

@prfvaliance / prfvaliance.tumblr.com

Questor/Paladin/Technomancer. AKA Valiance

I made Niko on this day 10 years ago…… can you believe it? a whole decade of Niko!


Anomalous Item #4742: A set of 173 VHS tapes with blank labels.

When a tape label is filled out (there are provided fields for title, director, and year) and then placed into any functioning VCR, the film listed will play, regardless of if it existed before the tape was played.

This was first believed to be an effect limited to the tapes, ie, the tapes were somehow generating the movie themselves through some method similar to AI art generation, but after initial tests were performed the paratime division discovered the effect is actually antichronological: when played, the tapes don't simply create the movie named, they alter the past so that the movie mentioned was created.

Thus, after a tape is labeled and played, it can be found on streaming services and in DVD rental stores. The directors, if still alive, will recall making the film, and actors who were active at the time the film was "made" will have anecdotes about events that happened in the film.

This can have ripple effects as well; during the 9th test, the film Big Trouble in Little China, 1986, directed by John Carpenter, was created. Besides the immediate effects of creating a new film that hadn't existed, an indirect effect was that the film Alien 2, 1985, John Carpenter, ceased to exist. Instead, the sequel to the 1979 film Alien (directed by Ridley Scott) was titled Aliens and directed by James Cameron. It's believed that by adding a new movie to the timeline of John Carpenter's direction, he no longer had time to direct one of the works he had directed in the original timeline, as he would have been busy directing the newly-added film, and directing roles therefore passed to another director.

Use of the tapes can also implicitly affect the lifespan of directors. In test #17, Researcher J. Calhoun attempted to generate a film that couldn't possibly exist: a prequel to a film made by a director who had died decades beforehand.

According to paratime research, the writing of "Star Wars: Episode 1, 1999, George Lucas" on the tape and the subsequent viewing undid the 1981 death of Mr. Lucas, causing Star Wars: Episode 6: Revenge of the Jedi to come out in 1983 instead of 1985, be titled "Return of the Jedi" instead, and it would be directed by George Lucas instead of Steven Spielberg.

This obviously had additional effects as it didn't merely extend the lifespan of George Lucas by an additional 18 years: at time of writing in 2022, he is still alive at the age of 78. It's therefore believed that the object doesn't unnaturally extend the lifespan of the director, it instead reshapes the flow of time so that any events that would stop them from filming the listed movie do not happen.

After discovery of their history altering nature, the remaining anomalous objects have been locked in secure storage at site #22. No further testing is authorized, and emergency use requires level #6 authorization, which will only be granted in the face of imminent disaster requiring paratime remedies.

Article update[2022-11-20]: an incident occurred where it was discovered that former researcher K. Synnol had acquired one of the tapes (see investigation document 2483 for details) and was attempting to use it for history modification, without approval. The paratime division detected the impending history alteration and an assault team was dispatched. Synnol was apprehended before they could complete the use of the tape, however the label WAS filled out but the tape remained unwatched. What effects, if any, the partial use of the anomalous artifact would have on the timeline is unknown, but in previous testing the film only came into being when the labeled tape was placed into a VCR and watched.

See photo attachment #2, below, for artifact 1B, recovered after the Synnol event.

More than one person has said "this should be an SCP!"

I don't write in other people's fiefdoms, but you're welcome to adapt this story as needed to make it one. You've got my permission to use the text and image for that, and to modify it in whatever ways needed.

That's a Beta cassette, not a vhs. Probably fortunate, who even has an old betamax player lying around

I've got players for VHS (and VHS-C) , Beta, Laserdisc, CED, and u-matic tapes. I've got video 2000, VCR, video-8, and cartrivision tapes, but no players at the moment.

So yeah. I know. It's beta on purpose.


it's time again for the ✨#ADHDCosmicTakeover!✨ my comic this year is about pinballing helplessly between interests and the frustrating feeling of being a "jack of all trades, master of none" (but who said i have to be a "master" of anything anyway? fuck off!)

thank you so much to dreamadoodles for organizing this year! pls check out the tag to see more comics from other contributors 🌠


I have an idea but before I start drawing, does anyone have any better suggestions for parings?

And yes this was mostly based on colour palettes.


I'm sure tumblr would never, but hey. No sense tempting fate.


Social media is not private, emails are not private, internet searches are not private, your text messages are not private.

"I use a VPN!" Your ISP can see when you initially connect to a VPN. The VPN company will comply with a subpoena.

"My socials don't have my real name!" What about the email to register that social? What about your wifi provider? They provide the IP address from which you're frequently logging in. Don't they have your information?

Your cell carrier will comply with a subpoena.

You ISP will comply with a subpoena.

So will Google, Apple, Yahoo, Meta, Tumblr, Twitter, you name it. None of them will fight the government on behalf of a random person they don't care about.

This is why fighting for online privacy laws, real actual privacy laws, is so important. It's why using services with end-to-end encryption is so important. It's why if you don't want any chance of law enforcement to know about something, you cannot post about it online in any way.

The messages we recieved growing up about being very careful about what you post online wasn't fear mongering. They just picked a different villain.


time loop wrapped

  • failed to save a loved one 8402 times
  • punched your boss in the nuts 13 times
  • arrested 329 times
  • died by falling down a manhole twice
  • binged 178 tv shows
  • you spent 328500 minutes in the loop. that’s over 7 months nonstop!
  • top 10% of time loopers worldwide

Boomers would have immediately tried to get the driver fired, the restuarant burnt to the ground, and the first born child of the Tech Support Caller by now.


i have the opposite of that “everyone is an npc” mentality people have embraced where i’m instead like. the person next to me in line has someone they can’t wait to go home to, the person picking up their mail has felt devastation before, everyone in this grocery store is doing their sunday shopping, maybe the person that just honked at me is having the worst day of their life, my neighbor has doctors appointments and favorite foods and a song they can’t stand to hear anymore… you are all fully realized complex people and that is overwhelming me on a spiritual level…

thank u everyone for reminding me of the description for this: “sonder.” beautiful spirits touching my life <3

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