sleepy indie king

@blossomastrology /

-on semi-hiatus for a while-
lauren: libra sun, libra moon, cancer rising she/her pronouns

signs as things said at my (public) school

aries: “you can’t spell success without succ”

taurus: “all this homework but no will to live”

gemini: “my life is like the shrek series: terrible but it just won’t end

cancer: “this is seriously what jesus died for?”

leo: “you just got…bamboozled”

virgo: “i’m not joining your fucking cult”

libra: “yesterday i almost lost myself to the void

scorpio: “stop coughing in my air”

sagittarius: “you remind me of myself. i hate you”

capricorn: “wow, taking the stairs two steps at a time! bold”

aquarius: “is that the injected weed getting to me or”

pisces: “don’t fuck with me, i have a sharpie


I don't date I...

Fuck: Scorpio, Libra, Aries
Make friends and then fall in love with them: Cancer, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini
Forget to be social anywhere but the internet: Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius, Taurus

Gender 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 a👏🏼spectrum 👏🏼 and 👏🏼there 👏🏼 are 👏🏼 many 👏🏼 genders 👏🏼as 👏🏼 well 👏🏼 as👏🏼 people 👏🏼 who 👏🏼 don't 👏🏼 have 👏🏼 a 👏🏼gender 👏🏼 at 👏🏼 all 👏🏼


SAGITTARIUS - Independence

Independence is Sagittarius’ principle, they crave adventure and excitement and welcome change with open arms. Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher and the explorer, they will go as far as the road will go and explore every corner thoroughly in their ever eternal search for wisdom. Freedom is so important to Sagittarius that they will actually make decisions based on the amount of freedom that is given by the choice they have made, as a result, sometimes a good opportunity is turned down because of its high commitment need, but this is their choice so it is a good choice for them.

It's the way you

It's the way you walk, the way you talk, babe: Capricorn, Pisces, Leo, Libra
It's the way you love, the way you fuck: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Aries
It's the way you are, you're a star, babe: Cancer, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius
aries: i am sorry for your angry fists, but just keep them in your pockets, just keep the hurricane in your pockets this time. taurus: you were made to hurt as you were made to fly, you were made to love him as you were made to love others. gemini: kiss your body electric, kiss your starry knees and your bright paint brush fingertips, kiss your pain goodbye. cancer: you were beautiful before you were told so, just like you are loved even when you cannot feel it. leo: i know that her eyes are so bright, but so is our soul and your soul is your home. virgo: your apologies trapped in your skull like fluttering birds, but i promise you that you are still yours. libra: being split open is only one step closer to being filled, even sutures and stitches sting. scorpio: do not let this destroy you, this is not a disease, do not let this destroy you, we do not want to find your body. sagittarius: i know that it hurts but that is the way of growing pains, you are growing you are growing, this can only make you more beautiful. capricorn: i want to tell you about all the ways that it gets better, though it seems that soon you’ll see for yourself. aquarius: the emptiness is ringing but you deserve to be with someone who does not see your love as an annoyance. pisces: wipe away your tears, this is not your end, you are above this, it is only your beginning.

for the signs: moving on; l.m. (via apoeticmythos)


we talked about red dwarfs and i thought that was helpful because the thing about them is that they don’t burn bright or give off a lot of energy but they last so much longer than the bigger, brighter stars. like they might be small but they survive so much longer

also the big stars might not burn for long but they’re incredible when they’re there and oh man when they explode? man that’s insane. really stars are just win-win so i guess i’m just saying maybe try thinking of yourself as a star. maybe that would help a bit? it helps me


the signs in the circus

ringmaster (commanding, in control, leader): capricorn tightrope walkers (balanced, logical, pointed): libra, virgo acrobats (fast, fun, eager to perform): aqua, leo lion tamer (in control, smart): taurus strongman (powerful, demonstrative): aries contortionist (versatile, ever changing, engaging): gemini clowns (funny, friendly): pisces, cancer trapeze artists (daring, brave): sagittarius knife thrower (in control, mysterious): scorpio

this post is ironic bc i made it less than a month before i signed up to start static trapeze classes


Things the moon signs remind me of:

Aries moon: roller coasters, grumpy old people, coughing, fire, beer, smirks, motorcycles, tattoos, & muscles Taurus moon: wine, fluffy animals, relationships, food, hanging out with close friends, couches, & sleeping

Gemini moon: laughter, kids, gossip, tv, travel, staying up late, getting fast food, monkeys & friends

Cancer moon: tears, blue skys, pregnant women, pillows, angels, churches, milk, & plants

Leo moon: golden eyeshadow, crowns, popularity, big smiles, winks, heavy makeup, selfies & rap music

Virgo moon: grass, dirt, paper work, when you wash off your makeup at the end of a day, cats, books & reading glasses

Libra moon: beautiful hair, makeup, blogs, trendy fashion, man buns, high heels, & shopping

Scorpio moon: secrets, blood, bikinis, jealousy, dark rooms, scary movies, heavy metal, & Japan

Sagittarius moon: concerts, left over food, going out to a club, sports, smiles, comedians, & getting new clothes

Capricorn moon: big buildings, business people, coffee, suit cases, pens, money, & banks

Aquarius moon: the ocean, mystery’s, aliens, space, anime, 80s music, patterns, & art

Pisces moon: clouds, dreaming, pink, psychics, pajamas, reading, dimples, birds, & flowers


negative traits the sister signs share

Aries & Libra : Both fall out of love just as quick as they fell into it. Both are reckless with people’s hearts and won’t hesitate to drop them if things aren’t going their way. Aries wont be happy in a relationship unless they’re the boss and Libra won’t be happy in a relationship unless their partner lives up to their ideals. Y'all some selfish motherfuckers. 

