
Believe In Yourself

@flawed-yet-perfect / flawed-yet-perfect.tumblr.com

Stephanie • 23
Train your butterflies to fly in formation. Student doctor working towards becoming a physician. Dog mama to the cutest rescue pupper

Congratulations If...

  • You got out of bed today.
  • You did your dishes or dirty laundry.
  • You finished some homework you’ve been putting off.
  • You cleaned up around your home/apartment/dorm etc.
  • You resisted temptation in any form.
  • You found a reason to smile.

Little victories are worth celebrating!!

Source: cwote.co

your bare minimum isn’t actually that bare or minimum. my dad once told me that there’s nothing in this world that’s easy and that’s true tbh. everything we do takes energy, time, and effort. even the little things. if you feel like you’re not doing enough please try to think about your circumstances and what’s currently available to you: chances are, there’s something that’s diverting or otherwise draining you. and to pull away from that and get something done regardless? well, i think that’s really admirable! please try to take pride in the things you do accomplish in a day, no matter how small or trifling you perceive them to be. you can’t be proud of your growth if you don’t notice where you already are!

“One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else.”

K.L. Toth 

“Depression is such a cruel punishment. There are no fevers, no rashes, no blood tests to send people scurrying in concern - just the slow erosion of self as insidious as cancer. and like cancer, it is essentially a solitary experience; a room in hell with only your name on the door.”

Some people really are meant to be temporary but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the time while it lasts. honestly im tired of this mindset that every relationship you have is supposed to “last forever” like that’s just setting yourself up to be dissatisfied! there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that some people are just meant to brighten up your life for a short amount of time like people move around, jobs change, life circumstances change, vacations happen, let yourself be fluid with it as well!

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