
A report just came out from a Palestinian hostage saying he was strapped with bombs and sent into a Hamas tunnel, with Israel prepared to blow the tunnel up with his body if fighters were found inside and yet people are still making the “Hamas uses human shields” arguments that have been confirmed to be a myth with no supporting evidence

Every zionist accusation is a confession.

The Palestinian, who wished to be identified only by his first name and was released two days ago, said he was one of the dozens of men seen in photographs and video bound and stripped to their underwear by Israeli troops. One soldier, he recalled, told him he wanted to send him to his God, before taking him to a Hamas tunnel. “He made me wear a belt filled with explosives, and placed a GoPro camera on my head along with a rope around my waist,” Hakim told MEE. According to the Palestinian, he was then pushed into the tunnel and ordered to explore it to see if there were any fighters inside. “They were prepared to explode the tunnel using my body if the camera on my head showed any fighters inside,” he said. “I was 100 percent sure I was going to be killed at that moment, but then they pulled me out of the tunnel when they found nothing inside.” According to Hakim, a 15-year-old boy was subjected to the same treatment. The boy, who had been detained with Hakim, survived and was released three days later, he said.

Black Friday is such a joke nowadays. “Don’t miss out on 30% off” don’t piss me the fuck off. People used to hit each other over the head for a microwave that’s how low the prices were. People literally died. We used to be a country


Ran up to take a picture of this person's car and ummmm they were still.in their car. And it was #awkwardddd


did you let me die in your arms in the timeloop


I keep thinking about this post. Did you let me? As in did you not save me? and Did you let me? as in did you allow me the comfort of your embrace at the expense of your own pain, knowing tomorrow I would be back and fine but you’d still be feeling my blood against your skin?

Did you let me die in your arms?


how are people mean to stuffed animals one time i was trying to clean up my room and tried to justify giving away a stuffed animal by saying 'well its a little ugly' and immediately i was just overwhelmed with monstrous guilt and i understood the concept of a catholic hell and i was going there


tumblr trying to be like tiktok then trying to be like twitter then giving us the 3rd unreality inducing immersive ad, its staff members being condescending to the userbase, the marketing team trying to parasocialize their way into your pockets, youtube trying to do away with adblockers after upping the percentage of ads by 40% and making it so even if your video is demonetized watchers will still get them, youtube removing the dislike button then making it so you don't get a home feed if you have watch history turned off, google being able to remove your synched bookmarks if they don't comply with their policy, if i listed every way in which twitter has gotten worse in the last year this post will be as long as a novel, ai generated articles and images everywhere, google searches sucking ass in general, reddit charging for its api, KOSA being introduced into the US senate, tiktok in general, every social media under the fucking sun introducing log in walls, being unable to browse most sites on mobile from the sheer amount of popups taking over your screen WAUUUGH social media being products and thus requiring infinite growth and thus trying to introduce newer and newer shit that alienates its dedicated userbase. saturated sludge era of the internet

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