Nothing left but a burnt out husk now.

Incredibly Bad News

On the evening of April 18th, 2024, the outer walls on the Stock Exchange collapsed. A photo taken from the next door Christiansborg Palace tower shows the extent of this new devastation: the intact parts of the building have also been ruined thanks to the collapse of the outer superstructure, and the fire has rekindled due to the new material:


Admiralen går med et lille spørgsmål til folket: ville i, sådan rent teoretisk, kunne finde på at lytte til admiralens blide røst der taler om historiske og arkæologiske sager på YouTube? For altså. Jeg går sådan og overvejer at starte en kanal.


I remember discovering the fire of Notre Dame on tumblr, so I'm very sorry to inform everyone that the Danish Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, completed in 1625, is burning. Its unique spire has fallen, and as the building is, to a larger degree than Notre Dame, made of wood, mortar, and stucco, there may be very real structural damage. As you can see from the image, they were in the process of restoring it, just as it was the case with the church. Very real reconsideration should be done to how we restore very old buildings if we keep setting them on fire during the work.

People off the street have been seen running into the building and bringing out historical art pieces, primarily paintings. If you are close by, DO NOT do this! I know it appears the heroic thing to do, but no human life is worth the risk to save a painting, no matter how significant.

Before all this:


The fire is now under control, and the firefighters are dealing with the embers. It has been possible to save the superstructure, that is to say the outer walls, foundational supports, and main inner supports, but about half of the interior is completely burnt out.

The people who were seen running into the building were misreported as people off the street - they were, thankfully, employees and specialists who knew what was where, and who were let in by the firefighters while it was deemed safe. Hundreds of artworks and pieces of cultural importance have been removed under police escort to the National Museum and its storage and restoration facility in the nearby town of Brede, where they'll be indexed and carefully looked after by the best experts in the country.

Danish Business, who has their headquarters in the Stock Exchange, has sworn that no matter what the damage, they will rebuild. This has happened once before with a Christian 4th building, namely Frederiksborg Castle, where Carlsberg ended up buying and restoring the building when it burnt to a similar state in the late 19th century. One can only hope that this time the result will be as historically aware and beautiful, and that no one lets Bjarke Ingels close to the site...

Nothing left but a burnt out husk now.


I remember discovering the fire of Notre Dame on tumblr, so I'm very sorry to inform everyone that the Danish Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, completed in 1625, is burning. Its unique spire has fallen, and as the building is, to a larger degree than Notre Dame, made of wood, mortar, and stucco, there may be very real structural damage. As you can see from the image, they were in the process of restoring it, just as it was the case with the church. Very real reconsideration should be done to how we restore very old buildings if we keep setting them on fire during the work.

People off the street have been seen running into the building and bringing out historical art pieces, primarily paintings. If you are close by, DO NOT do this! I know it appears the heroic thing to do, but no human life is worth the risk to save a painting, no matter how significant.

Before all this:


The fire is now under control, and the firefighters are dealing with the embers. It has been possible to save the superstructure, that is to say the outer walls, foundational supports, and main inner supports, but about half of the interior is completely burnt out.

The people who were seen running into the building were misreported as people off the street - they were, thankfully, employees and specialists who knew what was where, and who were let in by the firefighters while it was deemed safe. Hundreds of artworks and pieces of cultural importance have been removed under police escort to the National Museum and its storage and restoration facility in the nearby town of Brede, where they'll be indexed and carefully looked after by the best experts in the country.

Danish Business, who has their headquarters in the Stock Exchange, has sworn that no matter what the damage, they will rebuild. This has happened once before with a Christian 4th building, namely Frederiksborg Castle, where Carlsberg ended up buying and restoring the building when it burnt to a similar state in the late 19th century. One can only hope that this time the result will be as historically aware and beautiful, and that no one lets Bjarke Ingels close to the site...


I remember discovering the fire of Notre Dame on tumblr, so I'm very sorry to inform everyone that the Danish Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, completed in 1625, is burning. Its unique spire has fallen, and as the building is, to a larger degree than Notre Dame, made of wood, mortar, and stucco, there may be very real structural damage. As you can see from the image, they were in the process of restoring it, just as it was the case with the church. Very real reconsideration should be done to how we restore very old buildings if we keep setting them on fire during the work.

