
Just a Liddle Creachur,,,...

@bee-witch / bee-witch.tumblr.com

Big fan of bugs 🐛

Anyways, calling shoplifting “urban foraging” is very funny, a useful euphemism, should be done more often.


“its like dumpster diving but you take it before they throw it out”

A+ contribution.


here's something stupid: the catcatfish

some quick facts:

  • they're nocturnal and tend to roam around while awake.
  • they have keen senses of smell and hearing, but terrible eyesight. despite this, they also have a tapetum lucidum, making their pupils "glow" in the dark.
  • their fur is short, dense, and oily to waterproof them.
  • they prefer a diet of mostly meat and are attracted to strong-smelling food like fish, cheese, and anything fermented.
  • the elongated dewclaw on each front paw is sharp, flexible, and nonretractable. it injects a venom that causes respiratory failure and cardiac arrest in prey and, in extreme doses, humans. veterenarians typically remove the dewclaw venom glands during the neuter/spay procedure.
  • they grow to an average of 1m and 23kg (3ft and 50lb) but can reach up to double that length and triple the weight!

Official fish post


people say folks with adhd struggle with "delayed rewards" aka long term goals and as such we tend to focus more on short term rewards. what they don't talk about is that at when we Do accomplish long term goals we don't actually feel anything proportionate to the amount of work we did to achieve it. In my head I suffered for a while and then money spontaneously appeared in my bank account.

Consider: This is also why we struggle with finishing things and the last 10% of a project. Because we know from experience that we've already squeezed most of the reward feeling from it along the way and the final blip of dopamine won't be particularly impressive compared to the sheer bullshit the perfectionism of those last 10% requires.

The final 10% are hardest because the effort vs. reward are particularly out of proportion to each other.


taylor swift fans are so scary it's like i'm in the truman show. watching taylor swift fans talk about how she soo gets neurospicy mental illness grippy sock vacation is exactly how truman felt when his wife started advertising coffee or something to nobody in particular

i'm in a heavy-handed indie game about consumerism and taylor swift fans are walking around saying "i love Food Restaurant! Food Restaurant so gets me!" meanwhile food restaurant looks like this:

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