
Wills World

@wills4545 / wills4545.tumblr.com

I have things to say

I find it a little weird just how much of Tumblr’s SJWs aren’t even over the age of 18.  In fact a vast majority of the ones I’ve encountered are mid-to-late teens.  On top of that they’re almost always the ones with the incredibly radical brand of “social justice” that you really only find here on Tumblr, who will shit all over you for not conforming to their particular set of principles, which are often extreme and grossly over-generalized.

I’ll give them credit for their enthusiasm and drive at least, but it feels like they spent a few hours on Tumblr, find a few issues, and then start preaching and screaming about them in a manner utterly unconducive to supporting the cause.  They wind up creating this mob mentality that says you’re either with them, or you’re their mortal enemy, and expect you to fall in line with them, or you’re the worst scum of the earth.

How about you kids take a break, give yourself a few years, get some experience in living in the real world, and THEN devote yourself to a cause.  Social Justice is not and never has been as solely black-and-white as the internet might make it out to be.  On top of that, yelling/screaming/bullying anyone not on your side is a great way to get people to avoid you, and to not listen to a thing you have to say.

Anonymous asked:

YO YOU AIN'T NEED TO LIGHT ZOE UP LIKE THAT BITCH IS ON FIRE NOW DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN (Excellent post and argument. Really, five stars. Not even joking, that shit was great; highfive!)

She needs to be hung out to dry.  Her behavior is not acceptable.

  • Her bullshitting her fans is not acceptable.
  • Her cheating is not acceptable
  • Her sleeping with her boss is not acceptable
  • Her sleeping with journalists is not acceptable
  • Her falsifying a harassment claim is not acceptable
  • Her attacking depressed people while promoting a game about depression is not acceptable
  • Her using Robin William’s suicide to promote her game is not acceptable
  • Her shutting down a legit good service is not acceptable
  • Her caring more about her career than the wife is not acceptable
  • Her treatment of her boyfriend is not acceptable
  • Her playing the victim now is not acceptable
  • Her finger pointing now is not acceptable

She.  Is.  Unacceptable.  Period.

This needs to be out there.  Because NONE of the gaming websites are going to condemn her.  If they do they’d be shooting themselves in the foot, admitting to corrupting and opening up themselves to accusations of sexism.

To any gamer.  To any gaming journalist who may read this.



I love the Legend of Zelda franchise - it was the game series I grew up with and it does hold a special place for me.

But I really don’t appreciate how the franchise treats the aforementioned Princess Zelda as a pretty lampshade with a note taped to it. They outright state it...


comics exaggerating and over sensitizing the “social justice warriors” on this website are inaccurate and unrealistic and the orca agrees

Shall I continue…?

I am so done with a lot of humanity


2014 so far

January: Selfie Olympics

February: Flappy Bird

lets see how the rest of the year goes

March: No Oscar for Leonardo DeCaprio


April: it’s a metaphors, you’re a metaphors, we are a metaphor, if I see another metaphor I’m going to kill someone



Wonder how July is gonna be

i will keep reblogging this each month

There’s july


what a sick president

legit the first thing my roommate did when she came back from vacation was tear this down like what the fuck what is the problem with obama giving u some self esteem


When I used to think about Voldemort’s horcruxes I imagined a soul divided in equal portions residing in the different horcruxes and Voldemort himself. I realised that this can’t be true in The Half-Blood Prince Slughorn describes making a horcrux as splitting ones soul in two. This means that when Riddle made his Diary into a horcrux he split his soul in half and physically removed one half from his body and placed it in the diary. This means that he only had half of his soul left when he made his next horcrux, Marvolo’s ring. This half would have been split in half leaving only a quarter in Voldemort’s body. This goes on and on the amount of soul remaining in Voldemort halving each time he makes a horcrux until he had only 1/128 or 0.78125% left in his body.  As shown in the graph above.  So next time you wonder why Voldemort could have done some of things he did, remember how little human he had left in him. I don’t know about you but I think that this is crazy.

Come on guys, I didn’t do maths for 14 notes

 Harry has more Voldemort in him than Voldemort

Harry would be before the diary because he became Voldemorts first horcrux when Voldemort killed Lily and James potter…

No Harry was the second to last horcrux. Tom made the diary and ring while he was still at hogwarts (16 year old riddle in diary and we see him wearing the ring in the flashbacks and him killed morfin for the ring horcrux). He got the diadem form where the grey lady hid it in Albania when he was traveling after finishing school, and hid the finished horcrux in the room of requirement when he applied for the DADA job. He got the locket and cup when working at borgan and birks. Having horcruxes already is what allowed him to survive the rebounded killing curse in the first place. If he had no horcruxes before trying to kill the potters he would not have survived. Don’t think you can out-Harry-Potter-knowledge me, son.


Obviously she's just confused

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