
Just Your Problem

@misa-chu / misa-chu.tumblr.com

Mostly reblogs, some cosplay, plush, and pets. I dont tag reblogs.

‘redditors need to know this’, ‘twitterinas need to know that’… no. you need to know one thing and that is that you are not allowed to complain about werewolf fuckers. this is the werewolf fucking website. grow up and go fuck a werewolf.


What does this gif have to do with werewolves?


if you have to ask you’re not ready

can you explain? i don’t get it

This is like someone just informed the newcomers about the devils sacrament taking place every full moon and the devil itself popped up asking “what sacrament?” with a cheshire grin.


some of y'all need to learn how to accept hospitality. stop assuming people are only offering to look after you out of twisted obligation that they don't actually want to do. when you assume that, you are often denying someone the opportunity to genuinely show a friend or stranger love. even if you don't really care about what they're offering, it's respectful of their desire to be kind to accept it anyways.

i had a bunch of girls i've never met over for a women's group. every single one of them denied my offer to make them tea (despite already making myself a mug anyways), get them water, a scone, etc.

i can tell when people refuse to let me be a good host because they "don't want to be a bother". like no!! please be a bother!!! i want to serve you and make you comfortable in my home!

not to be like "we live in a society" but really do live in a modern culture than emphasizes individualism to the point where people will reflexively deny any help or kindness from others for fear of treading on their independence. newsflash: dependence on each other is what makes a community. next time someone offers you kindness, accept it instead of making excuses for why you don't need it. otherwise you've robbed both yourself of being loved and someone else from showing love.

One of the things that really helped me make friends as an adult was learning that people want to be wanted, they want to be useful

Accepting help and offering help in return was key to deepening acquaintances into fully-fledged friendships


hatchery work is so funny to me bc if you eat a wild caught alaskan salmon there’s real life nonzero chance that I put its egg in a bucket, covered it in milt (salmon semen) and stirred it all together with my bare hands. and now ur eating it. idk what that makes us to each other but don’t forget it

idk what it makes us but it makes ME want to cook you a fine salmon dinner should we ever sit for a meal together

I think I might be misunderstanding what 'wild caught' means in the context of the fishing industry

How is it wild if it grew up in a hatchery

Is this a hatch-and-release conservation thing

Very much hatch and release. They take spawners from local streams, take the eggs and milt and fertilize where they are hatched and reared until fry in the hatchery before being released back into their natal streams. It helps bring salmon populations up especially during reintroduction programs and taking local fish because you have a higher rate of returns to those same streams. It is quite neat how it goes, I only did virology and deadpitch though so not really dealing with the fishies unless they were very dead.


ship of theseus except it's people joining and leaving the discord. is this anything

server of theseus

no one from the start of the server is left and the entire admin team has turned over at least three times, but all the channel names are still inside jokes that no one remaining was even present for the inception of


prev. what.


My 11-month male cat lets my foster kittens nurse on him.


My mom briefly bred Siamese cats when I was a kid and one of our last males was like this. He would regularly kidnap (kittennap) fresh babies to ‘nurse’ and mother. Carried them around and everything. Never got him to successfully breed, he wasn’t interested. My mom told me animals are like people so sometimes they are gay and trans (it was the 80s so we said ‘transsexual’) and we will support him so we got him fixed and gave him a stuffed animal kitten to fawn over so he could live as the housemarm he was always meant to be.

Source: justcatposts

So, apparently this bill won't take effect until 90 days after the legislative session ends (I am not a lawyer, but I think this is common practice for laws), so the repeal won't be immediate. Fortunately, Arizona also has a Democratic attorney general who has said she will not prosecute doctors who perform abortions in violation of this law.

Arizona Attorney Geneeral Kris Mayes won her election by 280 votes out of ~2.5 million.

Every single vote counts. Every single vote matters.


女装じいさんと男装ばあさん (the grandfather dressed as a woman and grandmother dressed as a man)

a cool crossdressing couple... they're both 76 years old

there's a physical book but pages can be read on <pixiv> and <twitter>


good morning water mite, I see you have your schedule all lined up for today

(this is Aquatic Ambiance Remix by DjEphixa)


the thing about being in a fandom for a long time is you inevitably develop very intense opinions about things you know objectively are absolutely meaningless but nonetheless make you want to gnaw through drywall like a feral cat and there's just nothing you can do about that


Chilchuck! We need you to find more healing herbs! Senshi's sick as fuck!

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