


Cats and fast cars. Let's talk!
Anonymous asked:

Looking at your polls about women drivers and I remembered the incredibly shitty problematic things some of those drivers did and it really does cement motorsport as a whole is incredibly toxic and problematic. However you can get away with it as long as your white and most likely British. Case in point Ms Jamie Chadwick. She did not face 1% of what Bianca got after her shitty comments.

hi anon! I am aware of some controversies regarding the pilots (as you said Bianca for the comments on stroll and danica for her theory on the "female mentality"). unfortunately you are also right about the fact that if you are white things are forgiven more easily. Can I ask you what Jamie said that was problematic? However, I didn't feel like excluding women from the survey for problematic things said, like I wouldn't remove Formula One drivers from a hypothetical survey for the same reason

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