
Shut up, and Study!

@shhtudy-blog / shhtudy-blog.tumblr.com

Adindasha / INFP / 17 / Indonesian. Aspiring Graphic Designer. Class of 2017. Fellow studyblr!

Three Degrees Madness ∙ 041116

Winter is coming~! And I am freezing to death… Hong Kong would never reach anywhere lower than five degrees usually (last year it reached zero and everyone freaked out) so I’m trying to get used to the weather here…it’s however time for me to bust out (and buy new keke) hoodies + my all time favourite turtle necks so I am super excited!! If I were to wear those back in Hong Kong everyone would judge me… oh the beauty of university life! Finally handed in my lab report and I am SO GLAD that I can finally go and sleep more…there’s an essay due in four days (and I haven’t started it) BUT that’s besides the point…;;; I’ve been doing some studying and went back to reading one of my all time favs The Night Circus. Book in bed with a cup of tea, winter here I come! Song(s) of the Day: Hey Mama! - EXO & Stay - Blackpink


☁️september 5☁️ This morning’s acai bowl + my current stusy space

Anonymous asked:

okay but which one is the tag of your original posts related to studyblr? im on mobile and i tried 'my post' but i got tired to see those photographs. sure theyre amazing but i think you should differentiate the two. sorry if i seems to be rude.

oh, i’m sorry. my blog was a photography blog 2 years prior. i rarely manage my account so, thank you for your concern! :) i’ll organize my blog later! :)


Days of productivity: 17/100 Really trying my best to memorise the Geography examples for tomorrow’s exam but nothing seems to be going in :( also, I changed my phone!!! #studyblr #studygram #studying #study #stuydies #geography #100daysofproductivity #productivity #notestagram #notes #mine


25/05/16: A little look inside my midori travelers notebook. I totally love it, but have stopped using it as I wanted everything to be perfect. Just got back to it. On a side note: just 500 words left for finishing my thesis, I’m so excited!


16.02.16 Time for some serious studying! About to prepare for a German test I have tomorrow 👓

06.09.16 • reminiscing the messy weekly spread I had in my bullet journal before uni classes started up again + completing new tasks in the current week!
“Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions.” –Robin Hood (2010) (quote adapted from “the Holy Book of Destiny” by Maitreya, The Friend of All Souls)

2/? (of motivational quotes)


please note that this is a guide to my revising system, not a note-beautifying how-to! im sorry for my absence and lack of updates~ I’ve just not been doing a lot of mp and printables-making~

*sobs* thanks to that anon that say such nice things ilu too.



So my friend got me mildliners, and i started using them obviously, i’m obsessed with my notes because they’re less neon which is towards my preferences. I’ve also lost track of my 100 days of productivity but that’s okay. Tomorrow i have a physics summative about magnetics and electricity and i am screwed. And on friday i have a biology essay to submit. On saturday i have a german grammar test in goethe and my birthday party. And lastly on sunday i am free but on monday i have a chemistry summative on acids, bases, salts, metals and organic chemistry


*taking exam* 

Me: Hey Brain! Remember studying this stuff?? 

Brain: Yeah we totally studied that! 

Me: Awesome! So what’s the answer? 


It’s a gift to have someone who doesn’t get tired of your sadness , of listening to you go through the same stuff over and over again someone who knows how isolating it can be and how it’s not always rational and how it makes you not act like your usual self but they stay right there by your side till you learn to be yourself again .
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