

@feranelia / feranelia.tumblr.com

Finland II Multifandom II Video games II Addicted to music II Lot of random stuff

I don't know when everyone somehow collectively forgot the actual definition of queerbaiting but like... yall know queerbaiting was never about REAL PEOPLE'S actual identities right? It's about the MEDIA they put out.

Queerbaiting is when media hints that there will be queer rep to lure in a queer audience with no intention of ever delivering on that rep.

Queerbaiting is NOT when a celebrity experiments with gender or sexuality without coming out. They are allowed to explore!

Queerbaiting is NOT when an author writes a queer book without explicitly stating they share the same sexual or gender identity!

Queer media is NOT queerbaiting just because you don't know the creator's sexuality or assigned gender at birth!

Is the media explicitly queer? Then it's not queerbaiting! Simple as that! No one owes you an explanation of their own identity, full stop.


Also like... queerbaiting is a marketing strategy. If something just... isn't queer or feels vaguely queer without ever confirming to your level of satisfaction that it is actually queer, that's still not queerbaiting. It is literally only queerbaiting if someone uses the promise of queerness to lure you in to a piece of media only to not actually deliver on that promise.

Things that are, by definition, NOT queerbaiting:

  • Characters that feel queer not ultimately being confirmed queer in canon
  • Queercoding, intentional or unintentional
  • Media with confirmed canon queer characters that you don't feel are "good representation"
  • Things that are not queer but never made the promise to be queer in the first place

also not queerbaiting:

canonically queer characters not ending up in your preferred ship (or any relationship)


Also not queerbaiting: unrequited love.

Also not queerbaiting: queer coding.

It wasn’t/isn’t always possible for a writer to put a queer character on screen. Sometimes those people still want a character to be queer whether because they themselves are queer, they think not being able to have a queer character is stupid, or they just think this one character they’ve made gives queer vibes. So what’s a writer/animator/director/etc. to do but put in some hints that won’t get their project cancelled/censored but will still be identifiable either to their queer audience or audience at large.


Golden Armor ^^ Had soooo much fun revisiting HTTYD and making this new piece! My last HTTYD panting must be years old by now! I was actually thinking of doing the same concept with Astrid and Stormfly - Let me know if you would like to see that! :)


If you ever wonder what difference reblogging gif sets & art can have, yesterday I saw a gif maker lament the fact that their gifs keep getting no attention anymore, a problem I know many gif makers and artists share. So I did the one kind thing a small blog like mine can do and went through their archive, scheduled many many gif sets into today's queue and shared all those gorgeous, beautiful, lovingly crafted gifs with my friends here.

And lo and behold, many of them have been reblogged from me and some have already done the rounds from mutual to mutual because I keep seeing them on my dash. As it should be here in Tumblrland.

So yes, reblogging does make the difference.

Reblogs are love!


Reblog to let your followers know that they’re safe from jumpscares/screamers/etc from you on April 1st but they are NOT safe from getting boop’d like an idiot amen

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