

@reginaeinferos / reginaeinferos.tumblr.com

coffee. cats. aspiring socialist dictator.

Then if pregnancy isnt a disease why do we need very specific doctors to treat pregnant people?

Pregnant women don’t go to disease specialists, they go to doctors designed to aid them through their pregnancy. Stop trying to claim I’m saying all doctors are bad, I’m saying simply ABORTION DOCTORS treat pregnant women like they have diseases. Abortion is NOT health care because health care actually cares about the body it’s treating. Abortion does not. It’s you who seems to think being pregnant is like having cancer, which is foolish.

Theres no such thing as an "abortion doctor" someone who provides abortions is called a "doctor" and they're the same kind of doctor that treat pregnant people because abortion is another form of care needed in some situations. Get over it.


You're right, lots of animals can become corpses. That doesn't make animals people.


"Planned Parenthood's perfect target" what does that even MEAN?


The founder of Planned Parenthood hated black people. I never see the pro aborts talk about that??

She actually didn't. Yes. She was racist by today's standards but in her time she was no more racist than the average person. She was also friends with W. E. B. DuBois and ran a clinic in Harlem with an all Black staff and she refused to tolerate any racism in her clinics. Just more lies from an organization founded in lies.


The ableism in the pro-“choice” community is absolutely appalling.

Not wanting a child to be born to suffer is ableist. Kay.


Then if pregnancy isnt a disease why do we need very specific doctors to treat pregnant people?


Here’s another absolutely ridiculous and absurd lie from prolife-feminist. 

I think it goes without saying that this is absolutely NOT how abortion works and people entering the fifth month and then seeking an abortion are almost always people who have a wanted pregnancy but who had a tragic turn of events such as a severe illness that required an abortion before treatment could start (such as cancer), or who’s child had a lethal mutation that would end in a stillbirth.

Unfriendly reminder that people who send threats to and occasionally murder people in abortion clinics use lies like this as a justification and not matter what side of this debate you are on, there is NO excuse to spread such dangerous misinformation.  

No abortion takes three days to complete, most last less than 45 minutes and the longest ones require preparation time of a day. Also, that's not how a D&X abortion works. These people are such liars.


A fetus is not a person, this is not biology. It is unethical to make someone continue and unwanted pregnancy.


Friendly reminder that Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the Center for Victims of Torture, three of the most important international organizations for fighting against human rights abuses and fighting for human rights, are all pro choice and all describe a lack of access to safe and legal abortion to be a dangerous violation of human rights.

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