
Bespectacled Pineapples

@captainpainapurru / captainpainapurru.tumblr.com

For stuff and things.

Throwback to when I took painkillers and woke up with Photoshop open on my computer to this image I had made

Hi this currently has 37 thousand notes and I just want to ask - why?

Big Things Are Coming


✨ Abundance Spell✨ 

Wealth, weal, and plentiful spoons are coming to me 👏

✨💰🪙🥄🥔💰🌟💰🥄🥔🪙 💰✨

Like to charge Reblog to cast


Is it about butchering black girls’ hair to keep white people comfortable? Is it about a woman visiting the same violence on her daughter as was done to her by her mother a generation prior? Is this girl just too… “different” to go into the world unaltered? Does she need to be toned down so she can succeed? Does she need to be defenseless before she is deemed safe by powerful people who would do her harm if given half a reason? Is one of those people holding those scissors?


[I.D. digital art of a young girl medusa sitting in a chair in a kitchen, crying as a woman cuts the heads off of medusa’s snakes. the woman’s head is out of frame, but her blonde hair is visible as she pulls three snakes taught, beginning to chop them with scissors as blood spurts. four snakes have been cut already, their remains lying dead on the floor as the rest of the snakes, all sporting pink bows around their necks, cower in fear. the majority of the illustration has been colored in black and deep saturated yellows and oranges, while medusa’s skin and hair are green. her pinafore has the same color palette as the background. her knees are also scuffed, bruised with orange and one of them bandaged. her cut strands of snake hair are not bandaged and continue to bleed. end I.D.]


There’s a sequel!

Image ID: A digital illustration of a young Medusa woman braiding her green snakes in front of a mirror and while her eyes are covered with a sleep mask. The mirror is centered in the drawing and surrounded by the orange-pink background. She is wearing a white sleep mask with “closed eyes” on it and a black top with white lacey ruffles at the collar and cuffs. Two snake heads are seen in the mirror while the rest are out of view. The front of the vanity holding the mirror is littered with various dolls and stuffed animals with their eyes crossed out, candy, an image of eyes in a round frame that are also crossed out, nail polish in pink and black, ribbons, and a friendship bracelet plus polaroids. The wall above the vanity is pink and near-white striped and covered in small polaroids or photos taped on the wall and various portraits in yellow frames. The yellow frames show the woman as a young girl holding her arms anxiously with her head cut off from view, covering her face, or simply have dark static backgrounds. There is a sharpie on the lower shelf of the vanity. End iD

From the artist, re: the second image.

With all the times you’ve been put down it may be hard to look at yourself, but I hope one day you can. You’re amazing.
Happy to do a little follow up to my most recent illustration. I got a lot of comments hoping that she was gonna be okay and she will be. Healing takes time.

we're having sex and you pull out at the end to discover your cock is entirely gone, dissolved (ive digested it like a pitcher plant). bye!

You'd unfollow me for my pitcher plant pussy post? After the beautiful night we shared???




2009 deviantArt artists telling you to fill an entire layer with neon green and place it behind your lineart to check if there's any unwanted stray lines or unfilled pixels were the elderly sages at the end of the spirit path atop a secluded mountaintop you reached just as the sun was setting


Shit man, this wizard war is fucked. I just saw a guy clap his hands together and say "the ten hells" or some similar shit, and every one around him turned inside out, had their tibia explode and then disappeared. The camera didn't even go onto him, that's how common shit like this is. My ass is casting frostbite and level 2 poison. I think I just heard "power word:scrunch" two groups over. I gotta get the fuck outta here.


Skeletor has forever destroyed our ability to come up with voices for skeleton characters.


this is like saying NASA has forever destroyed our ability to wonder what it's like on the moon. like we can still use our powers of imagination if we want to but the question's pretty much fucking settled.


I'm just saying, if there's a curse that runs along your family line and you don't tell your kids about it, how the hell are they supposed to go on a quest to stop it?

Tell your children about your medical history.


ironically i am working right now so i can’t do a full post on this like i would really prefer to do… but these are the most cartoonishly evil people that you could possibly imagine, even in a society as flawed as the one we’ve built for ourselves. these are bedrock groups devoted to protecting the american worker and consumer. massive huge giant waving red flags 🚩

i am telling you this is going to snowball into something nobody wants to see. the only upside is that this might actually lead to a worker uprising. this is fucking ghoulish.

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