

@makowashimai / makowashimai.tumblr.com

I have a passion for history. I am also a cosplayer (usually crossplaying) and I'm also doing research on the community. I love animals, especially betta fish, dogs, and cats. I've fallen in love with the Batfamily. I'm also very interested in fantasy books, manga, and anime.

I brought some ancient Greek philosophers back from the dead cuz I wanted to start a prank channel but they started asking me stuff about the modern world and now they won't quit making fun of me cuz my city doesn't have any gates. Zeno of Syracuse called me a "no-gate-having ass barbarian idiot." He already knew English.


it's hilarious how if you do any amount of research into life or death melee combat the prevailing themes that emerge are that

  • you're gonna get tired very quickly
  • tired leads to injured, injured leads to tired, tired leads to—
  • you're not gonna be as composed as you expect
  • humans are more fragile than you think and also more durable than you think. both are true and neither stop them from dying of an infection later (DO NOT GET BITTEN)
  • DO NOT GET STABBED (generally good life advice)
  • knights are faster than you think

Other favorites from history:

  • Humans are very good at *pretending* to fight each other in hopes that the generals way in the back are buying it so nobody has to get stabbed.
  • Most of the dying only happened after a side broke and tried to run, because then the rich assholes on horseback got to start running them down.
  • When you do get a bloodthirtsy force, it gets bad real quick (see the battle of Adrianople, 378 CE, and the battle of Cannae, 216 BCE)
  • Uuuuuuuh wow professionalization matters a lot actually
  • There's a lot of dust actually
  • Horses Will Not run through opposing infantry, but they will run at other horses
  • Elephants are not worth it, tbh
  • Shields matter a lot if you want to not die but good luck finding a balance between being too heavy and not protective enough
  • Anything is a projectile if you throw it hard enough
  • Always have a knife
  • Do Not Fall Down - you will be trampled
  • The guy with the biggest hat/plume is the leader
  • Release The Hounds
  • Valleys are BAD NEWS
  • Uphill is much nicer than downhill
  • A retreat route to boats on the sea is only helpful when you're already ready to sail
  • Forests are torches waiting to be lit
  • A professional soldier does a surprising amount of sitting around and day labour on massive projects
  • The army has always been a good place to become an engineer, it seems
  • Ffs, pleasr listen when the sergeant tells you something. He's always right
  • If you've got a shit general, make sure you've got a good tactician/strategist
  • That rich guy really doesn't know what he's doing, huh
  • Drowning is awful and being in the navy is certainly A Choice, but your wife will not be happy with you
  • Damn, all this shit is heavy :(((
  • Attack the baggage train >:)))
  • Uhhhh, sarge? The battle line broke. I'm going home
  • Why aren't the enemy running and screaming back at us? They're just ... walking towards us. I will not be sticking around to figure out whatever fuckery they're up to.
  • Blood is actually really slippery :(
  • I did not clean my blade and now the blood has dried and glued the sword and scabbard together :(((
  • Tf you mean we're gonna fight during harvest season. I think tf not.
  • I Hate This. All Of This.
  • Fuck me, battle is LOUD despite the fact I can't hear shit in this helmet
  • You're better to be down an arm than down a leg, tbh
  • Desertion rates are not as high as you'd think, but if you let the troops starve and get sick, they will abandon you en masse
  • The fewer pieces to armour the better is usually is (with the exception of chain and scale)
  • Skirts and loose-ish clothes actually help conceal the lines of your body in combat
  • Don't wear too much armour in a hot place because you will be sweating until you pass out and die
  • Falling off a chariot is Less Cool
  • You're less likely to get stabbed than you are crushed or run over
  • Leather resists slashing damage, silk/linen resists piercing damage and wood/ceramic disperses blunt damage
  • Ceramic armour is actually so effective at defending its wearer that we still use it in bulletproof vests and tank armour (though once its broken it needs to be replaced)
  • A blade lodged in bone can actually be really hard to get back out
  • If your belly is cut open, you're already dead to an infection
  • Unless they hit a major artery, bleeding out takes a long time

(a) Supply lines. Supply lines. LOGISTICS. Never take your eye off the logistics.

(b) The best battle is the one that doesn't happen. The night before, meet up with the other side's quartermasters and buy up their mercenaries' contracts. (And don't try to get cheap about it. Odds are the other guys know within 10-20% how much cash you're carrying. Get pissy about the terms of the buy-out, and they may decide it makes more sense just to go ahead with the battle and take it all off you for disrespecting them.)

(c) Don't be tempted onto bad terrain. (And [c1]: All terrain is bad in at least one way. Maybe more.)

(d) Maslow is a better guide to the responsible management of armed forces than Kubler-Ross.



Interview with Miyagi Hiroshi (Hair & Make-up)

Published in the hide BIBLE (by Akemi Oshima) 2008

Q1: When did you meet hide for the first time?

A: 17 years ago.

Q2: Please tell us what kind of impression you had at the time.

A: A humble and polite person with an enormous hat and sunglasses.

Q3: Please tell us of an episode with hide that left an impression on you.

A: Like when, during a tour, hide-san, who loved alcohol, matched my pace of drinking (at the time about one glass of beer) but in the end… after all… was still flipping out like that? When it came to cutting his hair short, I was told, “Do as you please, Miyagi,” and being entrusted with it like that made me super happy. That I was being recognized like that… you know.

Q4: What kind of person was hide to you?

A: He was like a master [in the sense of teacher] to me. He taught me a lot and I learned a lot of things.

Q5: If you ever saw him live, please tell us of your impression.

A: He was an amazing entertainer, I thought, like a surprise box. I want to know what’s going on inside his head.

Q6: Out of hide’s songs, which is your favorite and why?

A: “Pink Spider”, filming the PV in L.A. was fun (even though it was terrible).


This is a map of the range of all giraffe species. By my count that puts them in just 16 countries out of the 54 in Africa (of which 5 are island countries with no territory on the continental mainland). That's 30%, quite a long way shy of all, and as you can see many of those countries that do have giraffes only have a tiny portion of their territory within giraffes' habitats


Wow, I knew they weren't in "every African country", but I didn't realize just how restricted their range was


Good teachers don't mind saying "I don't know" or that they need to look it up and will get back to you.


Not only that but giraffes in different areas have different patterns and it's so cool


Masai giraffes look cool af

The Masai giraffes are stuntin’ on the heauxs!

Masai Giraffe:

Reticulated Giraffe:


This switched gears from a post about white ignorance to a giraffe appreciation post. Such is the nature of tumblr.


people telling you they reread your fic is the biggest compliment you could ever receive. there are thousands of stories out there begging to be found, to be explored, but your story meant so much to someone that they came back to it eagerly, they went over every word again. to love is to return and loving a fic is rereading it. thank you to all readers and rereaders <3333

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