
Like Pinterest but for Satan.

@johnwaynebrady / johnwaynebrady.tumblr.com


today a dude slammed my finger on accident because he was closing a metal drawer i had my fingers in and i was on drive through and i literally screamed into the headset and the lady just kept ordering her drink as i was trying to hush down three different LOUD MEN SAYING “OH MY GOD WHAT DID HE DO TO YOUR HAND”

she just kept going 

i screamed into a headset and she just kept going

working in customer service

I have a few stories about shitty customers while I was on drive through, and this beats the shit out of all of them.


in hell everyone speaks in slam poetry voice

So, this is the conversation that just went down.

My partner: *Reads me this post*

Me: That actually sounds like the opposite of hell.

Partner: But all everyone says is emo poetry, bad emo poetry.



Pagan and Christian

I grew up in a serious Christian household but have since left the church because I believed it to be constricting and judgemental. I have recently converted to paganism and was, for a time, quite happy but it’s starting to feel too unstructured. Now I’m having trouble finding how to separate or combine my past beliefs and my present, any advice?

The nature of your spiritual beliefs is really more a claim as to what you hope lies beyond human perception, than a question of what you know or claim to know. Basically, don't let any holy text(s) stop you from believing in something that makes sense to you. Meditate on what spiritual beliefs make sense to you because, at the end of the day, we're all just blindly stabbing at something we'll never fully comprehend, let alone know whether it even exists for sure, no matter how old and established your beliefs are.

Anonymous asked:

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist origination. 4 black people literally terrorized and harmed a special needs kid just for being white. They shouted "Fuck white people, fuck Donald Trump" live on Facebook. They're literally racist and a politically motivated hate group. I'm very disappointed in you...

I’m extremely sorry that four black people did that to a special needs kid. There’s no excuse for that. I am not knowledgable on the situation you’re referring to, and I definitely want to look into that to better educate myself. At the same time, I would say do not let the actions of a few speak for a whole movement that is dealing with horrendous oppression. The post(s) in question that I believe you’re referring to isn’t/aren’t even in regards to a specific group. It’s saying black lives matter, despite their lives being put in danger by those in power every single day, including those inspired by the actions of Trump. It’s a statement. And to let the actions of a few speak for the majority, is exactly what makes you upset when they generalize all white people. If I can show any support in any way, as an act of solidarity, especially in these times, that is the LEAST I can do. To not feel in danger by those in power, that’s my privilege, and I think it’s important for me, for you, and for everyone to put ourselves in other people’s positions, asking why this movement is here in the first place. Again, I will look into the situation you’re referring to, because that definitely should not be taken lightly, but strongly consider those actions do not speak for a whole movement. The movement I support does not stand for that violence. It is a movement not born out of hate, but born out of the need to feel empowered and in control, to not be afraid. That is the movement I am proud to support. Thank you.


Those 4 individuals claimed no association with BLM.  It was the all lives matter group that said they did.  BLM even issued a statement saying this.

Very glad to know. Thank you for this addendum. Looked into it, and this is true, but also it was an adult, so I apologize for referring to him as a kid. Hopefully that situation was looked into on its own, because that is reprehensible, but it shouldn’t be tied to a movement that does not stand for it. 

This is a great example of a diplomatic answer! Thomas manages to respond to an impassioned and different point of view without denying their right to be upset, being condescending, or committing to agree or disagree with them immediately. He expresses his feelings on the topic respectfully. After part of the initial ask was proven to be mistaken, he acknowledged it without throwing it in the first person’s face. This is how our political discourse should be, polite. @thatsthat24 , adherent to the golden rule.


holy shit a political comic that frames a tablet as a means to gather information rather than The Millennial Brain Rot Device™

TLDR: Trump is the result of our inability to respectfully discuss our opinions. I included a how-to section for those wishing to change the world.

What did people expect would happen after this election? For eight years opposing opinions have been shouted down with cries of “Racism!” “Sexism!” “Homo-Islamic-Etc-phobia!” Voices were smothered because of their gender, race or sexuality. Even reasonable questions about policies and actions of the previous administration were met with deaf ears, hostility, and jeers of “Elections have consequences” from the beginning.

How is Trumpism any surprise? Some of it is an over correction. People who were marginalized for eight years jumped up to support the first person to really say, “I see you, and I care.” The tone of the Obama administration toward the opposition created Trump and his followers as surely as if they had custom designed them.

If you want something, you must start doing it yourself. If you want cooperation and respectful discourse, you must use it first and consistently. If you want your rights to be protected, you must protect the rights of those with whom you do not agree. Think on your actions over the last eight years. Do you want Trump and his supporters to treat you exactly the way you treated them, conservatives, and the tea party? If not, start treating everyone the way you want to be treated.

The change will not be quick, it will probably take all four years at least to begin repairing the damage done to our country’s political discourse. Think of an abused animal, will it immediately come to your hand just because you’re not the one who kicked it? Well, conservatives, tea partyers and Trumpers have been kicked, maybe not by you, but that doesn’t mean they will trust or respect you enough to really have a dialogue with you immediately.

You can start today. Just find someone you know doesn’t agree with you and sit down with them. Ask them why they feel and vote the way they do. You don’t have to say anything. Just listen. Be polite. Be sincere. Really Listen. Do not just think of how to respond while their mouth is moving. After they’re done, if you want, you can just say “thank you for talking to me” and not bring it up again, or, you can think about what they said and come back to it later and say “I’ve been thinking about what you said about _____. I feel differently about it because _______.”

You have just begun what may be a successful exchange of ideas on a topic. You may learn new information that changes your opinion. You may change their opinion. CHANGING YOUR OPINION AS NEW INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK OR STUPID. IT MEANS YOU ARE A MATURE, THINKING PERSON! Who knows! Be open to change and respectful. Research your own opinions and those of others. You may be surprised.

Be the change you want to see in the world.


reblog if ur blog is anti-nazi

if ur a nazi or neo-nazi or support nazi ideologies let this be a fucking harsh message that ur not welcome on this blog and I hope you get socked in the face

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