
I'm so tired

@contrapositivity / contrapositivity.tumblr.com

Matt, 21, they/he series. Future dentist, Boston gay from SF.

me age 76, 50 some years into societal collapse, dressed like a soothsayer, sitting around a fire and explaining the clown box bit from MBMBAM to a group of young people who lap up my words like they’re honey

years after my death the youngest of my 12 daughters adapts the stories i told (the garfield monstrosity, glass shark, the final pam, et.) into interpretive plays told with intricately directed wooden masks like greek theatre and dancing like elizabethan theatre yet realistic dialogue like mid-century contemporary theatre that accidentally become the folklore-ish mythology of our survival settlement and the brothers mcelroy become ancient gods and i become the new world’s homer, not only cementing their immortality, but my own

taz balance is the new beowulf, transcribed by my great grandson 

not to butt in too much but there’s a play about this exact concept, complete with crazy masks and retellings that are supposed to explore how stories become culture & folklore over time, but with the simpson’s epsiode Cape Feare as the only surviving piece of media. quite fucking literally “the world’s new homer” lol.


overwatch changes:

  • removed mercy specifically because you people dont know how to act
  • winston now has twice as much health and deals twice as much damage and cannot be assigned to a team. instead he is completely neutral and can damage members of both teams at his discretion.

I think there was something sort of profoundly beautiful about the Wii.

I don’t know why, but especially with the built-in channels there was something about the presentation and the music that really feels so much different from any other console. I think it’s because it’s the first console that tried to be something a little more than just a gaming device, and the ephemeral feeling that came with trying to blaze a trail while still maintaining an air of “we know exactly what we’re doing and are fully confident in these ideas”.

Looking back on it is like a fully realized glimpse into a reality congruent but slightly skewed to our own. The place on our respective timelines was right after the intersection where the two lines fully separated from each other, but only barely.

this reply made me feel something.


I’m like three levels deep on an amazon search and I feel like I’ve found something I shouldn’t be looking at directly

what the hell there’s MORE 

(the Wolverine knockoff is supposed to be Therizinosaurus and I’m absolutely fucking loving it)



you can find them listed here and this, by far, is the best image out of the set

catch you all on the flip side, I’m about to order myself a weirdly humanoid Tyrannosaurus barbarian!

scratch that- I just purchased a weirdly humanoid uncomfortably buff tyrannosaurus who is ALSO A CYBORG how could I miss that

better hurry if you want one though 


Cannot decide if this is the best or worst thing


my list, in no particular order, of when a soundtrack has absolutely went off it’s tits to give some of the best moments in any media.

  1. infamous quicksilver scene from x-men apocalypse (”sweet dreams are made of this” playing as he saves everyone from the manor)
  2. the inexplicable use of supermassive black hole by muse  in twilight during the baseball scene
  3. the scene in umbrella academy where five fucks up all those agents in the diner while “istanbul (not constantinople)” plays in the background
  4. what’s up danger playing from into the spiderverse when miles takes the leap of faith
  5. the start of spiderman homecoming when they played the orchestral version of the spiderman theme for the first time
  6. sweet victory
  7. “sitting there useless as two shits hey, turn around bend over i’ll show you where my shoe fits
  8. the part in rwby where they slingshot ruby at the nevermore while the final part of red like roses pt.2 plays, the guitars blaring as she goes up the cliff and ending with the beheading
  9. “I AM MOANA”
  10. busted from phineas and ferb
  11. the end of guardians of the galaxy volume 2 where they start playing father and son
  12. the part in thor ragnarok when hela asks thor “what were you the god of again?” before thor attacks her and starts going batshit crazy on the undead army while led zeppelin’s immigrant song plays

as this is by no means a comprehensive list, please add any soundtrack moments that were so Fucking Good they made you have a physical reaction.

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