

@haruza / haruza.tumblr.com

side blog for jp translations: @haruzatranslations (currently inactive)

I’m officially in the middle of a Japanese folklore mood, so here’s samurai!Sasuke and goddess!Sakura in Ukiyo-e art style

Anonymous asked:

please please continue your time travel fic where littlw sarada was send back in time and keeps calling sakura mama please🥺🥺

back in the day, whenever i got requests for that, i would just write other time travel ficlets. 
so like here’s genin team 7 + blank period sakura.

“sakura-chan looks sad.”

the woman before them tries to smile even though it’s pointless. “always so observant,” she teases, making naruto pout. “naruto, i’ve been separated from my husband through time and space.” her hand falls onto her midsection. “and i’m in a bit of a precarious situation.”

she’s been very tight-lipped about the circumstances that led up to this — both how this grown up version of haruno sakura appeared in their world and just how she apparently ended up married and pregnant. she’d given kakashi enough details to confirm her identity and gain his trust, so he’s currently speaking to the hokage while the three of them babysit her.

it’s not that sasuke doesn’t believe that she is who she says she is. technically, she didn’t even claim to be haruno sakura. but her features are fairly distinct and there’s just something about the way she carries herself around their team, relaxed and all too trusting.

“you have nothing to fear,” sakura tells the woman. “we won’t let anything happen to you.”

“yeah!” naruto agrees. he’s positively beaming. “i’d never let anything happen to future wife.”

the woman smiles fondly, and sasuke feels a strange sense of dread just as naruto grows elated. 


i am going to sound ssssooooooo mean. but. i legit do not care if it wasn’t that couple’s intention to start a wildfire. like...no kidding. i never thought it was. who would intentionally set california on fire for a gender reveal??? they still deserve to be ridiculed as much as they are. sorry

as a californian, we know when wildfire season is. we watch it every year. we know what point in the summer is most dangerous for things like bonfires or outdoor barbecues or fireworks. how self-centered do you have to be to set off explosives in the middle of a dry field, in the middle of california, in the middle of august? in the middle of a PANDEMIC? for a GENDER REVEAL! i’m fucking livid


Ishida Ayumi Dance Feature on Konya Kurabete Mimashita 2020.09.09 (Eng Sub)

A short feature Ishida Ayumi got for her dance cover videos on Instagram.


Low-wage workers are not who you think. #Fightfor15

And even if they were teens, so what??? But yes to all of this.


not even so what if they’re teens—my mom was working minimum wage at 13 (she lied about her age) to help put food on the table; millions of teenagers today are forced to do the same thing.


DVD Resale!

Evening Its Ishida Ayumi


They’re advertising “Fanclub DVD Resale Request” they’ll resell the ones the get a lot of requests! Those are the plans they’re going with but,

The DVD’s that will be resold,

Have been decided!!!

In the first place, for the fanclub event DVD’s, you aren’t able to buy them if you’re not part of the fanclub right,

Therefore if you miss this opportunity, there won’t be a second chance……


This time!

As you were enjoying your time as much as possible from home,

You missed it

You wanted it but you didn’t make it in time

I wanted it once more~←

It’s a gift for everyone

Moreover this time,


You can join the fanclub,

And be able to purchase it in time it seems

Ah, an amazing induction←

  Well then the DVD’s that will be resold are,

First off

10th Generation Bus Tour

  Thank you very much!!!

From beginning to the end,

The 4 in 10th generation’s greatly cherished bus tour

Eeh, there are those that haven’t seen it!?

Those that are like that,

It’s important,

It’s fun,

I want you to watch the DVD

  (Focusing in portrait mode when trying to take a selfie…)


Kusanagi was talking with an editor about a clear file freebie, and they were asking for one that featured all the older guys together in suits. Kusanagi was like, “Who’s gonna like that?” and the editor was like, “Um, me.” Kusanagi was then like, “I’m gonna make it a gag,” while the editor pushed back with, “No, it has to be cool.” They kept going back and forth, and in the end the idea was scrapped and a Hak+Suwon clear file freebie was released instead. 

Source: volume 32 aftertalk. 


i learned that in ancient Athens, only the 300 wealthiest citizens had to pay tax; this was considered a high honor, and taxpayers competed to provide the greatest public good (x)

Bring this back!!





It's funny how ONE reasonable breakdown in a span of only one night deemed as erasing the strength Yona got after chapters of development. It also took several abduction/hostage situation to show how she build a strength to defend herself and people around her.

High politic is less about strength and even more about human chess with information, a familiar setting with heavy baggage doesn't help either. Story wise this arc got a lot of potential info that we could have. Let her take some down time, we know Yona's capability.


Thank you for summarising in two paragraphs the feelings I have been failing to try and write about for months now.

I’ve been finding it quite interesting how Yona is always praised as a “strong female character” and gushed about every time she draws her bowstring or tells someone off, yet as soon as she shows emotional vulnerability of any kind (or makes a seemingly ‘incorrect’ decision, no matter how 'rock and hard place’ it was *glances at the chapters where she decided to come to the castle*) the immediate reaction in the fandom is to say that she has regressed and is no longer “strong”. Or for some to claim that she is acting out of character and needs to go back to being the “strong female character” we knew before. I don’t think these claims would be so bad if Yona had been acting this way for multiple arcs with no real cause given, but these reactions usually come after single chapters/events that a) haven’t even been concluded in the story yet, and b) justify quite well imo that she has every reason to be upset/confused/mistaken/you name it. 

