

@somethottythatyouusedtoknow-blog / somethottythatyouusedtoknow-blog.tumblr.com

i like to talk shit and ive lost control of my life

Zodiac Expressions of Sadness

♈ Aries: Rage, impulsivity and failure to get worked up about the things they normally do, oppositional but with less verve and energy
♉ Taurus: Isolation, binge eating and lethargy, a sense of 'me against the world', less patience, easier to enrage
♊ Gemini: Silence, nerves, over thinking, easily distractible and seems 'elsewhere'; they are fairly intolerable to sadness they tend to detach/dissociate from feelings after a short while
♋ Cancer: Teariness, neediness, isolation, binge eating, crying after insignificant events, stomach aches, a feeling of separation from everyone around them
♌ Leo: Obvious displays of stress, they become like a wound up string and as if they are on the brink of a nervous break down. Short tempered and needy (only around close friends/family) and become martyred
♍ Virgo: Isolation, heightened compulsions (cleaning, washing hands more etc;), unresponsive in conversations, at time blunt and more oppositional
♎ Libra: General feeling of instability/moodiness, reduced urge to socialize/be with friends, hopelessness, a feeling of being disliked/rejected by everyone, you can sense them 'trying' to be happy and keep composed
♏ Scorpio: Isolation, opposition, hostility and violent mood swings. Intense melancholy with at times delusions and paranoia. Thoughts even scary to them, a sense of 'me against the world'.
♐ Sagittarius: Lethargy, escapism (substance use etc;), uncharacteristically more serious and tense, less tolerance, feelings of worry when thinking into the future
♑ Capricorn: Demotivation, lethargy, hopelessness, over thinking, they seem tense and 'overly alert', hyper vigilant, force themselves to 'go through the motions', nothing impresses them
♒ Aquarius: Uneasy, harder to 'reach'; as if they are far away. Silence, isolation, detachment, even though they try to appear happy. Distractible
♓ Pisces: Teariness, anxiety, isolation, when they feel sadness they tend to feel 'all at once', nerves, obsessive/ruminating thinking, remembering everything bad that ever happened to them, crying over insignificant events

if u r girl and game competitively: 1. Constant misogyny 2. Boys & men who are tryna fuck and too old for you // Play nice guy friend 3. More misogyny if u refused to fuck 4. Rumors rumors rumors 5. Every conversation will lead to sex 6. More misogyny if u complain 7. "Your fat and ugly" 8. Condescension on the regular 9. Invisibility and visibility but only when least beneficial to you


I don’t understand how in movies when there’s some scene about someone sitting on the bus and thinking about life they just have their head rested against the window and it looks so calming and shit like no have you ever put your head against a window while the bus is moving it feels like your cranium is a blender and your brain is becoming a smoothie


low key tired of people advocating for a humanity that oppressive Like how come when we fight for ppl's "humanity", we're not fighting for humanity we're fighting for masculinity. We're fighting for the right to be above someone else. The gender struggle is inextricably linked with the race struggle and capitalism, but most importantly I do not think we will get any of them w.o. getting all of them and this is where things become tricky bc it's not about intersectionality, at least not at all in the way ppl use intersectionality.

A woman who says “No thanks, I’ll sleep on the floor”; a woman who freezes up and tenses at your touch; a woman who says “I really don’t want to” and “We really shouldn’t” and “We can’t” and “Please at least wear a condom” is not saying yes to you, and if you would like to pretend that that is unclear, you are a liar, you are being disingenuous, you are lying and you know it.

Mallory Ortberg, "What counts?" (via tiredestprincess)


dgaider bruh Solas got me fucked whoever wrote that got me fucked up I ain't even experience heartbreak irl but dude my heart broke and continues to break from that damn romance I'm out here wondering why my char aka me ain't enough I need closure. I might need to go talk to my therapist about this shit like Like why y'all rock my shit like that cold af

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