one so strong...

@feigning-loyalty-blog /

:: SEMI-HIATUS :: M!A: None. you know that these people aren't friends, and they only have your worst interests at heart Lucas Unmasked
Anonymous asked:

He had heard the sirens and seen the footage on TV; what was happening?! Duster had grabbed his jacket and gotten an excuse from work before rushing towards the school, angrily trying to fight his way through the crowd, but only to be stopped by the cops who barricaded the area. "Luke!?" He cried out in fear. [dasutah]

Luke had been attempting to pull Fuel through the crowd, having been stopped and interrogated constantly by authorities. He refused any medical attention, having claimed that both he and Fuel were perfectly okay. The plan he had was to run straight home– but he heard a faint voice calling out for him amongst the other voices and sirens.

He craned his neck around, looking for a familiar face– and once he spotted him, he waved his free hand to him.

“Duster– Duster!” He cried out, dragging Fuel behind him. Once he was close enough to Duster, he released Fuel’s hand and threw his arms around the man’s waist. “W-we’re okay…!”

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


His hand locked onto Luke’s, squeezing it tightly in a transcending fear. Around him he can hear the sounds of students screaming, the hallway so hot it was nearly impossible to walk through without PSI; fire roaring around them as their walking broke into a small sprint. Was Luke also afraid?

The face he saw on the boy was one of determination. This wasn’t the Lukas he had grown up with back home in Tazmily–this Lukas was more mature than that. He had grown, become someone else. He had become someone more.

With that stated in Fuel’s mind, it became easier to follow.

Truly, Luke was pained. Physically, mentally, emotionally... not a single part of him was unscathed. From the day Hinawa died, his life continued to spiral down into a pit of despair. 

But the one thing Luke had not lost, was his unrelenting kindness and selflessness. Maybe such qualities did more harm than good for him, but he was hardly in a position to care. The more promising lives of others made better by his sacrifices felt worth it in the end. If he could die knowing that someone else would live because of it, he would die happy...

Which is why he had to remain determine. For Klaus...

Luke held tightly onto Fuel’s hand, refusing to let go even a little. He had faced many fires in his lifetime, and this one was no exception. He trusted the school staff had managed to evacuate most of their classes, but there was more than likely a few students who had not been able to keep up-- a few of which Luke and Fuel were about to pass by.

A girl, one of Luke’s classmates, was left cowering in fear behind burning debris. Luke stopped, if only for a moment, to cast PSI Shield around her. She seemed to look upwards, having noticed a safe presence around her. 

Luke reached over and shook her by the shoulder. “Get up and follow us, okay...??” He muttered to her. She nodded, wiping her tear and smoke stained face. She stood up and followed the two to one of the school entrances. Sirens of a fire truck could be heard.

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


“Duster?” At the mention of an old friend, Fuel’s tear covered face lit up only slightly,”D-Duster is with you? I…I thought the army had got him…” this made his face lower into it’s gloomy appeal again. Although, hearing about the Emperor in such a horrible gaslight was already something that stung at Fuel’s heart.

“He’s been nothing but kind to me and Klaus and…oh god, what if Klaus is in danger because of him, then?! What do we do?! Are you sure Duster would know anything?

“He’s not, y'know....Our Duster, but he’s still...” 

“He’s the one who helped me the most against Claus the first time... the reason I’m still alive.” he recalled fondly how Duster took both he and Cosmo in without a second thought; how he supported them through the loss of their home. “I-I’m sure he’ll be able to help. Come on...!” 

Luke used his strength to help Fuel to his feet, taking him by the hand and beginning to lead on.

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.



Fuel didn’t truly know. Klaus had been sort of secret since they were reunited, but he told Fuel mostly everything…from the things he had for dinner to asking Fuel to join him for meetings. He had seen the man as well, the strange one who appeared like an older version of his friend; tall, formal, almost an icon to be respected. He felt a need to appease him, sometimes, and it scared him. 

“There’s a man, they just him…Emperor, but I don’t know him personally. I barely have met the guy aside from a few meetings Klaus has dragged me to. Y-your brother, he respects him, like a father…”

The second Fuel mentioned the Emperor, Luke’s face turned paler than he could ever imagine. Claus… Claus had gotten a hold on the one person Luke had been trying to protect his entire life. This thought alone made him want to vomit.

Claus had to have brainwashed him, or… There was no way Klaus would follow someone so awful by his own free will.

“F-Fuel, Klaus can’t be following the Emperor, he’s-... he’s nothing but evil in its sickest form. Y-you…” He clutched Fuel’s shoulders and stood back up, attempting to get Fuel to do the same. “C-come back home with me, we have to find a way to get Klaus back… Duster will know what to do…”

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


Fuel looked up into Luke’s eyes, seeing their brilliant blue stare into his own. He had seen eyes that looked exactly like that–but one would always be missing, and the other would always be angry. It was almost relieving to see Lukas right in front of him, breathing; living. He wasn’t dead, he wasn’t Porky’s robot…he was himself. He was a friend.

