


Me as a Shipper: "I was in the middle before I even knew I had begun"

Post Likes

If you ever see me like and then unlike a fanfic post, please understand that it means that I loved it, and I found it on Ff.net or AO3 and saved it to my favorites so I could find it more easily than scrolling through all my likes on Tumblr.


GMW reruns

Wow! Disney really changed the description for Girl Meets New Year. “While staying at the Matthews house for a NYE sleepover, Lucas and Maya decide to kiss at midnight”????


Rucas Writers Fan Week

I’m thrilled to be able to pay tribute to some of the amazing Rucas fan fiction writers this week. I need to pull out my faves list and get it going but I wanted to start with my two go to stories that never fail to make me happy.

The first is a Collection of one shots by Poledra182 that are bittersweet, happy ending-ish and less angsty than the rest of the other works in progress by this author. A personal favorite is “heart on your sleeve”. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12367146/1/

And secondly, a lovely crossover set in the Harry Potter world. The amazing and wonderful “I want to hold your hand” by @friarlucas. I adore all of her pieces, but this one really makes my heart happy. http://archiveofourown.org/works/10932423


Trip and Ward

So I see Trip is at least in the next episode, but did we see the last of Ward? They started down the sacrifice play route, but instead of being surrounded by Hydra, there were people who wanted to help. I guess and Daisy sort of wrapped things up, but it seems anti-climactic of an ending for the character. And what's sort of bothersome if that WAS the end, is that most of the popular TV websites keep using pictures of him with articles about this pod of episodes or articles that don't even mention him. As someone who loved both characters, I hope there is at least a bit of a wrap up to their stories in regards to the Framework carrying on or if they do shut it down, at least something said about losing them, as I hope they do for... well, Hope.


Framework thoughts

So the Framework has at least some people the team knows from the bran scans of the team...does the level of closeness or importance to those team members cause them to be there or technically, is everyone in the framework someone that one of the team has at least met at some point in their life or does it just populate with random people the further removed they are from one of the team? Did a regret get changed for Ward to change his backstory or did his back story change due to the removal of a regret of one of the team? Which leads to him and Skye, how did they get together? Was it because of her regret removal and if so, what was her regret? Which also leads to, did Aida remove a regret for Simmons that lead to her death or because Aida/madame hydra wants Fitz, did she just kill off Simmons?


Shippers lament

I'm not doing too hot these days, my OTP's either have someone missing from the show now, the show is canceled or I'm getting weirdly drawn into ships for shows that haven't aired in years...either way, my fanfic reading has been light lately.


Love letter to Fan-fiction Writers

You watch a show, you meet two characters and you fall in love. If you’re lucky, a slow burn relationship will happen and finally your two loves will become canon. In the meantime, you find and devour all fan-fiction that you can find on this couple. It helps pass the time, ease the ache of the slow burn and the “stupid man, look at her looking at you with heart eyes” moments. However, sometimes, your show doesn’t go the way you want and sometimes it torpedoes and then repairs, then torpedoes your ship again and slowly, you lose hope until one day it blows up in a spaceship in space. All that’s left is fan-fiction. But sometimes, this back and forth is too much, and your favorite writers lose their muse, they lose their desire to devote more time to a show that has hurt them, they find a new couple/show who take more of their interest or sadly, real life gets in the way. But here’s to you, for your canon, canon divergent and AU’s. Your unique ideas and your take on tropes. Your enemies to lovers, your Soulmates. Your fluff and your smut. Your one shots, multi chapters and your completed and uncompleted works. Know that i have your read your works even if i didn’t comment on them, i reread your works and whether it be next week, a month or a year from now, I will continue to follow your pieces. Thank you for your time and your talent.

larry-hysteriks, Eienvine, Stargazerdaisy, rectifyinflux, SilverSpoon and a whole lot of others that changed their name and I’ve lost over time or that I may not have found you on Tumblr yet.  


Ward/Hive observation

After seeing the promo and photos released, it occurs to me that Ward looks a lot more alien. On the other planet, Will/hive was almost undetectable until Fitz looked at his wound. Just something I was thinking about....


What I want for season 3

Fine, wanna make Ward rebuild Hydra, go ahead. But in return, since we're bringing back season 1 people, bring back the Graviton story line. Last seen in the hands of, oh, Ian Quinn. Maybe a little double cross, get the graviton, which remember does have a man inside of it, and would really piss off SHIELD and maybe get a little revenge on the man who shot Skye (my little Skyeward heart believes he'd still want that on her behalf, plus I still think Fitz and Daisy are exempt from his vendetta). That would also give me at least some small belief that maybe there actually is a game plan for the character and they are not completely making up Ward's storyline as they go.

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