
I'm a Big Fat Gay Baby Nerd

@inaraoftyria / inaraoftyria.tumblr.com

"Not Gay or Straight Enough". Shitposts, thoughts on things, memes, and video games. I am weeb trash. 90% anger, 10% existential dread.

when I was in high school my AP english teacher told us we weren’t allowed to eat in class so I took that as a personal challenge to see what the most ridiculous thing I could eat in class without getting caught was so I started bringing soup to class and as soon as I’d crack the lid of my thermos the tiniest bit this football player that sat like 3 rows in front of me would going “I SMELL MEAT SOMEONE HAS SOUP” and no one ever believed him

The only valid response

My AP English teacher once stopped class for fifteen minutes to hunt a wasp, but if she’d banned food I would have understood, based on what happened in our class sophomore year.


(#also the football player in my class had a +2 to sleeping in class #so there’s that #am i truly fishing for someone to ask about the kool aid story #yes probably)

OK, I’ll bite. Please do tell, now I’m curious.

My sophomore year american lit teacher was two things: new to teaching and bad at thinking things through. We read The Scarlet Letter over the summer, had to turn it in 2 weeks before the semester started, and for some reason known only to herself and possibly god, she decided not only to make our seating assignment by the grade we got on it, but to actually say so to the class.

Naturally, from this moment forth, we hated her. Under this seating assignment, which lasted all year due to block scheduling, I was grouped with the student council secretary, who had never done anything remotely sneaky in her entire life, and the aforementioned football player, who I had known since birth (his) and with whom I had spent most of august having an in-depth discussion of the summer reading (mine) due to disappointments about frankenstein the year before.

At the other end of the classroom was group B-, a pissed off cluster of orchestra students who were about to turn analyzing the american dream into a blood sport and take all of us with them. We’ll get back to them in a moment.

Somewhat importantly, the three of us sat where the teacher’s back was constantly to us. This would have been fine, except for the amount of adolescent resentment simmering in that classroom. Our first semester was short stories, and football season, which lead to Football Player suffering a torn rotator cuff. Somewhat by accident, we discovered that the teacher would not notice him sleeping off his painkillers if Student Council or I pinched his good arm when she finally turned around: He’d bolt upright and mutter something about it being symbolic of the american dream. It’s due to this that the class as a whole worked out that if he was still getting an A+ while on lots of codeine, and group B- had not seen significant increases in their grades, that there wasn’t any actual grading going on.

When our mid-semester project was announced to be an in-depth analysis of a specific character or theme for The Scarlet Letter, and that extra credit would be given for anyone who brought in an appropriately symbolic food, group B- decided to kill two birds with one stone.

They brought in cookies - snickerdoodles with shiny red sugar sprinkles - and explained how they were symbolic of something to do with Dimmesdale… then waited until we bit into them.

The sugar sprinkles were salt, dyed red with food coloring. The symbolism was about deception. They got extra credit, we yelled at them, the cookies were thrown out.

Enter the end of semester project, which was on the Great Gatsby, except people did an in depth creative analysis of a chapter, and my group got the one where Gatsby’s body is discovered, took one look at each other, and decided to go all out.

We met at Student Council Secretary’s house with half a plan, and spent a Saturday afternoon going bananas. We had a game board where each group would play a trivia game about the chapter using a car symbolic of the character they were playing as (several vintage hot wheels were donated to the cause: Football and I had very angry younger brothers, later.) We had an expressionist/Dadaist/give the football player scissors poster depicting the scene of Gatsby’s death, complete with “money growing on trees” because it was faster to chop up rectangles of green construction paper in the paper cutter than to put extra work into it. We had everything… except an appropriately symbolic food.

“We should make them toast to the american dream and the trivia game winner at the end,” said Student Council. “With red koolaid,” said Football, who in addition to having slept through the first half of the semester has an unfortunate sense of humor, “To symbolize the characters’ gullibility as well as Gatsby’s blood.”

I’m not going to take credit or blame for what happened next, except to say that when you’ve known someone since birth, then been separated for the length of middle school due to districting, and then spent the last year and change rediscovering that you’re both fairly bright teenage idiots with no faith in authority while simultaneously making the worst puking noises you can manage when people mistakenly assume you’re dating, you fuel each other’s bad ideas until they become a california wildfire.

Student Council is relatively blameless, and in fact, tried to talk us out of it.

We waited. We presented. We played a trivia game and waxed rhapsodic about impressionism and did a lot of bullshitting about symbolism, and we passed out a stack of red solo cups half full of red koolaid, which NO ONE was to drink until the toast. Who won the race for the american dream? Doesn’t matter. 

“A Toast!” declared Football, “To Achieving the American Dream!” and everyone drank but us.

