
there's a song for everything

@dopemixtape / dopemixtape.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Do you still watch Chicago Fire?

Yes, I do.

Anonymous asked:

I'm probably late to the party because I've only just gotten into CF, but I absolutely love your Brettsey fics. Your writing is amazing.

Just wondering if you plan on writing for any of your ships or fandoms again?

Thank you so much for this sweet comment. I'm happy to hear that you've discovered my fics and have been enjoying them. That said, I do not have any plans to continue. Never say never, I suppose, but there are so many other Brettsey writers who have written wonderful things. As for Hawkami, the show ripped out my heart and stomped on it, so no plans to continue those either. I do like Violet and Carver, but I'm so busy with work and my kids that I have zero time to write these days.

Thanks for spreading kindness on Al Gore's internet this weekend! ♥

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