
with hope at last

@kyoshi-s-blog / kyoshi-s-blog.tumblr.com

Elli, lover of firebending jerks, happy endings, a good book and tea. thanks for being here, please enjoy your stay though i'm /mostly on hiatus/ ♥ (^▽^)

Hey guys! So I was planning to make a Christmas Follow Forever, but LOL i was kind of busy with college apps (still haven’t finished them ahha) so I didn’t have time ;A; Anyway, I hope you all had a great Christmas/holiday ;w; 

Kay so basically this is my first follow forever to thank all those who have made my dashboard so sugoi ;u; I’ve only had this blog for a few months, but your blogs have made my tumblr experience super amazing! :D Some of you guys I’ve talked to, while others I have not, but either way you are all fab okay *u* For those whom I’ve talked to, thanks for being such awesome tomodachis! I’m so glad we met and became friends b/c when I’m down, you guys always cheer me up ^^ 

LOL gomen this is a really shitty follow forever, I didn’t have much time but yeahh just wanted to let all of you know that I appreciate you guys and your blogs ;v; and haha sorry if I spelled your url wrong ;A; i probably made at least one typo somewhere but yeahh oops 

If I forgot any of you or you aren’t in this follow forever, I still love you guys kay >< so yeah

*hover over your url for a personal message hehehe

0-F0takugirl • aerosparrk • akashis • akatsukii • altairis • amuriita • atsushi-i • avatarious • ayanime • bmsneko • bobbidyboo • chizuhime • dragneels • eufleuric • fourleafclovertaiga • fujikos • fuwwa 
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M-Rmakos-lightningrod • mangastories • maruuji • mashumaro • matourou • midorimas • misatan • mochichou • mochinzou • mochiru • moveslikekorra • my-obsessed • nishikki • notsuki • nurui • nyuun • ocarine • perfvert • rainnieday • reijikotobuki • riseken • ryuichii • ryuuichikashima 
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+ blogroll
Source: kurotachi
Anonymous asked:

oh your korra bby post, where did you get the petals? :O

Hey Anon! (´ ▽ ` )ノI always get stuff like that from YouTube! I mostly just type in “Animated …” and then search for something that I can use ^c^ The petals are from this video; which I downloaded & then giffed (o´ω`o) Oh and if you want to use these kind of videos, like the petals or the leaves in this gif, I would definitely recommend you to use videos with a black/dark background; because these will be the easiest to work with in Photoshop! >3I hope I could help you; if not please message me again!! (≧▽≦)ノ

"On the outside, Korra is tough, hot-headed character who is mentally strong. But at the point when she turned into a child, Korra was alone, powerless and terrified. Korra was scared and confused; she felt almost childish on the inside because of how helpless she was. As a result, her emotions of feeling childish and inexperienced became a reality and she was physically portrayed as a child. What this did was symbolize just how vulnerable she was at the time. But once Korra realized that she would be able make it to the Spirit Portals and fulfill her goal, she transformed back the confident, headstrong teenager she really is. Rather than allowing Korra to show her emotions at a basic level, the episode took the scenario much deeper and showed how Korra truly felt." (read more)
"I know it's hard, but it's for the best." Maybe I am just imagining things, but to me the scene with Meelo and Tenzin felt like a huge metaphor for loneliness that often comes with power. Being in such a powerful and important position as the Avatar (or in case of Aang and Tenzin; being the Last Airbender) can be very lonely. Many people put their faith and trust in them, while they have to learn to control the elements, ensure peace, find their inner balance or save the continuing existence of a whole culture. Yet they are only human and need a family and friends, someone that loves them no matter what. Finding Balance between the task of being the Avatar (or Last Airbender) and the longing to settle down and live a normal life must be very difficult. Avatar Roku died and caused 100 Years of war because he was indecisive and trusted Fire Lord Sozin too much. Aang ran away because of the pressure and expectations he already felt as a child, and was not there when the Fire Nation killed the other Air Nomads; people that were like family to him. Korra feels constantly betrayed and deprived; even if somebody only has the best intentions and wants to help her. And then there's Tenzin - His father was the Avatar and he himself was the Last Airbender for a long time, indirectly caused hundreds of years ago by Avatar Roku, which separated him from his siblings. He knows how hard it will be for Meelo, Ikki, Jinora and Rohan one day, since a whole culture depends on them. Being the Avatar/Last Airbender makes you lonely, because you are different. There is no one like you in the world, no one with such a power, no one with so much pressure on them; and that will always separate you from others. I don't think it's coincidence that most Avatars best friends were animals; since they are always loyal, good listeners and would never judge or leave you.  As Avatar Yangchen said to Aang: "Selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world."