There was an immediate storm of spitting and yelling from the class, who had drank the kool-aid responsibly, only to discover that it had been made with many, many cups of salt instead of sugar. Group B the second (formerly group B-) was particularly loud, but not louder than our teacher, who had drank her koolaid like a shot, and was gagging enthusiastically into the classroom trashcan. Student Council was ready to die of embarassment, but Football was nothing but thorough when he decided to piss people off.

“And that kool aid is symbolic of Jay Gatsby’s blood!” he shouted, as the bell rang and I shoved him out the door before the second hour honors american english class could commit a homicide.

Rebageled for April Fool’s, despite it being a revenge story and not a prank. Do not try this at home. School. Homeschool. … anywhere


I’m not sure I buy that the cop “accidentally” shot Daunte Wright. Tasers are drawn differently and don’t even weigh the same as a handgun.

You’re telling me a 25 year veteran and police “union” boss can’t tell the difference between a gun and a taser?


Well that sounds like a load of bullshit


Making a story-thingy-kind-of-art-object, spending lots and lots of time trying to make it as believable as possible. Now I worry people will genuinely be fooled by it, not in the ”what-if” “I believed it for a second” kind of way but in “you set me up” “I embarrassed myself at work falling for this shit” kind of way. In your opinion, what is my responsibility as an artist?


Make a story you are proud of. You can’t please all the people, so try and please yourself.


Wall Street: don’t hate the player hate the game

Everyone else: joins the game

Wall Street:


In light of the current Wallstreet situation, I can only imagine that this is those glorious bastards in the Wallstreetbets reddit lol:


There was a post on r/wallstreetbets (that is now deleted. here’s the link anyway) that really shows why what happened with GME was super important. 

Posted by u/Hungry_Freaks_Daddy

“A message to everyone on Wall Street from somebody with nothing to lose. You only think you’re in control.”

“You’re trying to scare us into selling. It won’t work. Let me explain why.

I grew up poor. I grew up on the poor side of town. I remember my parents struggling with money for years. Shitty cars. Shitty clothes. Never owned any video game consoles because not only did my parents not approve of them, they couldn’t afford them. Ramen was a staple at home. I still eat it to this day. Pro tip you can have for the future - a slice of cheese and a whisked egg in your ramen make it way better than just with seasoning alone.

I’ve been broke almost my entire life. I’ve never had more than $9,000 liquid at one time. I’ve been nearly homeless too many times to count. I’m an expert at thrift store shopping. I’ve worked 50, 60, 70, 80, even 90 hour weeks at shit jobs since I started working at 18. I’ve never stolen. My parents raised me to be honest and a good person and a hard worker and that’s just who I am.

I have struggled and have always dealt with debt and I have lived basically paycheck to paycheck for my entire adult life.

If you think the prospect of losing the few hundred dollars I have in GME is going to scare me into selling before Friday, you couldn’t be more wrong.

When you only ever average like $1,000 in your checking account, what’s the difference when it’s $100 or $10? Do you have any idea how many times I’ve been there before? You know what I do when I’m completely fucking broke? I literally shrug my shoulders and play some video games or music until my next paycheck. And I’ll do it again. I’m not here to get rich overnight. I don’t have enough to invest to make that happen. I’m here to say fuck you and to be a part of this moment, this movement. I will never sell. Never. I don’t even care about the money at this point. If I never see it again it makes no difference to me. I have to go right back to work tomorrow and the next day and next week and next month and next year.

There isn’t a single thing you can say or do to change my position. I risk my money happily. I am not the least bit scared or worried. You might be a financial expert, I am a survival master.

Power to the people.

I will not sell.”



Seriously, though, this is the biggest middle finger to the man I've ever seen.

This isn't about the money for these people - not really. This is about a message, and the message is "Fuck You."

Fuck you, for manipulating the market. Fuck you, for betting on a company to fail and for thousands of people to lose their jobs. Fuck you, for trying to continue to hoard the wealth.

These billionaires are crying and all I hear is "Oh, no, the poors are beating us at our own game. This is evil!"

Anonymous asked:

Aunties, can you please explain the whole GameStop stock debacle in normal-people terms?

Bahahaha! I’m fucking STOKED you asked. This is the kind of absurdity that I live for, cry over, and reinforces my belief that MONEY IS FAKE. Ok here goes...

First a definition: What does it mean to “short a stock”? Shorting or even short-selling stocks is when you borrow shares in a company then immediately re-sell them in the hopes that you can buy them back later at a lower price. You then return the shares to the original lender they were borrowed from and pocket the difference. It is a STUPIDLY RISKY way of making money on the stock market, and has traditionally only been used by Wall Street Evil Knievels and people so hopped up on cocaine they thought the housing collapse of 2008 would be a great fucking idea. None of you should try shorting stocks. Buy stocks, invest for the long term, and go about your business. 

