
Sorry, gotta zayn

@beepbeepliv / beepbeepliv.tumblr.com

I know I'm a handful, but God gave you two hands for a reason. (mobile links: moodboards ao3 drabbles insta)



It’s October 2018 in the small town of Derry, Maine. Children run around the town, all prematurely dressed up in their halloween costumes and making up games to play in them. There’s a new game every day, but every week there’s less and less kids to play. Parents are getting worried, ensuring their kids come home right after school until there are less and less children spending time outside. Though there are, of course, the more neglectful parents who let their kids play out late, a move they will forever regret when they never come home. Age up to high school, teenagers are preparing for Halloween and the festivities to come. Some are more fearful than others, seeing as whatever is making these kids go missing doesn’t seem to mind taking teens as well, according to the news. However, most of them are more foolish, as most teenagers tend to be, and think they’re invincible. They play truth or dare, daring their friends to go out in the woods, then pretending they had nothing to do with it when they don’t come back. When kids are starting to run slim and teenagers are still in abundance, they start to disappear even more. A group of misfit teens decide to band together, hoping there would be strength in numbers. Nobody is to go anywhere alone, unless they are in their own vehicle. Even so, they must text the others to let them know they got home safe. Everything seems to be going smoothly, until the fateful Halloween night. There’s a big party planned in, you guessed it, the woods. Most teens are planning to go, get drunk, hook up, try not to get killed, the usual. Will their efforts be enough, or will they, along with countless others, remain lost forever?


Basically a who dun it rp, someone is going round killing people and you all have to figure out who it is before you die (spoopy, right?) (If you’re interested in being the killer let a mod know when u join)


no godmodding unless the person gives you permission to do stuff with their character no telling a person how to play their character answers must be at least 5 lines on laptop or 7 on mobile OCs may be allowed, at mod discretion (but like,,, don’t get ur hopes up probably?) You may kill of your character but it would be best to discuss it with mods first Relationships are fine but also it’s not the focus of this rp


Bill Denbrough Beverly Marsh Ben Hanscom Mike Hanlon Eddie Kasbrak Richie Tozier Stanley Uris Mike Wheeler Will Byers Lucas Sinclair Dustin Henderson Max Mayfield Jane/Eleven Nancy Wheeler Steve Harrington Jonathan Byers Billy Hargrove Henry Bowers Vic Criss Belch Higgins Patrick Hockstetter Peter Gordon Moose Sadler Gard Jagermeyer

HOW TO JOIN (submit this form to me or reply to this post if you don’t mind it being public) :

Name: Age: How best to contact u (if not Tumblr): Character: Age (kids should be 16 or 17 and teens 17-19): Headcannons (5 or more please): Short writing excerpt w/ speech:


Ricky Berry and his roommate Philip Blackwell not only were denied service at a CVS in Carytown, Virginia, when they were in search of sliced cheese, the employees there actually hid from the customers and called the police on them.  Blackwell said there was another customer attempting to purchase some medicine for a bad tooth, who also couldn’t find anybody to help him. Berry stated that a police officer showed up and helped them search the store only to find the employees in a back room behind locked doors.

Source (x)

Y'all can’t be serious

Look, I’m going to be honest. Half the time I see a story about racism, I don’t share it or interact with it because … I don’t know if I’m falling for a sarcastic joke? Like, there’s no way this wasn’t a Key and Peele sketch. Except there’s a source, and it ain’t.


The only acceptable reason for this is if this character is actually a demon who seduces men and then eats them. [source]

who wrote this, expose him


my breasts are nicely separated. Completely divided, every year they move apart by half an inch.

My breasts are nicely separated though they still fight for custody of the children.

I,,a woman,,,am WiDeR LOweR dOwN

That was difficult to read.

So ugly

My name is Ebony D'arkness Dementia Raven Way, and my breasts are nicely separated



You can always tell when it’s a man writing a description because they focus oddly on the breasts. There will always be something about breasts and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read historical or fantasy fiction and they talk about “her breasts hanging freely under her tunic” or what the fuck ever and it’s like…women don’t do that? We don’t describe ourselves by saying “I have blonde hair and blue eyes and my breasts hang freely under my tunic”. I kind of feel like we should counter by awkwardly mentioning all male character’s balls in their description. It’s kind of in the same vein.

“I have auburn hair and hazel eyes and my copious nicely separated balls hangs freely under my breeches”


“To get back to my body”

This is the first time I saw this post with art and I am in tears.

