
Blue Team Trash

@wishwashington / wishwashington.tumblr.com

Alyx | 16 | Genderfluid | They/Them
Demisexual | Polyamorous
Constantly wondering the age old question...who am I going to sell my soul to next?

When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small.


oh god relisten to it with this in mind and good god, you will cry.

Mummified my teenage dreams No it’s nothing wrong with me The kids are all wrong, The story’s all off Heavy metal broke my heart

or how about

We’ve been here forever And here’s the frozen proof I could scream forever We are the poisoned youth

And the fact that this song was used as an NFL anthem and was probably ingrained in the heads of a bunch of transphobic assholes without them knowing has me LIVING!!!!


this is this guy’s entire tinder bio and i am OBSESSED with how it is phrased


it is pretty hard to find solid statistics on wolf attacks, but as far as i can tell, wolves in north america kill way way way less than one person a year, which means that forces more deadly to us than wolves include: dogs, ice fishing, and getting crushed by a falling flat screen tv.

…further complications to trying to write non-ridiculous angst into a werewolf story

“you don’t understand…i’ve done things under the full moon that i can never take back…one time i ate a squirrel”



“i have pooped in the woods and now must go brood about it. don’t try to follow me. 

…and seriously, be careful around your flatscreen, it is probably heavier that you think.”


European wolves (before they were hunted into extinction in most areas) attacked humans purposefully a lot; it’s in the historical record.

North American gray wolves have a natural fear of humans and attack people very rarely, really only when threatened or starving.

So like, imagine, like, a divide between people who got infected with Old World and New World lycanthropy.  One makes you this dangerous beast that sees humans as a viable food source an another makes you perceive humans as a threat.  Imagine people getting it wrong!

Some shady paranormal group capturing a werewolf to use as security but it just runs away when people trespass.

Some hunters go deep into the woods to murder a werewolf clan for their pelts but it turns out they’ve isolated themselves so deeply because they have the European strain and none of the hunters survive.

New werewolves are so confused because the websites give conflicting advice:  get yourself to your nearest national park when you’re about to turn and just let yourself run free; if you try to cage yourself the claustrophobia and the smell of people will make you panic and you could really hurt yourself or someone else.


If you’re anywhere near human civilization you must make sure you turn in a closed space that you can’t escape from in wolf form or you’ll definitely kill someone.  Just try to take a nap during the full moon, OK.

And they’re like, WHAT DO I DO WHICH ONE DO I HAVE?

updated position: at the end of the day, there are, in fact, a number of possible compelling werewolf problems

case in point, the global werewolf cultural divide!

on the subject of the global werewolf cultural divide, another update, per wikipedia:

Wolves from different geographic locations may howl in different fashions: the howls of European wolves are much more protracted and melodious than those of North American wolves, whose howls are louder and have a stronger emphasis on the first syllable. The two are however mutually intelligible, as North American wolves have been recorded to respond to European-style howls made by biologists (x)

that’s right guys: wolves have accents


@grampa-lion I know you’ll fanboy over this


Splash Mountain Photos



It’s funnier everytime I see it.

still one of my all time favourite posts

this should be a new drawing challenge, draw the squad at splash mountain

I wish I could draw

OK guys you heard the deactivated blog. Draw the baddies going down Splash Mountain!

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