
The gang and I

@the-gang-and-i / the-gang-and-i.tumblr.com

Everyone here? Okay. Name's Writer, I am kinda the one in charge around here. If you wanna keep in touch, the door is always open. And with how crazy and full my house is, there's always something to do.

“I get lost in thought a lot” Writer lifts her head up looking him in the eyes giving a small smile “But, to be honest. I was staring a little”

Jared smirked “I knew it, it’s hard not to look at me I mean come on I’m handsome, tall, fit” he hummed. “Who wouldn’t look?”

“Come on now darling” she chuckles giving a smirk his way “Don’t get too cocky”


“Sorry if I was playing too loudly. I have to practice for my performance final. Umm…I…can stop if necessary.”


“No,no” Ethan smiles looking at the girl. “I absolutely adore it. Though I believe you are playing an E where a G sharp should be, but I could be wrong” He stands up smiling at the girl “What piece is it?”


IF WE'VE NEVER RP'D TOGETHER send me a simple starter:

“You look a little lost. Do you need directions?” “That’s an awesome outfit.” “How’s the chicken? I can’t decide whether to order it or not.” “Excuse me, I think you dropped this.” “I don’t know a single person here…”
“Wow, I’ve never seen an angel before…” “You’re the hottest person in this place.” “I saw that. You just checked me out.” “Hey, can I get your number?” *wolf whistle*
“You’re in my seat.” “What are you staring at?” “You just stepped on my toe!” “Who do you think you are?” “Keep it down, will you?”
“Get down - he’s got a gun!” “Help, I need medical attention!” “Just kill me now!” “I need a ride! Please!” “Are you crazy? It’s too dangerous!”
“Well, to be honest. I don’t think anyone crying like that is ok” Writer takes off her glasses stepping closer to the girl “So, I can wait until you wanna tell me what’s up”

“It’s just been one of those days.” Felicity admits with a sigh, wiping the tears away before putting her glasses back on. “One of those years really. I don’t know.”

Writer gives a small smile to her “I suppose that’s a fair response’’ she held out her hand for Felicity to take it if she wanted to “Wanna go get a snack? I want icecream, but you can get something else if you want”

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