
Never Give In

@thedeafzebra / thedeafzebra.tumblr.com

Shelby. 26. Deaf. Chronically Ill. Disabled. Vegetarian. Straight Edge. Feminist. Living with EDS, PCOS, Meniere's Disease, and all the symptoms and comorbidities that come with them. I'm also a Perfectly Posh Independent Consultant https://shelbyhomon.po.sh My medical wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2AD5ZG1F5E1Q


Medical rant ahead: I can’t get actual help for my EDS. My primary care has been trying for a year to find a connective tissue clinic in MA that will take me. She just wants to see if they have any suggestions as to how to help me. The first clinic she contacted said no. They will not take me because I have hypermobile EDS. Clinic #2 says they will not accept hypermobile EDS patients right on…

I'm Still Here!

I’m Still Here!

Wow, it’s been such a long time since my last post! So much has happened! I’ve moved, I almost had to move again, COVID appeared, I’ve put off a diagnosis, I temporarily lost my SSDI, I had to fight to keep my SSDI, I got new hearing aids, I got a new wheelchair… it’s been a lot! I’m hoping to get back into posting weekly. I look forward to connecting with you all again!

I don't know what's up with all these * p * 0 * r * n * accounts following me, but could you not? There's literally no reason for these accounts to follow me.


Me: "I need some serotonin."

Husband: Stands up.

Husband: Sits back down.

Hisband: "I didn't remember what serotonin was until after I stood up so I was deadass about to go get you some."


Hes a little confused, but hes got the spirit


Has anyone else's anxiety been off the charts lately? I've been constantly anxious for the past few days and have been having Knightly panic attacks. Nothing I do calms it down.



No, but you can misinform. You can with-hold information like the lag time it takes for ballots to get in. You can avoid posting any information at all about how to do mail-in voting. You can discourage it. You can smear campaign it. And you can make it very inconvenient.


Please note that Absentee and Mail-in Voting are being impacted by COVID 19. Go HERE to do some reading about Early and Absentee Voting.

Every state’s rulings/ regulations on Mail-in Voting are different. Check HERE for what’s happening in  YOUR state.

Some states are sending out absentee / mail in ballots automatically. MOST aren’t.  You need to be registered and you have to REQUEST one and the stipulations for requesting one are different for each state. So check yours for the requirements.

If you are voting by mail-in ballot please be aware that the deadlines for getting those votes in are BEFORE NOVEMBER!!

Don’t sleep on this. It’s coming up faster than you think and I can GUARANTEE YOU that the conservative right-wing pro-dumpster-fire people are going to do whatever it takes to get as many votes in as possible.

The opposition VASTLY outnumbers them, but that only matters if we DO SOMETHING.



You can fill out your vote by mail ballots and then drop them off at your polling place or elections office, too. So if you forget to send it out in time, just drive over and put it in the bin by your elections office.


Don’t forget though there are different deadlines for each state to even REQUEST a mail in ballot! So go and request your ballot NOW


someone explain the jewish holidays to me like i'm 5 years old

Purim: They tried to kill us, we survived. Let’s tell the story, wear silly costumes, and get wasted. (Optional: have a carnival or a play!)

Passover: They enslaved us, God freed us. Remember this via a big ceremony/feast and then don’t eat bread for a week. This is a big one; you’re going to have to clean your house and host all your relatives.

Tu B'Shevat: It’s Earth Day, let’s eat some fruit.

Simchas Torah: We read the entire Torah every year, and we got to the end! Let’s have a dance party and then start all over again!

Tisha B'Av: They destroyed our temples. That sucked.

Rosh HaShanah: Happy New Year! It’s time to ask (and grant) forgiveness for the wrongs done in the past year, pledge to do better, and wish for a sweet new year. And go to synagogue for HOURS.

Yom Kippur: Rosh HaShanah’s somber counterpart. God decides on this day your fate for the next year. Repent your sins, hope for forgiveness, and fast. (And go to synagogue for HOURS.)

Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Sukkot: Harvest festival! Sleep in a hut under the stars.

Shemini Atzeret: Man, I don’t even know?

Shavuot: God gave us the Torah! That was pretty nice of him.

Chanukah: They busted up our temple and tried to forcibly convert us. We responded with guerilla warfare. Let’s eat some fried food. Candles!

So basically the entire Jewish holiday calendar is giving the middle finger to death and high-fiving, with or without various combinations of prayer and foods.

Yup. Or as we say, “They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.”

thank you for the desc’s bcs they are beautiful and i am now educated

A handy table for everyone:

Y’all have no idea how happy it makes me to see my goyim followers reblogging this. Really. It means the world to me.

Oh SWEET, a table!


I got my hearing tested for the first time in almost 2 years yesterday. I'm supposed to be tested yearly, but, whoops, didn't happen. The results are... I have mixed emotions. There's some dips into the profound range in the high frequencies. And unlike a few years ago when my residual hearing kerplunked for a couple months, this is looking permanent. My main concern right now is that I'm still not fluent in ASL and I still get denied interpreters all the time. Once life goes back to "normal" (I'm saying that very loosely), things are going to have to change in that aspect. Thankfully, some Deaf friends have volunteered to do whatever they can to help me learn ASL faster, which is amazing.

I ordered new hearing aids too! I'm FINALLY switching from Oticon to Phonak! My audiologist needs to sign off on the paperwork, then I need authorization from my insurance before they can be ordered. My doctor is fast with paperwork and my insurance only takes 2 weeks for authorizations, so it'll probably be 2-3 weeks before they can be ordered. No idea how long it'll take for Phonak to ship them to my audiologist.

I haven't worn my current hearing aids since December. Actually, I wore them once in March for a quick appointment, but the earmolds need replacing and they're no longer fit for my hearing loss. I have a feeling it's going to take a while to get used to wearing hearing aids again.


if a deaf or hard of hearing person asks you to repeat yourself please do!!! don’t ignore them or say “nothing” or “never mind” !!! you may not think what you said was significant, but you’re forcing us to be in the dark and you’re controlling our environment more than you may realize!!!


I can’t believe people are mad about a 16-year-old girl wanting the earth to get better

Also -

What is she supposed to do, motherfucker? Teleport?? Spontaneously develop the ability to fly unaided?


It doesn’t matter how committed you are to fixing the climate you still have to fuckin eat

Corporations do more harm in one hour than any singular human could do in their whole life.


Reblogging for that last line “Participating in the world as it is does not disqualify you from trying to improve it.”

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