Taurus & Scorpio: Both are defensive af and have trust issues. They think everyone’s out to get them and hurt them. People could take a bullet for these guys and they’ll still not trust you. This can causes them to be possessive and suspicious in relationships. Y'all some paranoid motherfuckers. 

Gemini & Sagittarius: Both hate responsibilities and any sort of stability. They hate the mundane life and live reckless lifestyles. Commitment to anything terrifies them. They just suck when it comes to being reliable and having to think about someone other than themselves. Y'all some careless motherfuckers. 

Cancer & Capricorn: Both have a hard time letting the negative shit go. They’re very petty and can get fixated on revenge. Both tend to wallow in their nostalgia and melancholic thoughts. Hate being lonely and alone yet don’t do anything about it but throw a pity party. Y'all some pessimistic motherfuckers. 

Leo & Aquarius: Both are prideful and stubborn. They are my way or the highway type of people. Both think they’re better than everyone else but yet tend to have a deep fear of rejection. This fear causes them to not associate with people who disagree with them because they can’t stand being called out on their bullshit because it would kill their delusions of being the best. Y'all some egotistical motherfuckers. 

 Virgo & Pisces: Both have a Martyr complex. Both try to always be of service to others and can be extremely sacrificial. This can cause them to feel entitled to people having to be appreciative of them and thus can cause them to develop a victim complex when they’re not rewarded for their selflessness. They end up screwing themselves over when they put everyone’s needs before their own and they have no one to blame but themselves. Y'all some Mother-Theresa-wannabe motherfuckers.


astrology roadtrip

aries: decides to take everyone on a thousand detours taurus: mixes the music gemini: talks non stop the whole way cancer: makes sure everyone has eaten and slept leo: needs the front seat virgo: plays counting games libra: falls asleep on everyone’s shoulder scorpio: headphones in sagittarius: the tour guide capricorn: has to drive aquarius: hanging off the roof pisces: sat in the boot with a pillow and a flask



aries; extremely sociable, aries boys are always striking up conversation with anyone and seem to have inside jokes with everyone. very humorous and enjoy being the centre of attention. they may tend to read into things too quickly and start problems with others.

taurus; taurean boys have a tendency to appear very stand-offish and intimidating, however they’re generally not how they seem. big flirts, but it’s lowkey and subtle and you only realise after you’ve been thinking about it. hearts of gold, especially if they like you and they love to make others smile.

gemini; gemini boys love to make others laugh, it makes them happy. they’re extremely caring but if they feel betrayed do not expect them to act like you haven’t pissed them off. versatile creatures who are usually very intelligent. good sense of humour, whether it be sarcasm, goofing off or taking the piss out of something.

cancer; precious cancer boys may come off as awkward but they themselves most of the time do not feel awkward. usually dream big and hope for the best in others, they may find themselves getting caught up in drama and sometimes becoming the cause of the drama as they put up a nice front.

leo; as radiant as the sun, a leo boys presence is always known. too loyal for their own good, probably have many admirers. leo boys may not always like to be the centre of attention but they do enjoy being known by many. have a tendency to act unlike themselves when they’re trying to impress others, kind and generous but big egos.

virgo; powerful in a mysterious way. virgo boys are quite reserved. like taurus, they enjoy making others happy. great work ethic and usually do not have to try too hard to succeed. seem to have a great number of friends, extremely sensual aura. love to be appreciated.

libra; libra boys can come across as extremely intimidating, however as soon as you break through their “tough and sarcastic” front, they’ll be real with you. generally are big jokers, love to be loved, however they can be really sensitive. seem to take on the same attitudes as those around them making them very versatile. big flirts but they can be shy about it.

scorpio; so easy to talk to, scorpio boys know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to social situations. their minds are always ticking and they probably have a very good idea of who everyone really is. may seem weird from a outsiders perspective but once put in a closer circle they can be quite the opposite. very loving.

sagittarius; you wouldn’t expect it, but sagittarian boys can be shy or at least their detached and distant nature makes them seem this way. seem to always have a joke or sarcastic remark coming out of their mouths. extremely honest and true to themselves.

capricorn; capricorn boys can act like little shits. know how to push peoples buttons but are also extremely laid back. very funny, and usually sarcastic. they love to prove people wrong and may come across as shocking. like virgo they seem to have a great number of friends.

aquarius; rebellious, stubborn and extremely tempting. aquarian boys always need to defy the rules. they’re always a tease and can come across quite kinky. they get along with almost anyone and are very go with the flow people. enjoy being brutally honest and are quite provocative.

pisces; not necessarily the angels pisces are always made out to be. pisces boys have tendencies to create problems for themselves especially in love life. however they just want to be admired and appreciated. pisces boys are usually very quick-witted and creative in how they think. like libra boys they’re quite sensitive.


Sun in the Houses: "I find myself through ..."

First House: Expressing myself
Second House: What I value
Third House: My thoughts
Fourth House: My roots
Fifth House: My hobbies
Sixth House: How I serve
Seventh House: Others
Eighth House: How I've changed
Ninth House: My beliefs
Tenth House: My aspirations
Eleventh House: My friends
Twelfth House: ... I can't find myself

When they look at you they will first focus on your

Aries: body shape, smile and hair

Taurus: eyes, hands and mouth

Gemini: eyes, nose and hands

Cancer: eyes!!! and mouth

Leo: smile, hair and body shape

Virgo: smile, nose, hands 

Libra: hair, mouth, hands and legs 

Scorpio: eyes!!! body language and mouth

Sagittarius: body shape, smile and hands

Capricorn: eyes, nose and body shape 

Aquarius: smile!!! hair and body shape

Pisces: eyes!!! smile and hair 

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