
@anotherblognothingtoospecial / anotherblognothingtoospecial.tumblr.com

Whatever I like, I reblog

There’s a lot of excellent examples of the difference between a million and a billion, but here’s my new personal favorite from a conversation I had today:

A million minutes ago was April 2021, the height of the COVID pandemic.

A billion minutes ago was November 121 CE, the height of the Roman Empire.


tips for what to do after a really long cry because you’re probably feeling all kinds of exhausted and drained and i don’t want that for you in the slightest:

  • take a shower and change all of your clothes even your socks and underwear. this is the first step to everything. 
  • pour yourself a big, cold glass of water and drink it. all of it. once you’re done, get yourself a refill. this will boost u physically and emotionally instantly please trust me.
  • grab a snack, something light that you don’t have to wait to prepare. i recommend a pudding cup, a piece of fruit, yogurt, a popsicle, or some crackers. 
  • get under the covers. turn on something - tv, a movie, music, anything distracting. or consider calling a friend or talking to anyone nearby, even your sibling the next room over!!
  • know that you are loved. you are important. you mean more than you know right now, more than you will maybe ever know. you are worth all the stars in the sky. you deserve to feel good. 

please make sure you stay super hydrated afterwards if you can’t during.  the body has a funny way of punishing you via headache for being sad and you don’t deserve that, so drink<333


every single negative stereotype about women was dreamt up by men who were projecting. fight me about it.

“women can’t drive”

It is so well known that women are better and safer drivers than men that OUR CAR INSURANCE RATES ARE LOWER. Women get into fewer accidents, get fewer DUIs, and receive fewer speeding tickets than men.

“women never shut up”

Several scientific studies have shown that not only do men talk more than women, they also think that women have been talking for much longer than they actually have. Men interrupt and talk over women, dominate conversations, and still think women talk too much.

“women are shallow”

Lol next

“my wife is my ball and chain lmao”

Multiple studies have shown that marriage between men and women: Increases male lifespan, decreases female lifespan Decreases male depression rates, increases female depression rates Decreases male stress levels, increases female stress levels Increases male health and happiness, decreases female health and happiness Increases a man’s chance of getting a raise or promotion, decreases a woman’s chances of getting a raise or promotion

“women are too emotional”

Men love to say this about women after hurting them, in order to shift the blame and dismiss their feelings in one go. In reality, women are taught to hold our tongues and control ourselves quite literally from birth. We’re taught to put men’s needs and wants ahead of our own emotions regardless of the personal cost. Men are taught to do more or less whatever the fuck they want to women. Men take their emotions out on women while women are expected to shove theirs down.

I could go on and on but I don’t really think I need to.


I don't think employers should be legally allowed to ask anyone to dress up for interviews. I should be able to walk in off the street in jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt and interview for jobs because employers are supposed to be interviewing me and my skills, training, education, and experience, not the nicest clothes in my closet.

It's discriminatory towards poor people to ask otherwise.

It's also just fucking audacious to demand that the people you need to provide the labor to keep your workplace going put on a suit and dance around like a trained monkey before you've even hired them.

I also think starting work clothes need to be added to the list of necessary things that employers should be paying their employees for, along with their commutes.

If you need me to work your job and you need me to wear scrubs and nonslip shoes to work your job then you should be buying me scrubs and nonslip shoes so I have something to wear to work your job.

In summary clothing should not be a barrier to employment and jobs should not have the right to make demands of your wardrobe and wallet.


This praying mantis standing its ground 

The thing about this that absolutely kills me is the person operating the excavator is gently trying to shoo the mantis away with the giant machine and the mantis is still trying to pick a fight with it

I get the same way when people try to help me.

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