Your gifs/gif sets and the quotes that go with it make me cry. I miss Avatar so much. =(


Hey there! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Thanks so much for sending me this message, although my stuff made you sad ;___; I’m publishing your message because I feel the need to tell the world how much I miss Avatar, too.I totally understand how you feel. I miss Avatar every day and every minute, and it’s not getting easier, only harder. I grew up with this show and it guided me through my childhood for many years. I remember the days my little brother and I used to watch it together, starting fights over little things like “Who is cooler - Katara or Sokka?” (We agreed that both are awesome) or talking about different scenes for hours. It is a blessing to be at the right age, at the right time, and then start watching a show. I have no idea how much I would love Avatar today if I would have started watching it a few years earlier or later. Nowadays it seems to me there couldn’t have been a more perfect time than when I actually started watching it; maybe otherwise it wouldn’t have such an huge impact on me today. It was in January 2006 when Avatar first aired in Germany; I was 9 years old at that time. It ended 2 years later, in November 2008, and for those 2 years it was everything to me. And when it ended, I cried for days, because I was happy about how it ended, but also sad that I would never be part of Team Avatar again. At that time I didn’t know sayings like “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” I mean, I was only 12 years old, I had no idea of anything That feeling never really went away. Yes, you can rewatch a show, but that feeling you had when you first watched it will never be there again. I miss Aang, and the way he handled things. I miss Katara, because she was so unbelievable brave and strong. I miss Sokka for his awesome personality and Toph for showing me that, no matter what others say about you, you can be whoever you want. I deeply miss Zuko, for being my favorite character ever, and for making a 10 year old girl fall in love with him. And I miss Iroh, for being so wise, although I never understood the deeper meaning of his words when I was younger. And I miss Azula for being such a great villain, and Mai, for making Zuko happy, and Ty-Lee, Momo & Appa, and all the other characters. I miss them all. But it’s over, and I am not that 10 year old girl anymore. Time is passing by so fast.. Luckily we have such amazing Creators like Michael and Bryan, who came up with another wonderful show, so the world of Avatar never really left. And, of course tumblr, where we are able to express our feelings for Avatar.  Maybe that’s why my posts made you cry - Because I am still feeling like that little 12 year old girl on the day Avatar ended, and I try to put these feelings into my stuff. Avatar will always be a part of me. It was a part of me for the last 7 years, and it will still be a part of me in the next 70 years, I am sure of that. Whenever I feel the wind blowing through my hair I will wonder if someone is airbending, and whenever I sit in front of a fireplace I will try to bend the fire as I did when I was younger; because I always wanted to be a firebender >3> And the earth beneath my feet is not just earth, it’s alive to me, as well as water. As long as I have the elements around me, Aang and the others can’t be that far away, right? At least that’s what I think, and it makes me really happy. ^v^

Anonymous asked:

Those images you used in your beautiful Zuko GIFset, with Zuko from Season One and him as a baby and so on. Where did they come from? Do you know? :) Incredible GIFsets by the way. I love your work so much!

Hello~Anon! (´ ▽ ` )ノ Thank you so much for asking; although that gifset is neither beautiful nor is my other stuff incredible - But I’m glad and very happy that you like it!!  ╮(*´▽`*)╭I’m sorry for forgetting to add the source to my posts, some nice people always have to remind me to do so here’s the link to her deviantart with the picture and that’s her tumblr ^v^ I loved that drawing when I first saw it, it’s so beautiful! Again; thank you soooo~ much for sending this incredible nice message, I hope I could help you! ^v^ 

Anonymous asked:

where do you get your textures?

Hey Anon; thanks for asking! (´ ▽ ` )ノI haven’t downloaded new textures in a while, but I usually get them from here. I would recommend to check out their tags to easily find what you kind of texture you’re looking for. PSCS5 is also great, I’ll bet you can find a bunch of great textures there (^▽^) Hm, I think that’s it! I have some textures I use on most of my edits, so I don’t download new stuff often. I hope I could help you.. a bit >3


Another Live Stream Link!

Hi guys! I managed to find another live stream link, just in case there are issues with the other one (you never know)!

And to find out what time it will be airing in your region, click here.

The other live stream will be hosted by the lovely go-team-avatar!

Click here for their live stream link!

Enjoy! Book 2 airs tomorrow night at 7 PM EST on Nick!

Happy watching!

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