
One time I had to go to a concert with a friend who was traveling from out of town to get there and missed out on getting to meet the voice of Goku. My older brother (who, may the record show, always made fun of me for watching DBZ) decided to have Goku leave me a message. It is NSFW. My childhood was crushed. Enjoy.

(For real though, this is the greatest sound clip to ever exist in my life and I’m so happy it happened)

it finally happened...the notes on this are finally over 9000

“People are getting the warm cuddlies over George W. Bush again. Stop. The Obamas are gracious to him because they have important public roles to play. We don’t. We can respect their having to stomach what makes us retch without pretending Bush deserves their grace. He doesn’t. George W. Bush ignored screaming sirens before the September 11 terrorist attacks. George W. Bush used those attacks to lie the United States into attacking a nation that had nothing to do with them, and hundreds of thousands of innocents were killed, with millions made refugees. The disaster he created continues. George W. Bush authorized torture. George W. Bush let a great American city drown. George W. Bush ignored climate change and his policies actively made it worse. George W. Bush deregulated everything, attacked unions and the social safety net, and crashed the economy. I get it. Compared to Trump, almost anything looks good. But this isn’t grading on a curve. George W. Bush was a horrible president because he was a horrible person. He is not cute. He is not charming. And pretending he is cute or charming is how we got Trump. Stop.”

George W Bush is a war criminal.

Obama is also an imperialistic war criminal who drone struck women and children and all politicians and all presidents are bastards and anything looks good compared to Bush and Trump but this rhetoric of Democrats being good guys because they’re not Republicans needs to stop as well. the country has shifted so far to the right under Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Capitalism that anything left of center has become “fringe” or “radical” leftism. stop treating politicians like they’re spotless just because they’re your party or they speak well or do some good things. take the blinders off and realize the interests of actual American people will never be at the heart of any politician in our current political system since it’s too ingrained in corporate greed, the war industry, and the ruling elite who are funding campaigns. Politicians are not your friends and don’t give a fuck about you because those who give them disgusting amounts of money for their own interests matter more to them than the American people. Politicians are not your friends. do not for a second think they are


yo it would fucking own if Stephen Miller got guillotined. it’d be lit, fam


I drew this little comic today, i love “Luigi’s Mansion” and i really like Spirit Tracks :) / Dibujé esto hoy. me encanta “Luigi’s Mansion” y me gusta mucho “Spirit Tracks” :)


Cats do this because its a hunting instinct to snap the neck of their prey.

*the more you know*

It’s a murderer instinct but holy shit it’s so cute.

Fun Fact: The little shaking move they do when they pick up toys in their mouths is the one for snapping necks.

This one’s actually for disemboweling. And it’s adorable.

The cutest murder machines ever.

You think you can disembowel that tennis ball.

You fool


an amazingly cute and wonderful literal dream girl of mine has a crush on me and I’ve been crushing on her hard for awhile and I’m sitting here eating fucking wings and drinking PBR and reading Dark Souls wikis to figure out the best way to make an invading Dex build character how the fuck did his happen how is this real what the fuck

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