
Random Acts of Chelsey

@randomactsofchelsey / randomactsofchelsey.tumblr.com

I'm Chelsey. I'm doing shit (sometimes)

Kids 👏 don’t 👏 have 👏 jobs

How evil do you have to be to think that some children just deserve to be hungry?



You can really tell when someone is a privileged bitch who never struggled a day in their life


Listen, we have had a free school lunch in entire Finland since 1948 (there has been places serving it before that, mostly to poor children), and it includes everyone from the pre-school to teenagers in vocational schools. Lately there has been places testing free breakfast too, because some teenagers tend to skip everything for a few more minutes of sleep, including food. There was news about it just last week about a teacher in vocational school who decided that he will take his students to eat that free food every morning because they were so rowdy and he said he instantly noticed that the teenagers calmed down and paid more attention after having eaten some porridge. So feeding kids fucking works.

Also, I have seen kids full on denied lunch. Like, fucking 7 year olds!!

Wanna hear something?

That fucking scared me

I was never one of those kids, but I was terrified that one day I might be. Even years later, when I am approaching maturity, I am still terrified of it. I have my own money now! But I still panic that I may not get food because my lunch account wasn’t filled in time. So much it affects me even outside of school. 

Kids need food. Stop denying it to them because of money. Yes, lunch workers need money, but pay them from something else. Do not let kids suffer because of capitalism. 


now that’s what i’m talking about!

their original location has this on the menu:

“Catfish” Tofu (GF)Cornmeal battered tofu, broccoli/corn medley, and redskin potatoes & onions.

100% Plant-Based • Trans-fat Free • Organic Ingredients • No Hydrogenated Oils • Dairy/Egg/Lactose Free • Naturally Cholesterol Free • Natural Sweeteners Agave Nectar & Maple Syrup (x)

who wouldn’t love that?


I’ve actually been there a few times and they have good food

Women: Trans people have never attacked anyone in a restroom before - it's really not something we're worried about.
Republicans: It doesn't matter! We need to keep WOMEN SAFE from SEXUAL ASSAULT at ALL COSTS!
Women: We need to do something about the disturbing number of rapes on college campuses.
Republicans: Have you tried not dressing like a slut?
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