
I Am The Brown Eyed Girl.

@iamthebrowneyedgirl / iamthebrowneyedgirl.tumblr.com

Lighting the fuse might result in a bang.

every year after you turn 17 you get further away from being the age of the dancing queen and that’s my least favorite thing about growing up


Fuck your age, put on your high heeled boots and a pair of overalls and do Meryl Streep proud.

You are the dancing queen.


Hot take: Seventeen is the age at which you get crowned the Dancing Queen.

Being older than that isn’t years away from being the Dancing Queen, it’s how many years your reign has lasted.


types of stard

  • mu
  • ba

this is oddly close to real ‘ard’ is a real suffix in the english language just like ‘ly’ or ‘ify’, it just isnt common enough for us to notice its usage. ‘ard’ means ‘too much’ or ‘too easily’ so ‘mustard’ is something that is ‘too pungent’, just as ‘wizard’ is someone who is too wise, ‘coward’ is someone too easily cowed, and ‘drunkard’ is someone too often drunk

this implies that ‘bastard’ is someone who is too ‘bast’ and this needs experimentation and research

Are you fucking serious omg

This is pretty much correct. According to the OED bastard is from Old French and the bast- part means “pack saddle” which was used as a bed by mule drivers, giving the phrase fils de bast, a child conceived on the pack saddle instead of the marriage bed. In English it becomes bastard, the -ard being a pejorative. It is the same one as wizard and coward and drunkard.


concept: cursed amulet that convinces the wearer there is no way it could possibly be cursed, and makes them completely resistant to any attempts to convince them otherwise

to clarify further: that’s it. that’s the entire curse. it has no other effects on the wearer, malevolent or otherwise.

them: yo you should take that necklace off it’s definitely cursed dude

me: hahah no way bro that’s crazy. like, that’s totally bogus, dude.


Athena blessed her with the ability to protect herself and men beheaded her for it.

That’s actually a really intetesting intpretation of it I hadn’t thought of. Most people seem to think Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon as punishment for defiling her temple, but thinking that she did so to protect her from being abused again is interesting and I like it!

Athena’s hands were tied. Yes, she was a powerful Goddess, but she was very much a woman in a “boys club”, and the true offending party (don’t think for a moment that Athena blamed Medusa for being raped in the temple, Athena knows better) held all the cards. There was nothing that Athena could do to punish the true criminal, and she was expected to punish Medusa by everyone else. What’s a Goddess to do when she cannot punish those who need to be punished and is expected to punish not only the truly innocent party, but her most beloved follower? Use that incredible brain power she had to protect Medusa at all costs, and of course the men would see it as punishment, to be have her beauty stripped from her and sent to live in the shadows. Medusa should have been KILLED for supposedly defiling the temple, whether she truly did or not, but she was given the gift of life, and the ability to protect herself and her daughters (who she bore thanks to Poseidon). This is why Medusa’s image was used to signify woman’s shelters and safe houses.

Medusa means “guardian; protectress”, and she was.


holy shit.

Feministic mythology is what I’m here for


Why do people never want to tell you their middle name like who gives a shit its not a nuclear launch code its your damn name

reblog with your middle name in the tags

Actually, the practice dates back to the reason we have middle names in the first place!

Some time around the dark ages, everyone believed in witchcraft and wizardry, like ya do. A big principle of magic was the idea of “true names.” If a spellcaster knew your full name, they could do whatever the hell they wanted to you. Of course, people didn’t want that, but there were enough people with the same first names that you had to give people your surname as well, to avoid confusion.

The solution? A secret name in the middle that you don’t tell anyone (unless you believe that they’re not able to do magic and/or you trust them enough that if they DID do magic, you’d be fine).

this is some death note shit

Is that why when a parent uses your full name (or even just first and middle name) when they’re angry with you, it feels like they just cast some serious mojo on your soul and you know you are in deep shit?


OP is a fae in disguise do not tell them your middle name


you know what I want? a post-apocalypse farm game.

you’re a wanderer who happens upon a farm. it’s overgrown and decayed, looks like it’s been abandoned for some time. but as you investigate you meet the old man who lives there. he’s been living on this farm for years but as his health has decayed he’s been increasingly unable to take care of it. he sees you are interested and asks if you would like to take it over. you, of course, say yes.

the old man gives you the tutorials, shows you around, introduces you to the traveling trader who sometimes comes by. not long after you have settled in he passes away, at peace now that he knows his beloved farm is being looked after. 

you do your normal farm game things: clean up the land bit by bit, grow some crops from the last of the old man’s seeds, repair the buildings. you scavenge the land around for old world artifacts that can be broken down for supplies and resources to upgrade your farm. the trader comes by, and as you trade with him more and more, he spreads word and other traders come too, offering greater variety. 

other people come too, slowly, attracted by news of your farm or just passing by. they bring valuable skills, but they have requirements to meet if you want them to stay. slowly the nearby town, long since deserted, fills up again. you help the new residents clean it up, repair the abandoned homes, plant flowers along the cracked old streets. 

there’s no fighting, no violence save maybe a bit of subsistence hunting. just a quiet game about life and community regrowing from the ashes. 


When you cry your brain releases an endorphin to reduce pain and better your mood. This is like the chemical equivalent of your own brain patting you on the back and saying “everything’s gonna be okay.”


some of you have never blackmailed a skeevy reporter with the fact that you know that she can turn into a beetle and it shows

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