

@mediocre-dick-blog / mediocre-dick-blog.tumblr.com

Gay is the way Twitter: akareemah99 Instagram: daydreema99

I love working hard towards academic success and taking charge of opportunities that come along with it


staying @ someone else’s place is so perpetually uncomfortable? everything feels like an inconvenience + invasion of privacy. sitting in a chair? inconvenience. opening a cabinet to get a glass? invasion of privacy. breathing? invasion of


Your average pineapple, peeled and cut makes about 4.5 cups or 36 ounces of pineapple chunks. Cans of pineapple come in a variety of sizes the most common being 20oz and 46oz. Meaning a single pineapple generally won’t fill up a single can perfectly, wich also means everytime u eat pineapple from a can somewhere someone else has the can that has the rest of that same pineapple. Meaning u can share a single fruit with a stranger from hundreds of miles away and I think that’s beutiful

How much sleep are you getting?

Not enough my guy

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