Reblogging again because IT HAS BEEN ILLUSTRATED NOW 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Im actually laughing so hard omg

end harpy shaming 2k18

…I actually do want to transform into this being though


why i will always love billy no matter what anyone says okay

my brother was a lot like billy. he was a strong young man and he was handsome and charming and my father hated it. it made him jealous. made him feel inferior, intimidated. during my early years my mother always managed to bear the brunt of my father’s abuse, distract him from me and my brother and turn it on herself. but my father was a narcissist and he was manipulative and cruel and when my brother grew up strong he hated it. you’d have thought that when my father started to knock my brother around he’d have fought back. he was strong enough, quick enough. i could have done something too i think. i could have tried to help. but my brother just let it happen. he didn’t react to any of it. because even though he hadn’t started hitting him until he was 15/16 he’d been emotionally abused since the day he was born. he knew not to fight back, answer back, retaliate when something happened. because it was better just to take it and get it over with. as time went on my brother’s grades started slipping even more. he’d never really been good at school anyway, it had never been his thing but it got worse. he started acting different, staying out late so he didn’t have to come home. he got into trouble for boy racing, drinking, drugs. i guess it was his way of coping. he was going to get into trouble anyway so he may as well have just done what he wanted. i don’t think he was as scared of the cops as he was of my father. but the worst thing was how one day he just ‘switched off’. it’s like he stopped feeling things. he didn’t talk to me anymore. he didn’t talk to my mom. his girlfriend broke up with him because he just didn’t care enough to see her. he was this horrible, twisted person and i began to hate him just as much as i hated my father. and it was my father who made him that way. and i’ll never forgive him for taking my brother away from me. because maybe i’m reading too much into it but when i read the posts that the antis make about how they wish billy death i feel like crying ‘cause it’s like they’re wishing my brother death too. ‘cause i see my brother in billy all the time. not even just a little bit, it’s like looking at his twin. that’s what he was like. and do i believe that if somebody had reached out and done something then my brother could have been saved? absolutely. i think about it everyday. i could have done something. i could have tried harder. but i didn’t. nobody did. nobody helped him. and i doubt very much that any anti has kept on reading this long but if they have then i want you to understand that there are real people out there who are like billy, who got turned into billy because of the abuse and the suffering they had to go through just because some sicko liked to get off on controlling people. when i look back on it now i feel so much guilt and regret in hating my brother. i felt like he’d left me by turning his emotions off but he was just protecting himself the whole time, doing the best he could to survive. and i forgive him for everything. not that there was anything to ever forgive. it wasn’t his fault. and i’ve held back from writing this publicly until now although i’ve never held back my fondness for billy but i guess this is the most personal thing i’ve ever written. so please, before you publicly wish death on this fictional child of abuse, stop and remember that you are also wishing death on the real life children of abuse who turned out just like that.


I reblogged this once and found $999 on the floor.

Reblog the Money Susie and you’ll have money coming your way too 💵💵

Holy shit I just won the lottery this really works


How do you find $999 on the floor?

I Reblogged The Money Susie Thats How .

DO NOT!!! SCROLL PAST!!! THIS!! REALLY!! WORKS!! i didnt really believe in things like these but when i saw it on my dash i thought, well, why not, ive really been needing money for the new game i want to buy anyway. and i hit reblog. the next day my mom gave me $100 in CASH and when i asked her why she said that she just felt like increasing my allowance!!i dont know if shes going to keep on giving me $100 allowance so im reblogging again just to make sure

Fuck it

Does it work?!!! Or is it a fraud?!

Those Who Question The Money Susie Will Suffer 500 Million Years Of Debt

The real question is why the heck she stuffed money up her nose do you hAVE ANY IDEA WHERE THAT’S BEEN?



Wtf why does this work???


Please Money Susie, I need yer cash

cash please am broke


Woke up to this. If you are unaware, Nationalist is code word for Nazi. White Nationalists are Nazis with a different name. They are for “ethnic cleansing” which means Genocide. Nazi announces he is a Nazi.

And he wants to get rid of trans/non-binary folks. The same thing first happened back then when Nazis took down the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute of Science of Sexuality). They had so much data about trans folks in general and Nazis burnt it down with all the records and data. This is how a fascist regime starts.

For more info: 

Go out and vote. Vote in everything. Your vote fucking matters.


Me: *Thinks about making a post*

Me: *Thinks of all the ways it could blow up in my face*

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