

@richterbelmont / richterbelmont.tumblr.com


I wonder if its worth trying to post my art here again???


Phew I have been roleplaying so fucking hard as a cool interesting socialite that I almost forgot that im actually a weird freaky creature that no one has ever seen before. That was close...


as someone who goes to a lot of queer and especially trans events, something i can't help but notice is that i'm very often the only fat transfem present, and moreover, fat transfems of color are virtually never present at all. the absence is extremely conspicuous.

i know there are a lot of social forces stacked up against these labels and particularly at their intersections, but shit, it feels lonely to know so few other fat trans women irl right now.

side note: this little corner of tumblr is the only space i have both online and off where the fat trans women i know don't by and large absolutely hate their bodies.

we need fat lib in transfem communities asap because it's so depressing to be completely surrounded by diet culture, and to see people i care about so deep in self-loathing and desperately preoccupied with losing weight. it's awful to feel kind of alone in fighting the tide of diet culture pseudoscience and harmful myths about fatness in so many of these spaces, and to so often hear other women who look like me talk about their own bodies as monstrous.

fat liberation now, for all the trans women out there struggling and for everyone.



  • i am so good at pretending to be human
  • my human disguise looks basically just like the real thing
  • i can withstand the feeling of my wings and tail being cramped for several hours in a row
  • it's really normal or even cute when i growl
  • i can easily partake in human conversations

teaching yourself how to deal with mildly annoying inconveniences is imo an essential part of treating the disabled people around you with compassion and no i'm not kidding

sometimes you have to share a public space with someone who has loud verbal tics. sometimes a chronically ill friend will have to cancel plans because of a flare up even if you were really looking forward to hanging out with them. sometimes an autistic person will talk over you or interrupt you because they missed a particular cue. sometimes people who struggle to take care of themselves will smell bad. sometimes people with intellectual disabilities will need you to give them more detailed, patient instructions, even if it seems simple to you. sometimes you will need to give up your seat on the bus for a physically disabled person even if you don't want to move.

accommodating disabled people is not always easy or comfortable; being an ally means doing it anyway.


Christmas will be so sweet this year bc im having a psychedelic christmas with my besties weeeeee

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