
Lime says...

@ragtimelime / ragtimelime.tumblr.com

Drawing all the time. Become a Patron!
Anonymous asked:

My friend got pregnant at 17. Deeply religious family (she would be kivked out if they found out), one night stand, she just could NOT have the baby. Thing is we live in a country where abortion is illegal. Our only option was to illegally buy some pills online and hope they worked and we didnt go to jail

But these are hecking expensive and we needed to rush

So i set up a twitter/fb/insta/furaffinity/etc account and advertised my furry art EVERYWHERE. Im not that good but i said id draw basically anything no matter how weird (not cub art or anything illegal). I got a lot of weird coms (vore, scat, inflation and some i dont even understand) and for two weeks i did nothing but draw weird shit all day. My hand hurt so bad, but i got the money.

We spent a week afraid we'd been scammed and afraid we'd get caught, then a weekend afraid my friend might die once we did the procedure in my house. But it worked

I never told her how i got the money and i never will. Id rather die than tell her i funded her illegal abortion by drawing the wolf from robin hood swallowing robin through his belly button. Im pretty sure she thinks i was a prostitute for those two weeks and id rather her think that

To this day i gift her condoms on her bd as a joke bc im never doing that again

You just don't get content like this anywhere else


"cant boycott McDonald's because it's my comfort food"

"cant boycott Starbucks because it's convenient for me to eat breakfast there and I need my little treats uwu"

"cant boycott Eurovision because I like the music"

damn. cant do shit. almost like it means nothing to u


It’s true. I started calling “the cloud” offsite storage, and the comprehension that dawns in my customers’ eyes is super gratifying. They understand external hard drives, but many couldn’t wrap their heads around this mystical floating in the air storage–because that’s not how it works at all. You’re just using space on someone else’s hard drive.

[Image is a t-shirt which reads:

There is no cloud It’s just someone else’s computer]

I explain this to eeeevery patron who comes in to ask for tech help etc. I find ways to explain it, because it’s important.

“Oh ‘the cloud’ is just what they decided to call it. What it actually means is that you use the internet to connect to some dedicated computer somewhere where your file is stored, and then you can access that file, which is why it only works with an internet connection. You’re just renting space on a computer the company owns.”

Suddenly everything is less mysterious.

“the cloud” suddenly felt like deliberate obfuscation the second someone explained it to me, one of the first times I’d felt truly bamboozled by a tech marketing term.


passenger princess? No, I’m the passenger knight. I’ve sworn an oath of homoerotic loyalty to the driver and will protect them until my last breath. I will carry out her road rage. I’m why the front passenger seat is called shotgun



Inspirational words for freelancers, hourly paid workers and salarymen alike

(There will be stickers, watch this space :,,)


oblivion is an abysmal game and everyone should play it



The comedic timing in this is Oscar worthy


We need to bring back children’s programming that focuses on reading. I’m so serious


fun fact there's a political reason for less learning shows--the push for advertising in children's entertainment and deregulation surrounding it


LeVar Burton has specifically called out No Child Left Behind as what killed Reading Rainbow. The priorities of NCLB made it next to impossible to get grants for reading related that didn't focus on phonics, and RR is entirely about teaching kids to love reading, not the mechanics of it. I think Between the Lions struck a nice compromise between the two but it didn't last that long.

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