“Your brother wants you dead, Luke,” whispered Fuel, in a scared voice,”and I am in love with him. I-I don’t know…what to do now…”

Luke stared at fuel, trying determine whether he heard him right. His expression changed from one of calmness, to one of disbelief. Klaus... “You... That can’t be right... Klaus wouldn’t...” 

Luke tried to think back... A note. He remembered receiving one, from the Emperor. That he had someone: Someone who knew him the most. 

It was coming together. He shook his head in utter denial. He suddenly grabbed Fuel by the shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes. 

“Fuel, where is he...?? What has Klaus been doing?!”

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


The army was evil; it had severed Fuel from his family, and it tore Klaus–as well as Luke’s–family apart physically and emotionally. How could Fuel even believe otherwise? The hate he had seen in Klaus’ face at the mention of Lukas–it was painful. It was believable but he know Klaus for holding grudges; would Luke truly abandon Klaus? Or did he do this because of Klaus?

This played with Fuel’s emotions, causing the fire to die down as he began to cry. His tears rushed down his cheeks, staining his gloves as he covered his face and sobbed, falling to his knees. How could he even threaten Luke? His childhood friend? 

“I-I’m sorry!” Was what he shouted, cowering almost in fear of Luke.

Luke clutched his hair tightly, trying desperately to calm down. Anytime he recalled the memory it filled him with deep despair-- and this certainly was not the time for it.

He stared at Fuel, eyes wide and sore from tears. He wasn't sure how to respond for a few moments... should he approach? Should he turn and run while he still could? There was no doubt that his teachers were probably looking for him now. He couldn't leave Fuel here on his own, could he?

Luke sighed, finally feeling calm enough to take a cautious step forward. Slowly, he approached fuel, releasing the grip on his hair to reach his arms out towards him. Once he was close enough, he kneeled down in front of him.

“Fuel. Fuel... L-Listen...” He spoke as gently as possible, that saddened wobble still evident in his voice. “We’ve all... Been through a lot, okay? Too much.”

“But w-we  can still try and fix it... The fighting. That’s what needs to stop...”

“Where is my brother, Fuel? We can all be together again, okay...?”

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


Fuel’s expression melted, one into pure shock and deep sorrow. Now he felt like the betrayer, hurting Luke like he was. Lowering his hands, Fuel could feel his cheeks hot with his own tears, as well as the reflected light from the fire burned hallway. 

“L-Luke? You’re not…Porky’s robot?”

Fuel’s shoulders sagged, his fingers curling almost to clench their own palms.

“T-Then why did you abandon us!”

“Do you remember? When Klaus ran away...” his lip was pulled into a flat line as he tried to explain everything that happened that fateful night; where he found Klaus bleeding to death, the strange men that went after them, and how they followed them home. 

“I had to go with them, Fuel, i-if I didn’t... If I didn’t, I don’t know if I’d have forgiven myself for what might have happened.” He sniffed, trying to wipe his eyes. More tears came down shortly afterwards regardless.

“What they did to me there, Fuel... Everything that happened in the army is awful. But I couldn’t just leave...!!” He was beginning to become hysterical, grabbing his head. “Because of Klaus--!!”

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


Honestly, it sounded as if Luke was making excuses–reasons to cover his betrayal and mistakes. The way his body shook, stuttered; why was Luke even in a facility such as this one? The sign outside said it was a school, but it wasn’t like anything of a school that Fuel had seen growing up in Tazmily. The school he got was from Lighter; it taught him how to read and write. This was a long hallway, much like the chimera labs. Maybe this school was something the army created…

“How do I know they’re not training you right now to become even more of a powerful weapon for King P!?” Was his shouting reply, making the poor child hit a verge of tears. He was ready to cry because he never felt so much hate and sorrow in his heart at once, not even when he was exiled from his home. This was such a burning passion, almost like the fire surrounding him on the hallway walls. 

Luke clenched his fists, hot tears beginning to pool in his eyes. Such sorrow and frustration filled him, and he was trying desperately not to begin sobbing right in front of Fuel.

“That reality is gone, Fuel! The King doesn’t exist anymore, nor does the army-- that means I’m no longer a Commander!” He took a step forward “E-even if I was, he would have no control over me... He never did--!!” He shouted, knowing very well that statement was a bold-faced lie. Porky did control him, just not in the way Fuel had thought.

“I’ve-I’ve never been more sincere, Fuel...!! Please!” His voice was beginning to break as a tear ran down his face.

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


Protect him? That sounded like a joke to Fuel. How was abandoning Klaus protecting Klaus?! Because of Luke’s absence, as well as Flint’s, Klaus had become so angry and distorted to a point Fuel sometimes couldn’t reach out to him.

“You could have stayed behind and done something! I was exiled from Tazmily little ways after you had disappeared… Fassad called me a bad omen and it only got worse after your father disappeared, too. 