People off the street have been seen running into the building and bringing out historical art pieces, primarily paintings. If you are close by, DO NOT do this! I know it appears the heroic thing to do, but no human life is worth the risk to save a painting, no matter how significant.

Before all this:

Anonymous asked:

Okay real talk - smager påske snøfler reelt anderledes end de normale? Har aldrig selv forsøgt en tastetest, men det må være en eller anden i dagens Danmark der har en holdning.


Admiralens Officielle Snøffelguide!

Påskesnøfler: smager i det store og hele som normale snøfler, og er stort set bare farvet. Chokoladen er en smule anderledes, lidt mere syrlig, måske med noget citron.

Rating: 8/10 anstændig snøffel, hvis den dog bare ville holde op med at lade som om at den er mere end en almindelig snøffel med gul farve.


Ingen har bedt om det, men Admiralens hund har haft et 2024 så langt at det føltes som et helt årti, så her kommer en Buller-update:

I februar sprang hans ene korsbånd (senen i knæet), og der var tvivl om han kunne opereres eller måtte aflives. Han endte med at blive opereret, og har nu haft kronisk chicken leg i halvanden måned fordi de måtte barbere hele hans ene bagben. Det går godt nu. Dyrlægen siger at han har mindst fem gode år tilbage.

Buller synes, det har været tre fuckin lange måneder, så send ham jeres kærlighed.


Kan Admiralen bekræfte at Christian d. 4. slog folk ihjel med sine overnaturlige evner???


Altså ingen tvivl om at manden var giftig, og at folk omkring ham havde en uheldig tendens til at dø (hans svigersøn-to-be druknede for eksempel i en voldgrav under en kæmpe drukfest mens han stod og pissede ned i vandet ved siden af svigerfar C4), men jeg tror måske den gode Jens Munk er død af et eller andet andet.

Det der med den "kongelige håndspålæggelse" er dog et kendt fænomen, som Tolkien også brugte i forbindelse med Aragorn ("There is healing in the hands of the King"). Dog var ideen bag det, at kongen som guds udvalgte kunne helbrede via håndspålæggelse, hvilket gjorde at f.eks Louis XIV af Frankrig jævnligt gik ud og prikkede til syge folk, typisk folk med vattersot, med den forventning at hans berøring på magisk vis ville helbrede dem. Der er ikke noget der tyder på at det hjalp det store, men at Christian 4.'s berøring skulle have haft den modsatte effekt er ret morsomt, og måske fordi han i grunden var en mega dårlig konge. Sådan. Generelt.


Terrible news...

Translation: "Danish Meteorological Institute: Severe Risk of Weather on a National Scale 'Can't be ruled out'"

Severe risk of weather perhaps, but clearly not a severe risk of functional language at the BT editor's offices.


Halløj Matroser!

Nu hvor det danske MGP er overstået, vil jeg sige hvorfor der ikke har været admiralsposting på det. Admiralen boycuttede i år Dansk Melodi Grand Prix af den årsag, at DR har valgt at støtte Israels tilstedeværelse i Eurovision, at de har udpeget to Israelske statsborgere til den danske jury, og at DR som institution konsekvent ikke har dækket folkemordet i Gaza, eller de demonstrationer der har været imod det i alle større danske byer, som inkluderer nogle af de største demonstrationer i nyere tid.

Man må mene hvad man vil om Israels aktivitet i Palæstina. Jeg mener at staten Israel har ageret som folkemorder og besætterstat, og at det er et symptom på et dybt forkvaklet menneskesyn, hvor nogle mennesker er højerestående end andre. Dette er dybt forkert.

Husk i alt dette kaos at ikke alle jøder er israelere, og at alle de som er, fortsat er mennesker og fortjener at blive behandlet som mennesker. Kæmp for alt hvad du har kær, inklusiv frihed og lighed og ret til liv for alle folk, men opfør dig ordentligt. Her på Bloggen vil vi hverken have islamofobi ELLER antisemitisme.

Der VIL være liveblog under Eurovision. Jeg vil blot forsøge at finde et sted at streame det fra en anden kanal end DR, muligvis NRK eller BBC hvis jeg kan og hvis de opfører sig ordentligt.

Lad Palæstina leve

Admiralen 🇵🇸

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