

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. I’m moving to a new blog for a fresh start. I have a lot of bots following me and I also want to clean up everything. This blog as well as my art blog will still exist, but I’m jumping ship to a new one. Half the people in my list don’t talk to me anyhow X’D


I know this may seem random and out of the blue, but ya know... I might actually pop my knuckles and remake/ remaster the old Five Nights of Flirting if I had enough support on Patreon?

I just can't afford to work on games like I used to. I've seen so many people say they love my game, and after hearing about that? I'd love to sit down and work on an updated version.

However, do to the lack of funds to pay my rent and keep food on the table, I just can't do that, and it's unfortunate.

Sidenote on this:

I may have come off as rude to people who would message me and ask me about the game. I never meant to.

To summarize a long story-

Making that game lead to me getting doxxed and people would send me messages hoping my grandmother would die of cancer (She was going through chemo and they knew it) so it left a bitter taste in my mouth IMMEDIATELY after release.

The only reason the original was published was thanks to my wife https://twitter.com/FancherShea who told me that I'd worked so hard on it (over 3 months) and that it would be a waste to not finish it.

So if anything you have her to thank for that.

Anyhow, maybe I'll remaster the dang thing? Who knows? I just gotta find a way to make more funds before I actively do so!


Bean helping Trapper with an owie. Reminder that Trapper’s wrapped leg is from stepping in his traps and injuring himself <3

#thetrapper #evanmacmillan #dbd #deadbydaylight

Anonymous asked:

I love your artstyle!! I want to draw like you ❤



Drew a pic for my wife! Hope she likes it! Happy Valentines day!

#mysterion #professorchaos #southpark #SP #KennyMcCormick #buttersstotch

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