
The Roarkshop

@roarkshop / roarkshop.tumblr.com

I'm Red. I write fanfiction and reblog lots of fandom stuff, text posts, pictures of cats, etc. I'm always happy to tag stuff if you just let me know and I am always open for asks or just if you need someone to talk to. My current biggest fandoms are Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Supernatural, Castle, Leverage, Vlogbrothers, Tobuscus, Avengers, and a whole lot more but I don't want to list them all. I'm pretty much a little bit of everything.

What am I even doing...

So, I think I'm to the point where about 3 or 4 more chapters, and I'll officially be done with my first draft! This will be the first time in my LIFE I finished a first draft of something that wasn't a fan fiction, so that's exciting. I find myself staring down the abyss, however. What do I do after that? I know I'll have to go through and edit and re-write and stuff, and in a lot of ways the Patreon support is helping me do that. Because before I post the chapters there, I go through them again and clean them up a little (No major re-writes though I was trying to avoid that to keep myself from getting distracted from FINISHING it.) So, then what? I guess I have to try and get an agent? Query letters? God, I'm so out of my depth. If anyone knows someone in the business who can give me some pointers, hit me up! I have no idea what I'm doing, and I am currently wallowing in this "So close but so far" kind of feeling. Thoughts, everyone?


This place is a ghost town since they got rid of the porn, huh?


I find Tumblr so hate-filled that it stresses me out so I only check it a few times a year, now. But it’s a whole other world now, like... I don’t understand the language anymore? What is a terf? How do you mood? What’s the difference between a mood and a big mood? Oh god, it’s happening. I’m getting old. 

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any tips on how to continue your story and not give up on it because when you reread it it just seems so terrible that you want to delete it and throw it in the trash can😤?

You keep writing because you realize that you’re not alone in your insecurity.

Every writer worth their salt hates their work at some point. Every writer who gives a damn about improving can see they have gaping flaws in their writing. Every writer trying to reach their audience with something worthwhile and lasting knows the only hope they have in achieving that is through rewrites and edits and patient, steady nurturing of their work.

You keep writing because sometimes the garbage will do.

Every reader with some extra time on their hands will put up with the garbage if it has good aspects mixed in. Every reader is unique and will enjoy a part of your story that you weren’t happy with. Every reader has something that’s worth removing their editors cap for, something they’d pull from the bottom of the trash heap because it focuses on that one trope they adore.

You keep writing because it’s the only way you improve.

Ever one of your writing heroes started out where you are now and every one of them earned their skills through hard work and perseverance. Every author you’ve ever loved has nothing you don’t, expect time and diligence. Every great author still has much to learn and most still struggle with their own insecurities, even when writing something their readers see as fantastic. 

And most importantly: you keep writing because you love it, because you can’t not write, because you are a writer. 


“Deep breath”


(cue 25 minutes of unintelligible yelling)

….and that is why being separated from our food’s origins and not knowing anything about botany is what is wrong with the world today goddamnit. 

I bet some people would eat castor beans too. Or yew. Or just fuckin’ snack on some hemlock because it’s natural, man. 

Fucking incredible. 


Question: Is it the same with plums? I used to do that occasionally when I ate dried and seasoned Asian plums as a kid.


Plum pits do not contain as much as cherry, but they do. 

Do not eat stone fruit pits, people. Or bitter almonds. 

They all have cyanide in them. 


Oh boy, apricot kernels. The amount of people I see lauding those as a “cure for cancer” is… demoralizing. I can’t find it right now but I believe there was a mother in the past few years who was taken to court for child endangerment/neglect for feeding those to her very young child as a cancer treatment.

I saw this horror last year, and yelled for an entire hour. 

To be fair, I bet if you die of cyanide poisoning the cancer won’t kill you. 


I have been wanting to use these photos for months.

The recommendation is to only eat 3 in one hour. because that is just the most filling snack and of course they will stop at three.

But then they say DON’T EAT MORE THEN 10 A DAY.

It’s not even FDA approved. “may be toxic”.


Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Just because it’s food for another creature doesn’t mean it’s fine for you.

Best case scenario it’s like grass which is basically neutral- it’s generally not going to kill you but there’s no nutrition for humans in it, and enough will probably make you sick.

Worst case scenario it’s something like belladonna berries which taste sweet but will kill you stone cold dead.

Same for the wrong kind of mushrooms, other berries, leaves and barks. Before consuming, CHECK. If you can’t check, don’t put it in your mouth.


Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

I’ve been saying this for so long, oh my gosh.

^^As a toxicologist, I approve this message.


Friendly reminder that the laws on supplement labeling in the US are super lax and haven’t been updated since 1994. That’s nearly 25 years ago!

Oh hey, forgot to mention I tweeted @ apricotpower on twitter about how their product is poison and they blocked me.   You should all tweet at them too. 


In the words of @hankgreenquotes “Stop saying ‘all natural’ when you mean ‘healthy’. Does that mean I should eat an entire tub of lard while marathoning Firefly? No. But that would be ALL NATURAL!” 


Lol wut?

Did you guys actually read my journal post? Or did you just read “my life is in shambles” and assume the worst. Maybe wait until you get to the line about me exercising and shoveling dicks in me before you assume that I’m crying for help lol.


If it makes you feel better, I always assume your new updates are about shoving dicks in your mouth. =P


Just a little side note here I have been in customer service my whole life and have always said “Happy Holidays’ and I have literally never had someone say “NO IT’S MERRY CHRISTMAS” or any derivative ever. I’m not saying people don’t do it, but I’m mostly convinced this is a stupid fight that people mostly have online. 

Happy Holidays. 




All of your feet are loose.


Loose feet,

You’re going to lose your feet

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