“Lucas, you were the strongest out of us all, and you ran away like a coward.” This time he lifted up his fingers, cackling with psychic energy before releasing a powerful bolt. It quickly transformed into raging fire and singed the floor before him.

Luke stared in horror, hearing what happened to Fuel. He knew Tazmily had changed -- and that Fassad was trouble -- but Fuel? Why would he have targeted Fuel? He was the most innocent kid in Tazmily, next to himself. 

And his father was missing too. Where could he have gone? There was no way he would have left Klaus all alone intentionally. 

Luke could only shake his head, whispering a quiet apology.

It hardly gave him time to dodge the attack-- luckily the Shield managed to absorb the damage, but the impact remained the same. This caused Luke to fall backwards once more with a cry.

“Agh... Fuel, I-I’m so sorry... But you don’t understand!” He got back up once more, attempting to strengthen the shield. “They-- the army. They were gonna take Klaus away, I-I swear! I didn’t have a choice, Fuel!”

“... We’re still friends. I don’t want to fight you, okay? Where is Klaus?” 

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes– made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A…are you… Is that you, Fuel…??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


Klaus had brought him back; to the twin towers that spiraled like Dragons. Apparently, in some alternate world, that was Tazmily and it was dominated by another Claus and Lucas, one where they defeated Porky and ruled Nowhere Islands as their own.

Claus had given Klaus the tools to help Fuel strengthen himself, become powerful; be what he wanted to achieve when Fassad kicked him out so long ago–brave. 

“I said I was sorry!” Was his reply, sweat trickling down his forehead as he heard the fire alarm go off in the school hallway. His dark gloved hands again moved forwards, ready to cast another blinding pattern of PSI Fire yet–Fuel was hesitant. 

“I was told you w-were a Commander, of the Pigmask Army. That you betrayed Tazmily…” his brows furrowed, almost in an angry manner, “h-how could you do that?! Especially to Klaus?!”

Luke tossed away what was left of his backpack, knees wobbling as he stood back up. It was almost difficult to hear with the fire alarm blaring in the background, but the blond’s heart dropped to his stomach upon hearing the other’s words. 

This Fuel... was he from his universe? 

“He... Wh-who told you that?? That’s a lie, Fuel!” He frowned, raising his own hands as he cast a PSI Shield around himself. “I joined the army to protect him! I HAD to!”

Anonymous asked:

[Feigning-Bravery] Maybe it was because he wore dark garments, balanced his fire on the tips of his gloved fingers, and looked terrified--Fuel was different. Klaus had convinced him of one thing: the Empire would save them and they needed Luke to do it. "L-Luke? I'm sorry... " The boy felt bad for unleashing his PSI at the teenager in the school hallway.

Luke had been just on his way to class, having been late by a few minutes-- made known by the hallways being mostly barren, save for a few scattered students here and there. He hardly even noticed Fuel until he was struck in the back by the brunet’s PSI and sent flying forward, his backpack exploding into various debris from the blast.

He landed flat on his face, taking only seconds to scramble back up onto his knees, looking over his shoulder to see what could have knocked him over so roughly.

“A...are you... Is that you, Fuel...??” he whimpered in fear and worry. He looked associated with the Emperor.


about this community

Heyaaa! I know I haven’t been super active lately-- it’s all been art or real life errands for me. No room on the clock for RPing. 

That said, I’d like to take a moment to talk about something-- and I don’t do this often, but this is a topic I really feel strongly about, and I think should be addressed. That being, the disturbing amount of bullying I see going on in this RP Community in particular.

Yes, of course every RP Community gets its fair share of anon hatred. But that’s not... all I’m talking about. I’m talking about genuine calling-out of others straight-up when even the slightest topic/headcanon/portrayal is not agreed on. I’ve seen it happen right before my eyes, and I’ve seen it chase away a good amount of friends that I’ve made in my short time here.

Honestly, and I think I can speak for a fair amount of people, it makes me very afraid and uncomfortable. Which is a feeling that should not exist in the world of RPing.

Now, I understand seeing a portrayal of a character/headcanon going around that you don’t agree with, and getting that pang of anger. I’ve gotten that on multiple occasions, believe me. But going out of your way to call the person out and making them feel bad for it is downright inexcusable behavior. Yes, rather than giving constructive advice or leaving well enough alone, I have witnessed people being put down and chewed out for something that they’re doing. I’ve even seen people forced into redoing their entire character, and still getting shot down.

And many times, I’ve seen it force them out of the RP Community altogether.

It’s absolutely not right. And this sort of behavior makes myself and others very hesitant and uncomfortable in portraying our characters the way we want to. It’s indirect manipulation.

I won’t list names out of respect but... Why waste time hurting someone’s feelings just so you can get a “perfect” point across? It does nothing for you, and especially nothing for them. Come to terms, or leave them alone. It’s not so difficult. 

No one owns this RP Community. Stop making others feel scared. And start making this place fun and enjoyable for everyone

Not just yourself.

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