I think another interesting opinion floating around is the idea that Yona is acting out of character because she didn’t just storm the castle and/or hasn’t told off the people around her trying to control her. Again, I’ve been wanting to rant about this for ages, but the short of it is that this current situation is nothing like what she has experienced in the past. I feel that every villain in AnY has served (or, tried to serve, some fell flat - that’s another rant I’ve half-finished and never published) to teach Yona something important about leadership, giving her life experience and varied viewpoints to look back on and use if she ever takes the throne. It’s why I’ve never gotten up in arms about the villains in AnY typically being defeated very easily - they are usually flawed characters who are not meant to be physically strong or necessarily super smart. They are manipulators and scoundrels who misuse their power or influence and there are lessons on how not to lead/how people work to be learned from them. The same can be said about this current arc. Usually the people Yona has to deal with are obviously in the wrong for some reason. She (with the help of others more closely involved with the situation - see Lili, Tae-Jun, Kouren, Tao, etc.) can easily remove them from the picture and try to fix their corruption, or push them back because they have tried to invade Kouka and that’s obviously not going to fly. This current scenario is SO DIFFERENT. People are not necessarily being hurt under Soo-Won; rather, the opposite. He has seemingly won the favour of the people more than Il ever did, and has been doing “good” for the country. (I say “good” because all of this is subjective and I know the scale could be argued to be tipping both ways, but that’s a debate for later). He is not someone abusing power to harm the people. We know how he got the throne and that Yona and co. have a right to dislike him, but the people don’t know this. Taking him or parts of his team out could start a civil war if done incorrectly. I’ve been saying for a while but this arc is about “perceptions” - about acting in such a way so that your actions don’t conflict with how you need to be seen by others. As you say, it’s ‘less about strength and even more about human chess with information’ and Yona is not super skilled in this area yet. But I have 100% faith that she will learn. We’ve already seen that she knows she and her friends are being manipulated. Her glaring at Kye-Sook/Joo-Doh/Soo-Won and calling them out in private (because she can get away with defying them openly there because no-one is watching) is obvious proof of this. However, her ability to do a lot about it is still lacking. I’m hoping this will be a great learning experience for her and she will start to pick up on ways to get what she wants without ruining her “status”. I get that sneaky politics doesn’t seem very much like Yona and the person we know her to be, but I think it’s important for her to learn. Even if she doesn’t use manipulation to get what she wants, learning how to spot it and work around people trying to use it is so important if she eventually wants to rule, because others WILL try to take advantage of her, no matter how kind and steadfast she is. I’m sure (or at least I really hope) she’ll start to figure it all out, but she needs time. As you mention, her current location and the heavy baggage she is now carrying are definitely not helping, but as she always has done, I have faith Yona will stand up again and figure out what to do. Her showing emotion and getting upset here are not signs of weakness or regression imo. They are signs that, despite everything going on around her, Yona has not lost her compassion and ability to love. 


You know what, Minsu’s situation in regards to possibly being vengeful carry devastating differences compared to Yona and Hak’s. 

The one who gave away castle statuses, schedules, etc. that Suwon and Keishuk used for the coup was Minsu. Unlike Hak and Yona, who had no part in the coup, not even indirectly, the casual information that Minsu gave was. He was used. 

He blamed himself for it. He was hurt, and to rub it in real good he was assigned to be Suwon’s physician. He had to serve the people who killed his king and betrayed Yona and Hak, had to take in the news of Yona and Hak’s deaths and believed they were for months, saw the current ruler going against everything Il believed regarding war, and he was completely alone the whole time. 

Yona and Hak found other people to become friends with and trust. They found a new family. They traveled around and saw things that contradicted what they had been told growing up and living in the castle. They gained supporters, people to confide in when they just needed to talk. For Yona it was Lili, and for Hak it was Jaeha. Minsu all the while had absolutely nobody. He’s kept it bottled up the entire time. 


Democrats: alright we finally did it, Trumps been impeached. Time for a trial in the-

Republicans: lol yeah about that trial. It’s not gonna be fair or anything, we’ve already made up our minds and there’s gonna be like, 0 witnesses

Democrats: oh? Ok then. If that’s the case then I guess we’ll just hold on to these *pockets articles of impeachment*



Can someone explain what this means?

Our president has been charged with misconduct through the only proccess that is outlined in our constitution (impeachment). The next step in the process is that the president goes on trial. Republicans in the senate, where the trial will take place, have already said they have made up their minds and will vote based on bias. They have stated that it will be a quick trial with no witnesses and a guaranteed vote on acquittal. The democrats, who control the charges, have said that they will not release the charges to the senate until fair rules have been established. Republicans seem shocked by this turn of events

In case you’re wondering why this would make the republicans upset, the need this to go to trial or Trump will be on record as having been impeached and not acquitted.

The 2020 election is also coming up and a number of these senators are coming up for re-election. 









Here’s how you verify you’re registered to vote: https://www.rockthevote.org/voting-information/am-i-registered-to-vote/

Here’s how you register if you’re not: https://www.vote.org/register-to-vote/

Here’s how you find your fucking polling place: https://yourfuckingpollingplace.com/

If you have time, register for an absentee ballot in your state. That way you don’t even have to go to a polling place, you just have to fill it out and mail it in on time. 

Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z outnumber Boomers. More of us are Liberals who care about each other and social safety nets. More of us give a fuck about the future because we have to live in it

Flip the Senate. Fucking Vote. It’s so goddamn important. 

2020 is crucial.

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