

@o-orekisan / o-orekisan.tumblr.com

Tears and rain, fall down on my face, my body is unable to stay yet my heart is unwilling to leave.

WE LOVE SPLATOON! Still fresh as ever!

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ITS crounch time with Meta!

Let me tell you something okay? This year, I want you to do the thing. Make the art, write the story, get the job, talk to the girl, do THE THING.

I recently moved from California to Maryland so I could start going to school for animation this year, and I was scared out of my wits. I’ve spent a long time being intimidated by life. (verry easy to do when you suffer from anxiety)  Constantly asking myself what I’m doing…what am I going to do? where am I going? whats my five year plan? questions I hear people ask themselves ALL THE TIME, especially here from you guys, but I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. I spent YEARS going over these questions, YEARS trying to figure out what I was doing. I sat in my room and drew, and I composed music, and I wrote stories, but I didn’t share them because what if things didn’t work out? I just wanted to hold on to this idea that maybe life would fall into place for me and my path would become clear if I just kept working alone doing these things I was sort of good at.

but guys guess what…? It didn’t and it doesn’t. Your path is never going to become completely clear, life is never going to drop a purpose into your lap wrapped up in a neat bow, and, heres the kicker, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY’RE DOING. NOBODY. The successful people look like they know, but they’re people, they don’t know. The difference between them and you isn’t that they know WHAT they’re doing with they’re lives, its that they’re DOING, thats it. THATS THE SECRET.

I’m 25 years old right now and I chose to come here and pursue this thing. I don’t know if I’m going to fail, I don’t know if I’m going to be a good animator, I don’t know if I’m going to enjoy being in school again. I don’t know how I’m going to manage my anxiety, I don’t know if I’ll get a job when I’m done, I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT I’M GOING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST TOMORROW!!! but I’m here. I’m DOING. In 3 years I’ll be 28, and I’ll either have an animation degree, or I wont, but I never would’ve gotten it if i stayed in my room and drew alone, waiting for something to happen.

So, this year, do it guys. Do what you think about doing even if it scares the shit out of you. HELL DO IT BECAUSE IT SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. I WANT TO SEE YOU SUCCEED. I don’t know much, but I DO know you can do whatever you put your mind to, you can make it through hundreds of failures, remember you already have! YOU make your path, and it ain’t gonna happen until you start DOING.

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