Mmkay, so with that out of the way, let’s talk about what’s going on with GameStop. 

Hedge fund managers (people who run big conglomerations of investors and investments) are betting on GameStop to fail, business-wise. They think the stock is crashing and that the company is in trouble. Why? Not important for the purposes of this explanation. They have just made certain projections that show GameStop is failing on the investment front. So the hedge fund managers want to capitalize on this failure (read: get rich off of GameStop’s demise) by shorting GameStop stock. With me so far?

This is all business as usual for the world of high stakes investing. But heeeeeere’s where it gets interesting. There’s a Reddit forum called /r/WallStreetBets. Their whole thing is sharing stock tips and hot investments. It’s for people who know the stock market well enough to literally play with it on a small scale. They found out about the plan to short GameStop stock. And they took evasive maneuvers. 

Suddenly, members of this Reddit started buying up GameStop stock en masse. These purchases drove the price of the stock way up (that’s how the stock market works) AND it prevented the stock shorters from fulfilling their scheme AND it forced them to lose a ton of money. For example, the professional hedge fund managers lost $1.6 billion in a single day last week. By contrast? One of the WallStreetBets dudes turned $50,000 into $11 million.

But what does any of this literally have to do with GameStop? ALMOST NOTHING. The company itself is not doing anything any different. Its value and stock prices are soaring not because of anything GameStop has done to improve itself... only because people who play with money are artificially inflating its value through this weird war.

In my opinion, the heroes here are WallStreetBets. They are demonstrating, in real time, how fucking arbitrary the value of something can be. They are calling Wall Street’s bluff and fucking with the people who--FOR A LIVING--just regularly decide to drive an individual company out of business and its employees out of jobs. 

Whatever your thoughts on GameStop as a company, this is an abject lesson in how capitalism is not some hallowed law of the universe, but an arbitrary system we made up. That system can be hacked. It can be broken. And it can be fun!

Anyway, hope that helps. This is as close to a simple explanation as I could get, and a LOT of nuance is missing so please don’t @ me. If you want a way more in-depth read that’s still simple enough for those who don’t know shit about investing, I got my information from Vox. And if you enjoyed this explanation, maybe read these ones too:


Full "reddit (and twitter) buys gamestop to spite short sellers" story, from someone who watches finance communities

I watch r/Wall Street Bets and related reddit communities as a hobby. I don't have screenshots but it's all on the sub (unless it goes private, but that's temporary) back a few months you'll see what I mean.

Some redditors on a subreddit known for stupid, yet successful stock and option plays found out that gamestop stock had a bunch of short sellers. This subreddit also says the r slur a lot.

Short sellers are people that borrow stock from other people willing to lend theirs at whatever price it is now, and sell it immediately. This is in the hopes that the stock will drop

Later on, they buy back that stock at a presumably different price and pocket the difference or loss.

It's like if every Mazda was the same, you could loan your Mazda out to someone they can do whatever they want with it as long as they get you *a* Mazda back. Every stock for each company is (usually) identical.

A lot more people that aren't big banks or institutional investors got into stock trading last March of 2020 with the social isolation, the stimulus checks, and some desperation thrown in. This is "retail investors/traders." Most short sellers and most stock/option money in the game is from banks and the wealthy.

R/wall street bets has had a habit of pumping stocks they believe in. They're why Tesla is, mathematically, overbought, as well as a few other companies. This ain't the first time. The reason they went for gamestop now *again* is out of spite, because they tried and failed to pump it before when Gamestop and Microsoft had some venture going i don't remember, but the short sellers depressed the price artificially (cus if a lot of people sell stock, it goes down)

When short sellers buy back their stock, it goes up. It's called a short squeeze. WSB decided to pump GME to force the shorts to buy back their position early, and therefore cut their losses, and therefore buy back their borrowed stock, and therefore make GME go up. This is the short squeeze. Gamestock was like... $15 a few months ago. Now it's $140 because reddit got mad


So basically a bunch of redditors decided to fuck around, unionized, and bought a bunch of Gamestop stock. This gave impressions it would do well, which caused other people to buy it and then more people to buy it, which drove the price higher and higher (from like $20 to $162 a share).

But there are lots of rich people and hedge funds who bet against Gamestop (pandemic and online downloads) and didn't account for redditors with a little bit of individual money unionizing and fucking around with them and their money, so the rich people are pissed at the poor people for behaving irresponsibly and making them lose money on their gamble.

(It's fine when the rich unionize and fuck us over, but not when we do it to them.)

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