
( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )

@animenicolesmith / animenicolesmith.tumblr.com

I'm not shallow, I'm just 2D.
22/rain cloud
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eventually you get to a point where the people who pretended to care about you stop and no one else can feel your grief or even tries to and the lows keep getting lower.

i’m so tired of hearing how good you are from other people.

everywhere i go i am just a shadow. i have no substance or form. everyone just looks through me, if they don’t instinctively hate my existence.

they don’t even have to speak to me to know i am not meant to be.

i am sad every second of every minute. i am decaying and rotting and doing nothing to stop it anymore. i should stop showing up to work. i should fill myself with poison until my heart slows and my lungs give up.

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